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Electrochemistry Lesson 4 Using Oxidation Numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrochemistry Lesson 4 Using Oxidation Numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrochemistry Lesson 4 Using Oxidation Numbers

2 Using Oxidation Numbers
If the oxidation number of the central atom increases going from left to right, its oxidation. ClO2-  ClO4- Increase is oxidation +3 +7 oxidation reducing agent 4 electrons lost

3 Using Oxidation Numbers
If the oxidation number of the central atom decreases going from left to right, its reduction. NO3-  HNO2 +5 +3 decrease is reduction reduction 2 electrons gained oxidizing agent

4 Label the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent.
ReO4- + IO-  IO3- + Re Reduced Oxidized Ox Agent Red Agent

5 Label the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent.
3As2O NO H2O + 4H+  6H3AsO NO oxidized reduced red agent ox agent

6 Predicting Spontaneous Reactions Using the Standard Reduction Chart
Does Au3+ react with Cl-? If it does write the spontaneous reaction.

7 The top reaction is written forward- reduction
The bottom reaction is written in reverse- oxidation (Au e  Au(s)) 2 (2Cl-  Cl2(g) + 2e-) 3 2Au Cl-  3Cl2(g) Au(s)

8 Does Ag+ react with Br-?

9 nonspontaneous

10 Some ions are on both sides of the table and are oxidizing or reducing agents. For example:
Fe  Fe2+  Fe3+ Sn  Sn2+  Sn4+    Cu  Cu+  Cu2+

11 Does Sn2+ react with Cr?

12 spontaneous 3 (Sn2+ + 2e-  Sn(s)) 2 (Cr(s)  Cr3+ + 3e-)
Check both spontaneous 3 (Sn e-  Sn(s)) 2 (Cr(s)  Cr e-) 2Cr (s) Sn2+  2Cr Sn(s)

13 Can you keep HCl in a Cu container? Explain!

14 nonspontaneous

15 Can you keep HCl in a Cu container? Explain!
Yes, nonspontaneous. H+ is a weaker oxidizing agent than Cu2+ and Cu+.

16 Can you keep HCl in a Zn container? Explain!

17 Spontaneous- no H+ is a stronger oxidizing agent than Zn2+

18 Write the spontaneous reaction.
2H e  H2(g) Zn(s)  Zn e- 2H Zn(s)  H2(g) + Zn2+

19 Can you keep HNO3 in a Au container? Explain!


21 Can you keep HNO3 in a Au container? Explain!
Yes, nonspontaneous. HNO3 is a weaker oxidizing agent than Au3+.

22 Can you keep HNO3 in a Cu container? Explain!

23 Take the strongest ox agent- higher
Take the strongest red agent- lower

24 Can you keep HNO3 in a Cu container?
No, spontaneous. HNO3 is a stronger oxidizing agent than Cu2+. Write the spontaneous reaction. NO H e-  NO(g) H2O x 2 Cu(s)  Cu e- x 3 2NO H Cu(s)  2NO(g) H2O Cu2+

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