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The Solution The Technate

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1 The Solution The Technate
The geographical region of North America will be ruled by a group of experts called the Technate. The Technate will be concerned solely with the most efficient organisation for producing society’s needs.



4 The Solution 2. The Energy Certificate
Money will be replaced by the Energy Certificate, which cannot be hoarded or invested. Each citizen receives a book of certificates every year, entitling him or her to an equal share in goods produced.

5 Holder’s no.-- regional division -- job --smith’s number in group
Remaining units of purchasing power - day and time -- serial no. of machine -- serial no. of certificate Leather/lowshoes/mens/size/wide/last7/style8 .

6 The Solution 3. Work By the elimination of waste, the current standard of living can be maintained by each person working 16 hours/week between the ages of 25 and 40.

7 Technocracy and Communism
Isn’t technocracy just a form of communism? =

8 Technocracy Communism Attempts to regulate all aspects of life
Assumes a scarcity economy Rooted in the nineteenth century Concerned only with efficient production and distribution Assumes an economy of plenty Based on modern technology


10 The Denouement 1932: John Deventer, editor of Iron Age, shows that Scott’s Energy Survey is full of errors. 1933: Scott loses his temper during a radio show; American Engineering Council charges technocrats with unprofessional activity

11 1933: Committee on Technocracy splits into
the Continental Committee on Technocracy, headed by a committee… …and Technocracy, Inc, headed by Howard Scott


13 The official grey car, the official grey gabardine suit, the official grey shirt and the monad.


15 Technocracy also has a website,
…which is undergoing revisions; however it refers the reader to … …which no longer exists…


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