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Options 2018.

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1 Options 2018

2 Pupils Careers Options

3 stay in full-time education, eg at a college start an apprenticeship
All young people are now expected to continue in education or training until 18. The choices are: stay in full-time education, eg at a college start an apprenticeship work or volunteer (for 20 hours or more a week) whilst in part-time education or training

4 Level 2 Level 1 Level Old GCSE Grades New GCSE Vocational A* 9 8 D2* A
7 D2 B 6 M2 B/C 5 C 4 P2 Level 1 D 3 D1 E 2 M1 F/G 1 P1

5 Department for Education
All students aged 16 to 18 studying for 150 hours or more [1 day/week or more] and who do not hold a GCSE grade 9 to 4 in Maths and/or English, are required to study these subjects as part of their study programme in each academic year

6 The new GCSEs in English and mathematics set higher expectations; they demand more from all students and provide further challenge for those aiming to achieve top grades. The new Maths GCSE will be more demanding with additional content, greater assessment and an anticipation that schools will need to increase the time spent teaching. Reformed GCSEs will be more demanding Non-exam assessments will be removed or reduced in the majority of GCSEs

7 Progress 8 was significantly above average and in the highest 10% for the following groups of pupils: high prior attainers

8 Options 2018 All pupils will study GCSE Religious Education
GCSE English Language GCSE English Literature GCSE Mathematics GCSE Combined Science [Double] Physical Education Options 2018

9 Options 2018 Option Subjects: GCSEs Option Subjects: Vocational
· Art, Craft & Design · Computer Science · Design & Technology · Drama · Food & Nutrition · French · Geography · German · Graphics · History · Music · Photography · Physical Education · Spanish · Triple Science Options 2018 Option Subjects: Vocational · BTEC Health & Social Care · OCR Nationals iMedia

10 Level 1 Vocational Courses
Maximum Grade: Grade P1 Horticulture Construction

11 Options 2018 Research the Options
If you know what you want to study when you leave school, make sure you know what subjects you need to study in Years 10 and 11 Most Level 3 Vocational courses & Advanced Apprenticeships require 5 GCSEs at Grade 4 or above, including English & Maths For A Levels check individual entry requirements Options 2018

12 Blackburn College Level 3 Extended Diploma Health & Social Care
5 GCSEs with a mixture of Grades 4/5/6 including Maths and English

13 Myerscough College Level 3 Advanced Technical Certificate
Landscape, Horticulture or Sports Turf English GCSE at grade 4 or higher plus a minimum of three others GCSEs at grade 4 or higher, including Maths or Science. Myerscough College

14 Blackburn College Plumbing Level 2 Level 1 plumbing course
OR four GCSEs at Grade 4 to include Maths, English Language, ICT and Science.

15 Advanced Apprenticeship
Engineering: Royal Mail Salary: £11,728 - £18,658 Work towards your Mechatronics Trailblazer standard NVQ Level 3 in Engineering Operations and membership with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Advanced Apprenticeship Minimum of five  GCSEs at Grade C [4] or above including Maths, English and Science

16 Higher Apprenticeship
Quantity Surveyor: Manchester Salary: £250 / week [£13 000/year] HNC Quantity Surveying (Level 4) Higher Apprenticeship 8 GCSEs at grade A*-C with a minimum of grade 5 in Maths and English

17 A Level Computer Science
Minimum 2 GCSEs at grade 6 3 GCSEs at grade 5 A Levels A Level Computer Science English Language: Grade 5 Maths: Grade 6 Science: 1xGrade 6 A Level German German: Grade 6


19 Useful A Levels Art Mathematics Design Tech Physics
Architecture Useful A Levels Art Mathematics Design Tech Physics

20 Speech Therapy Essential A levels
Some degrees want a Science such as Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Speech Therapy Useful A Levels Foreign Language, English, Psychology.

21 Useful A Levels English History
Law Useful A Levels English History

22 Italian or another Language such as French, German or Spanish
Essential A levels Italian or another Language such as French, German or Spanish Italian Useful A Levels Another Modern Foreign Language, English Lit, History, Politics

23 University of Liverpool
Medicine A Levels Minimum of AAA: A (Chemistry); A ( Biology); A (3rd academic A-level). University of Liverpool GCSEs GCSEs in 9 separate subject areas and at least a score of 15 points or better (where A*/A = 2; B = 1) from the nine including: 2 x Science (or Biology, Chemistry, and Physics), English Language, and Mathematics (all at least grade B). Preference will be given to applicants with a higher GSCE score.

24 Degree Apprenticeship
Software Engineering Degree Apprenticeships £17,539 pa – GCHQ Manchester Degree Apprenticeship As well as a strong interest in programming and technology, you will have three A-levels at BBC or above, including at least  2 x Bs in Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths related subjects

25 Degree Apprenticeship
Engineering: Jaguar Land Rover Starting Salary: £18 500 BEng (Hons) Degree in Applied Engineering Degree Apprenticeship A Levels: Maths and either Further Maths/Physics/Chemistry/Technology or Engineering subject at C grade or above. GCSE: Maths [Higher Level] and English grade 4-9. Additionally, three GCSEs including Science, Engineering or Technology at C Grade or above,

26 Triple Science Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Pupils who have a keen interest in Science and are working consistently at Grade 4 or above Pupils who may wish to go on to study Science at ‘A’ or ‘AS’ level Combined Science Biology Biol 1 Biol 2 Biol 3 Chemistry Chem 1 Chem 2 Chem 3 Physics Phys 1 Phys 2 Phys 3 Biol 1 Chem 1 Phys 1 Biol 2 Chem 2 Phys 2 Pupils will study science each day Pupils will study science each day and twice on some days

27 Music Performance is 30% of the course.
You can be assessed through singing instead of playing an instrument. You can perform pop or classical pieces.

28 Graphic Communication
Photography Drawing Portraiture Location Photography Studio Photography Experimental Imagery Fashion Photography Documentary Photography Photo-journalism Moving Image Graphic Communication Drawing Communication Graphics Print Making Illustration Package Design Typography Multi-media Advertising & Branding Signage Art, Craft & Design Drawing Painting 3D Sculpture Printmaking Textiles Photography Mixed Media / Collage

29 Environmental Impacts Most suitable for pupils with
OCR Nationals iMedia Compulsory Units Pre-production Skills Digital Graphics Optional Units Game Concepts Digital Animation Digital Games Digital Sound Digital Video Websites Story Telling 2D & 3D Digital Characters GCSE Computer Science Programming Cyber Security Networks Data eg Binary System Ethical, Legal & Environmental Impacts Most suitable for pupils with good logical reasoning and/or mathematical skills

30 GCSE Design & Technology
Design Technology elements combined to create one new GCSE: papers and boards timber metals polymers textiles electronic & mechanical systems No longer possible to study separate Design Technology GCSEs in: Electronic Products Graphic Products Product Design Resistant Materials Textiles ‘Design Brief’ at the end of Year 10 eg *contemporary home *a high profile event



33 Enjoy Teachers Achieve Friends Future Career

34 We cannot guarantee to run the same courses each year.
The final options offered depend on staffing and on the interests of the year group. Representatives from post 16 providers will be available at Year 9 Parents’ Evening to offer advice on college entry requirements. Mrs Wilkinson will be available to offer advice during Year 9 Parents’ Evening. Completed option forms should be returned to Mrs Munro by Friday 23rd February 2018.

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