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Activity 1 Describe the Tree

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1 Activity 1 Describe the Tree

2 Perception is not of something, if the “of” in that formula indicates a causal relation to something in the external world. The perception of a apple in his garden, perceptual sense, sensory experience Including not just what directly meets my eye, but also a vast background of assumptions, memories, associations and anticipations that make your experience. Tree image for you is not a 2D graph, it’s a 3d object with interior and exterior. Many hidden features you know. Shape size color, trunk looks strong.

3 Perception is the background of experience which guides every conscious action. The world is a field for perception, and human consciousness assigns meaning to the world. We cannot separate ourselves from our perceptions of the world. The world itself is interconnected, all objects relates by rules something.The so called consciousness, our personal perception of the world, your perception is maybe right or wrong.

4 According to Merleau-Ponty, the human body is an expressive space which contributes to the significance of personal actions. The body is also the origin of expressive movement, and is a medium for perception of the world. Bodily experience gives perception a meaning beyond that established simply by thought. Thus, Descartes’ cogito ("I think, therefore I am") does not account for how consciousness is influenced by the spatiality of a person’s own body. Your body has senses may have different perception from your thought.

5 Existence is a condition that includes the existence of conscious beings and of nonconscious things. Bodily experience is an ambiguous mode of existence, because the idea of the body cannot be separated from the experience of the body, and because mind and body cannot be separated as subject and object. The mind and body each have their own being, and the perceptions of the body influence what is perceived by the mind. Refer to trauma, the physical injured will has impact on one’s mental health.

6 Speech can express the thoughts of the person who is speaking, and the listener can receive thoughts from the sounds of spoken words. Thoughts may exist through speech, and speech may be the external existence of thought. But speech is not merely the expression of thought, because speech may have a power of signification of its own. Speech ( mouth, voice, emotion maybe give extra power of signification of its own.)

7 Activity 2 Describe the class room.
Space may be defined as a form of external experience, rather than as a physical setting in which external objects are arranged. The relationships between objects in space are revealed by the experience of the perceiving subject(you). A perceptual field is a field in which perceptions are present in time and space. Space is modified and restructured by time. In relation to architecture, the class room is different in the morning, afternoon and night. Empty, full of people. When We design the space we just design our perception at a certain time. For instance, two people using it. Ten people using it, the space is different in terms of your perception. To ‘see’ is not just from my present location but to reach into its manifold angles and relations; “the object is seen from all times just as it is seen from all places”.

8 Merleau-Ponty argues that consciousness is transparent in that it is not concealed from itself. The unconscious may be concealed from the conscious, but the conscious can be revealed to itself. Both appearance and reality are phenomena of consciousness. Appearances may be true or false, and may or may not be the same as reality. The false appearance of a perceptual object may conceal its true reality. However, the actual appearance of a perceptual object may also manifest the object’s true reality. Thus, phenomenology is concerned both with appearance as a perceptual phenomenon, and with reality as a perceptual phenomenon.

9 A house it self is the house seen from nowhere. The house is different
From different perspectives, inside and outside. I may argue that when you design one building, designers apply his ideas everywhere. For instance, sydney opera house, every where can see the sea. Try to show designer’s perception to the public.

10 Jørn Utzon wants to express his perception of this building to all visitors when they percept these spaces.

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