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L161: TMA 2 For this assignment you need to explain a statement within the context of what you learned in Block 1. Read the following statement setting.

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Presentation on theme: "L161: TMA 2 For this assignment you need to explain a statement within the context of what you learned in Block 1. Read the following statement setting."— Presentation transcript:

1 L161: TMA 2 For this assignment you need to explain a statement within the context of what you learned in Block 1. Read the following statement setting out the benefits of foreign language learning: Learning another language helps you to see the world from new perspectives. Now write a short essay of 500–700 words. In the essay you should: explain the statement in the context of what you have learned in Block 1 use evidence and examples from the module materials to illustrate your explanation say whether, based on your own experience, you would agree or disagree with this claim and why L161 Preparation for TMA 2 Start by asking students to read the rubric for TMA2, and answer any questions they may have. The aim is not to discuss answers and arguments they may use in their TMA, but to make sure they understand what is required. The second slide shows the TMA guidance. Make sure students understand what is required. Groupwork: Split the students in groups of 3 or 4. Slides 3 and 4 have suggested essay titles that also deal with topics covered in book 1. You can either have all the groups working on the same question, or give them different questions. Each group discusses how they would answer an essay on that question. It is important that they think of the key concepts (from the glossary) they would use to discuss the topic, and that of evidence and examples from the module material. They then produce a short plan for their essay together (bullet points are enough). (You will need to put copies of the essay questions on slides 3 an/or 4 in the breakout rooms before the session). Feedback: in plenary, they explain how they would tackle the essay question. Other students can give feedback, especially re the use of key concepts and relevant evidence and examples. Slide 1

2 Guidance for TMA 02 For this TMA it is important to bring together relevant sections from different parts of Block 1, in particular the connection between language and culture (Units 2 and 3) and the advantages of bilingualism and multilingualism (Unit 6). When marking your assignment, your tutor will look at your understanding of the concepts covered and your ability to relate these to the statement you are asked to discuss. You should expand on the statement and relate it to your own experience. Credit will be given for your appropriate use of relevant glossary terms covered in the module so far. Your essay should have a simple structure with an introduction, a central part containing the explanation, and a conclusion expressing your own opinion. Your tutor will expect you to write in the formal and impersonal style of an academic essay, so informal language should be avoided. The word limit for this essay is binding. If you write more than 700 words, your tutor has to disregard it. Slide 2

3 L161: TMA 2, Group 1 “A different language is a different vision of life.” – Federico Fellini, Italian film director explain the statement in the context of what you have learned in Block 1 use evidence and examples from the module materials to illustrate your explanation say whether, based on your own experience, you would agree or disagree with this claim and why Key concepts for the essay: Plan the essay: - Introduction - Body: Conclusion: Slide 3

4 L161: TMA 2, Group 2 “Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe explain the statement in the context of what you have learned in Block 1 use evidence and examples from the module materials to illustrate your explanation say whether, based on your own experience, you would agree or disagree with this claim and why Key concepts for the essay: Plan the essay: - Introduction - Body: Conclusion: Slide 4


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