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Code Switching Shaw.

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1 Code Switching Shaw

2 Standards: Code Switching
Today’s task: Create a “How To” video/book to help students in alternative schools learn to code switch. Your book should model formal and informal behavior as well as explain why code switching is important. Rubric- Your video/book should include: 2 formal examples 2 informal examples Each formal example should include a 3 sentence summary explaining why it is appropriate to behave this way in this setting Each informal example should include a 3 sentence summary explaining why it is inappropriate to behave this way in this setting

3 Bellwork: How do you respond?
Directions: You will receive a handout with incomplete messages between you and others. You must complete the messages. Your messages must stick to the subject and be appropriate for the person you are sending to! Your response must be at least 3 sentences. Example: #1. To: Friend Subject: Fight at school Text: To: Mom Subject: Fight at school Text: To: Mom Subject: Fight at school Text: Hey Mom, there was a fight at school today. Don’t worry I’m ok and noone was hurt. To: Friend Subject: Fight at school Text: Girrrrllll!!! Did you see Keisha get popped on! Dat junt was funny!!! #1. To: 3 year old niece Subject: Racism Text: To: 20 year old young man #2. To: Pastor Subject: Drugs To: Friend Text #3. To: Teacher Subject: Dating To: Father #4. To: Your crush Subject: Your mother To: Your sister #5 To: Person interviewing you Subject: Experience with babysitting To: Your bff/homie

4 Bellwork Breakdown I gave each of you a number when you walked in.
If I pull your number you must share your answer and explain why your text conversation changed. (Your text conversation should have changed!!!) What’s the term for changing your behavior/language to fit your environment?

5 Connection •Today, you will learn: How to code switch.
•Why is this important?: Adjusting your behavior to fit your environment is essential to your success. •Today’s Text: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air clips •Today’s Task:Create a “How To” video/book to help students in alternative schools learn to code switch. Your book should model formal and informal behavior as well as explain why code switching is important.

6 Frontloading Code switching is the act of changing your language, habits, and behavior based on who you are around. Lets watch! VS.

7 Social Media Create 2 Facebook posts that you would feel ashamed of if your future employer saw. Create 2 posts that you would be proud to show your future employer.

8 Tiered Tasks Describe your 1st formal scenario.
Time Allotted Assignment Tier #1 6 minutes Describe your 1st formal scenario. Tier #2 8 minutes Describe your 1st formal scenario and write a 3 sentence summary explaining why it is appropriate to behave this way for your 1st formal scenario. Today’s Task 15 minutes Create a “How To” video/book to help students in alternative schools learn to code switch. Your book should model formal and informal behavior as well as explain why code switching is important. Decide which students will begin in which tier. True differentiation does not require all students to complete all assignments. The “TIER 1” assignment should utilize verbs from the KNOWLEDGE level of Bloom’s. *In the KNOWLEDGE level of Bloom’s, students remember/recall previously learned information. The verbs to use in this level are: arrange, define, describe, duplicate, identify, label, list, match, memorize, name, order, outline, recognize, relate, recall, repeat, reproduce, select, state The “TIER 2” assignment should utilize verbs from the COMPREHENSION and APPLICATION levels of Bloom’s. *In the COMPREHENSION level of Bloom’s, students demonstrate an understanding of the facts. The verbs to use in this level are: classify, convert, defend, describe, discuss, distinguish, estimate, explain, express, extend, generalized, give examples, identify, indicate, infer, locate, paraphrase, predict, recognize, rewrite, review, select, summarize, translate *In the APPLICATION level of Bloom’s, students apply knowledge to actual situations. The verbs to use in this level are: apply, change, choose, compute, demonstrate, discover, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, manipulate, modify, operate, practice, predict, prepare, produce, relate, schedule, show, sketch, solve, use, write Today’s Task is simply copied from slide 2 of this presentation. This is the last assignment students will complete before leaving class. Students only have 12 minutes to complete this assignment and timing for this assignment will continue on the next few slides. What questions will you ask students while they are working? Knowledge level question stems (samples) What happened after ...? How many ...? Who was it that ... ? Can you name the ... ? Describe what happened at...? Can you tell why ... ? Find the meaning of ... ? What is ...? Which is true or false ... ? Comprehension level question stems (samples) Can you write in your own words...? Can you write a brief outline ... ? What do you think could of happened next ... ? Who do you think ... ? What was the main idea ... ? Can you distinguish between ... ? What differences exist between. ..? Can you provide an example of what you mean ... ? Can you provide a definition for ... ? Application level question stems (samples) Do you know another instance where ... ? Could this have happened in ... ? Can you group by characteristics such as ... ? What factors would you change if ... ? Can you apply the method used to some experience of your own ... ? What questions would you ask of ... ? From the information given, can you develop a set of instructions about ... ? Would this information be useful if you had a ... ? Analysis level question stems (samples) Which events could have happened ...? If ... happened, what might the ending have been? How was this similar to ... ? What was the underlying theme of ... ? What do you see as other possible outcomes? Why did ... changes occur? Can you compare your ... with that presented in ... ? Can you explain what must have happened when ... ? What are some of the problems of ... ? Can you distinguish between ...? What were some of the motives behind ... ? What was the turning point in the game? Synthesis level question stems (samples) Can you design a ... to ... ? Why not compose a song about ...? Can you see a possible solution to ... ? If you had access to all resources how would you deal with ... ? Why don't you devise your own way to deal with ... ? What would happen if ...? How many ways can you ... ? Can you create new and unusual uses for ... ? Can you write a new recipe for a tasty dish? Can you develop a proposal which would ... ? Evaluation level question (samples) Is there a better solution to ... Judge the value of. .. Can you defend your position about ... ? Do you think ... is a good or a bad thing? Explain. How would you have handled ... ? What changes to ... would you recommend? Are you a ... person? How do you know? How would you feel if ... ? How effective are … ? What do you think about ... ? What will students do who have completed all assignments?

9 Tier 1 Task Describe your 1st formal scenario.

10 Tier 2 Task Describe your 1st formal scenario and write a 3 sentence summary explaining why it is appropriate to behave this way for your 1st formal scenario.

11 Today’s Task Create a “How To” video/book to help students in alternative schools learn to code switch. Your book should model formal and informal behavior as well as explain why code switching is important.

12 Next Steps Create a script for our BTW infomercial.

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