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Waves Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Waves Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waves Vocabulary

2 Amplitude Definition: The height of a wave from resting position to crest or to trough.

3 Crest vs. Trough Crest: Highest point of a wave
Trough: Lowest point of a wave

4 Wavelength The distance from any point on a wave to an identical point on the next wave

5 Frequency The number of waves that pass by in a given time
Out of the pictures below, which one has high frequency and which one has low?

6 Hertz SI unit for measuring frequency Symbol is Hz

7 Wave Period The time that it takes for a complete cycle or wave oscillation to occur

8 Transverse Wave A transverse wave is a wave that travels horizontally while the wave particles move vertically (perpendicular to one another)

9 Longitudinal Wave Longitudinal waves are waves that have the same direction of vibration along their direction of travel

10 Compression vs. Rarefaction
Compression: crowded areas of the wave or pulse Rarefaction: Stretched out areas of the wave or pulse

11 Standing Wave A standing wave, also known as a stationary wave, is a wave that remains in a constant position.

12 Node vs. Antinode Node: point of no vibration
Antinode: point of maximum vibration

13 Constructive Interference
When two waves added together make a larger wave

14 Destructive Interference
When two waves added together produce a smaller wave

15 Wave Speed Formula: speed=frequency x wavelength

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