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1 The session will commence at 12.30 Please mute your microphone
Data Security and Protection Toolkit Welcome The session will commence at 12.30 Please mute your microphone Presented by: John Hodson NHS Digital

2 What is the Data Security and Protection Toolkit
Online data security self assessment Replacement for the IG Toolkit Lets organisations measure themselves against the NDG Data Security Standards Provides help for organisations with support to comply with GDPR All organisations that process health and care data should complete a Data Security and Protection Toolkit

3 Why data security is important
It’s about Trust! “Trust cannot be ensured without secure systems…” People trust the health and care system to protect information. Data Security must support digital transformation otherwise the risk of breaches increase and trust will be lost.

4 Why is it changing Static for a long period of time GDPR New threats
Move to continuous improvement model NDG Report Making the first step more straightforward for smaller organisations Provide intelligence to CQC for inspections.

5 Data Security and Protection Toolkit in numbers
Active Users 35 development sprints completed 11,600+ 14,800 Registered organisations Integrated GDPR + NIS Incident notification for streamlined automated reporting Feedback items 500+% Care Homes 580 Uptake so far* 8 Bugs Takes in account other recognised Certifications and systems 560 GDPR Incidents Reported to ICO Reported and fixed

6 What has changed? Move away from level 1,2,3 and towards ‘mandatory’ evidence items Removed duplication Aligned with NDG Standards and GDPR More concise requirements Documentary evidence only required where it adds value Exemptions for organisations which use NHSmail or have in place a relevant standard (PSN IA or Cyber Essentials PLUS)

7 Hardest requirements in DSPT
95% of all staff to have data security training List of systems holding or sharing personal information (information asset register) Data Protection Impact Assessments. Understanding your data flows Understand who has access to all your systems Organisations must survey their software for unsupported systems Organisations must ensure all networking components have had their default passwords changed. Adult Social Services and Public Health.

8 Iterative development

9 What is coming? New functionality in development* Entry level
accessibility and user interface improvements provide evidence for multiple organisations but not submitting public view peer benchmarking and enhanced reporting generate an action plan. * Not exhaustive

10 Incident Reporting Overview
An online tool for reporting GDPR notifiable incidents (health and care data) Applies to all organisations processing health and care personal data under contract Worked with ICO DHSC, NHS England and users Replacement of the IG SIRI Tool Guidance published and updated

11 Guidance for Care Providers for the Data Security and Protection Toolkit
Final version of this guidance includes: ‘Tool tips’ guidance to accompany the assertions in the new toolkit An updated Guide for Registered Managers An updated Guide for Staff ‘Big Picture’ Guides (overall view of 10 Data Standards, including ‘How to’ Guide with model answers). Available: 11

12 Help and support Register
Presentation developed to be used by IG Leads. FAQs including Training Tool. DSP Toolkit Support available through. Toolkit training and update events LGA newsletter article.

13 Demonstration

14 Questions?


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