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Lord of the Flies Day 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Lord of the Flies Day 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lord of the Flies Day 2

2 When you enter class… Remember to put your cell phone away… Take out
Grammar Guide

3 Place the commas 1. Thorough habitual hand washing is an ideal way to keep yourself healthy. Disinfecting contaminated classroom desks is another simple effective method for preventing the spread of viruses. 2. Marcy would you bring me the black TV remote? 3. I’d like to think Sean that there’s more to Pac Man than mindless diddle daddle. 4. Would you please keep an eye on the strange suspicious man Rufus?

4 Place the commas 1. Thorough, habitual hand washing is an ideal way to keep yourself healthy. Disinfecting contaminated classroom desks is another simple, effective method for preventing the spread of viruses. 2. Marcy, would you bring me the black TV remote? 3. I’d like to think, Sean, that there’s more to Pac Man than mindless diddle daddle. 4. Would you please keep an eye on the strange, suspicious man, Rufus?

5 Bravo! Bravo! <whistle noise>
Radium Girls was excellent! If you missed it, you missed out!

6 Today Warm-up: Commas Ch. 2 & 3 Quiz Group discussions
Evidence practice Blame Game HW: Read Ch. 4 of LOF Synthesis essay to Bring F451 book

7 Reminders Make up seminar extension: Wednesday.
Independent reading: how far are you? Essay due next class and No paper copy. No conferences 

8 Quizzes You have one week to make up missed quizzes.
Nothing on the desk except the test and unit guide. No pencil pouches or cell phones. Write your name on your quiz. Record your reading habits on your reading goals sheet.

9 Groups: Level 2 discussion
Confusions Observations Questions Significant quotes Connections Predictions (save this for last!)

10 Symbol: The beast How is it described (in Golding’s words)?
What do we associate with it? Which of these seem relevant to the symbol’s meaning? Jot down single words it could possibly represent. You’ll make a decision later in the book.

11 Not all evidence is equally convincing!
Claim: Fear is beginning to overpower the boys’ sense of reason. With your group, find specific evidence from page 52 to support this claim.

12 Evidence Which of the following quotes is strongest for supporting the claim? Which is most worth quoting? “Well, they’re frightened.” “[The littluns] dream. You can hear ‘em…. They talk and scream.” “As if it wasn’t a good island.” “The two older boys flinched when they heard the shameful syllable. Snakes were not mentioned now, were not mentionable.”

13 Explanation This shows that The boys’ flinching demonstrates their fear, but the irrationality of the fear is brought out by what causes the flinching: a mere word. Snakes. The idea that saying snake will somehow bring about harm—or trigger such a deep fear in the boys that it should not be mentioned at all—is ludicrous. Even though the boys must understand how preposterous this is, they still follow the illogical code that says not to mention snakes.

14 Assignment Work with your group to create a responsibility chart for the prompt. Defend your position with evidence and reasoning. Posters will score either 10, 8.5, or 7 points.

15 Blame Game Once you have created your poster…
Your poster will compete against two others in your row. The winning poster in each row—the one with the strongest argument, reasoning, and evidence—will be awarded 1 extra credit point.

16 Round 1 Who is to blame for the wild fire on the mountain and the subsequent disappearance of the “boy with the mulberry mark”? Round 1: You have 10 minutes to create a pie chart that assigns blame. I suggest making a list of those responsible first and then assigning percentages.

17 Poster Write your names on the top left corner (write small!).
Write only the names and percentages within each wedge of the pie chart (NO evidence or reasoning).

18 Round 2 You have 10 minutes Argue against the choices made by other groups in your same row. Use the text when applicable to make your point. Write only on the left side of the poster and outside the pie chart itself. Please include your initials next to your comments.

19 Round 3 Come back to your own poster and, on the right hand side, defend your positions. Use the text when applicable and be sure to respond directly to the opposing arguments. Draw lines when necessary.

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