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Review Chapter 13: Earth, Moon and Beyond

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1 Review Chapter 13: Earth, Moon and Beyond
Teacher Imarlys Cajigas 5th grade Science

2 The star at the center of our solar system…
Antares Betelgeuse Sirius Sun The star at the center of our solar system…

3 Revolution Rotate Orbit Equator To spin on an axis…

4 An imaginary line that passes through Earth’s poles…
Planet Orbit Axis Equator An imaginary line that passes through Earth’s poles…

5 Axis Equator Asteroid belt Solstice An imaginary line going all the way around Earth halfway between the north and south pole.

6 How long does it take on Earth to complete one rotation?
1 year 24 hours 16 hours 365 days How long does it take on Earth to complete one rotation?

7 How long does it take to complete one revolution?
24 hours 1 year 29 days 1 week How long does it take to complete one revolution?

8 What season is in the northern hemisphere when the southern hemisphere points toward the sun?
Summer Winter Fall Spring

9 In Antarctica, why is it cold even in summer?
The rays of the sun hits directly. The rays of the sun are more spread out there. Because it has ice caps. Because penguins live there. In Antarctica, why is it cold even in summer?

10 What are the days with fewest and most hours of daylight called?
Equinoxes Solstice Summer Winter What are the days with fewest and most hours of daylight called?

11 When is Spring in the northern hemisphere which season is in the southern hemisphere?
Fall Summer Winter

12 What happens if you cross west the international date line?
You will travel to the previous day. You will travel to the next day. Nothing is the same hour. It will be 3 hours less. What happens if you cross west the international date line?

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