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ANAB AQMS Activity 2011 ~ Year so far January 2011

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1 ANAB AQMS Activity 2011 ~ Year so far January 2011

2 AQMS 2011 (including last ¼ of 2010) Overview
Accredited Certification Bodies (CBs) 36 AS9100 11 AS9110 28 AS9120 Applicant CBs 4 AS9110 Increased Surveillance Frequency 1 CB (twice per year for office assessments) 1 CB (twice per year for AQMS witnessed audits) Suspensions 1 Voluntary (withdrawn) 1 nonconforming (lifted) Withdrawals Alliance, voluntary, merged with AQA 01 Nov 2010

3 Transition 9100/9110/9120:2009 33 Completed (in OASIS) 3 In process
Heads Up 170, 175, 181 All CB’s applied prior to 1 Jan 2011 (no suspensions) Requiring transition plan information; communications with customers, audit day calculation process, multiple site process

4 Aerospace Complaints against ANAB-accredited CBs

5 2010 Aerospace Complaints 346 (Feb 2010) – Alleging a CB transferred an AS9100 certified client without following the transfer process. It was determined throughout the investigation and review of CB records that the complaint was not valid. Closed, invalid Complaints in italics were provided previously and has no changes. Complaints in bold are new or were updated since the last meeting.

6 2010 Aerospace Complaints 347 (Mar 2010) – An OEM issued a complaint against a CB for not closing their nonconformity(s) in a timely and appropriate fashion. Additional action was taken by ANAB and the CB took additional action. Closed, with action Complaints in italics were provided previously and has no changes. Complaints in bold are new or were updated since the last meeting.

7 2010 Aerospace Complaints 358 (July 2010) – An AQMS accredited CB has an arrangement with another body that include AS certification activities. The other activities of that other body are questionable and may include management system consulting. It was determined the organization was not consulting, but they were misleading in their advertising/marketing. Closed, with action Complaints in italics were provided previously and has no changes. Complaints in bold are new or were updated since the last meeting.

8 2010 Aerospace Complaints 364 (Oct 2010) – An OEM issued a complaint against a CB for numerous findings issued during 2010 oversight. Open, needs action (by ANAB) Complaints in italics were provided previously and has no changes. Complaints in bold are new or were updated since the last meeting.

9 2010 Aerospace Complaints 367 (Nov 2010) – Against ANAB
An ANAB Assessor took an organization’s Manual back to the hotel to review during a WA. Closed, with action Complaints in italics were provided previously and has no changes. Complaints in bold are new or were updated since the last meeting.

10 ANAB Aerospace Appeals
A91 – Received Dec 2010 – Open, hearing being scheduled Appealing several NCR’s from an AQMS witnessed audit Will be heard in early February Appeals in italics were provided previously. Appeals in bold are new.

11 2011 ANAB Office Assessments & Witnessed Audits
41 required (5 additional) 34 confirmed 7 unscheduled Witnessed Audits 38 required (2 additional) 17 confirmed or tentative with dates 21 unscheduled

12 2010 NCR’s (final) Office Assessments
22 NCR’s to aerospace requirements during 42 office assessments 5 majors (2 originally minor, escalated due to timing) 140 NCR’s to ISO or general requirements during 42 office assessments 16 majors (3 originally minor, escalated due to timing) Witnessed Audits 61 (18 to AS requirements) NCR’s issued during 40 witnessed audits 22 majors (9 originally minor, escalated due to timing)

13 2010 Common NCR’s (223 total)

14 Questions / Comments

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