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CNC Machining.

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Presentation on theme: "CNC Machining."— Presentation transcript:

1 CNC Machining

2 CNC Overview Computer Numerical Control machining is a subtractive method 5 axes of control at most, 3 axes of control at the UC, Irvine CNC machine Tolerance limits are determined by accuracy of x-y tables CNC has the highest relative tolerances of any manufacturing method

3 Preparing Produce model of part using SolidWorks or AutoCAD, this is saved as a CAD file Convert CAD file to CAM file Put CAM file into CNC machine Ensure that the x-y table is level and aligned

4 Raw Material For the demonstration: Al - 7”x7”x.25”
Determine dimensions of and mount work piece

5 Calibration Find x=0 and y=0 coordinates a corner of the work piece using the edge finder Find relative height of each tool using the dial indicator and input measurement into CNC machine

6 Tool List Select tools and place in collets
Arrange tool in order to be used

7 Machining Run CAM file on the CNC machine Change tools when prompted
Use jets and lubricants were needed to cool work piece

8 Finishing Piece Perform tertiary operations after removing from CNC machine Clean off lubricants Clean up lab

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