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Gov Review Video #30: The Executive Office

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Presentation on theme: "Gov Review Video #30: The Executive Office"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gov Review Video #30: The Executive Office
Everything You Need To Know About The Executive Office To Succeed In Gov

2 What Is The Executive Office?
Created in 1939 under FDR Made up of several agencies, but predominantly: White House Office National Security Council Council of Economic Advisers Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Agencies report directly to the president

3 White House Office 100s of other staff members
Headed by the Chief of Staff - “right hand man” Manages schedule and access to president Press Secretary - provides daily briefings to the press about policies and the administration White House Chief Strategist - newly created position (2016), close adviser to the president None of these positions require Senate approval

4 National Security Council
Created under Truman’s administration (1947) Advise the president on military and foreign policy Key Members: President, Vice-President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense

5 Council of Economic Advisers
3 members, appointed by the President Prepare annual economic report for the president Aid the president on policies about inflation, unemployment, etc.

6 Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
The president is required to prepare a budget by early February OMB prepares the president’s proposed federal budget OMB is in contact with federal agencies regarding their budgets Major predictor of funding for an agency? Last year’s budget Mick Mulvaney Requires Senate Approval

7 Test Tips Multiple-Choice: OMB and predicting the budget
Purpose of: Chief of Staff, Press Secretary Free Response: Presidential policy-making

8 See You Back Here For Video #31 - Presidential War Powers, Approval, and Policy Making
Thanks for watching Good luck in May!

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