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Definite/Determinate Articles

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1 Definite/Determinate Articles
Specific Definite Articles

2 What is an article. The in English is a determinate article
What is an article? The in English is a determinate article. The determinate article that introduces a noun phrase and implies that the thing mentioned has already been mentioned, or is common knowledge, or is about to be defined. © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.


4 Masculine Singular Lo zaino (The Backpack)
Due to the fact the word starts with the letter, “Z.”

5 Due to the fact the word starts with the “S + a Consonant.”
Masculine Singular Lo studente (The Student) Due to the fact the word starts with the “S + a Consonant.”

6 Masculine Singular Il bambino (The Child) Ends in an “-O”

7 Masculine Singular Il dottore (The Doctor)
If word ends in –ore it is masculine.

8 Nouns that end in -e may be either masculine or feminine
Nouns that end in -e may be either masculine or feminine. Memorize the gender of these nouns as you learn them. masculine feminine esame exam ristorante restaurant automọbile car notte night © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

9 Masculine Singular L’esame (The Exam) Starts with a vowel.

10 Il ristorante (The Restaurant)
Masculine Singular Il ristorante (The Restaurant)

11 Masculine Singular L’hamburger (Hamburger)
If the word is masculine and starts with an “H” use “L’”

12 Nouns ending in a consonant or -ore are masculine, and nouns ending in -ione are feminine.
ạutobus bus computer dottore (male) doctor lezione lesson stazione station televisione television © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

13 Feminine Singular La notte (The Night)

14 L’automobile (The Car)
Feminine Singular L’automobile (The Car) Starts with a vowel

15 Feminine Singular La palla (The Ball) Ends in an “A”

16 Feminine Singular La studentessa (The Female Student)
If word ends in –essa it is feminine.

17 Feminine Singular La televisione (The TV)
If word ends in -ione it is feminine.

18 • The definite article (the) indicates a specific person or thing.
singular plural before . . . masculine a vowel l’autore the author gli autori the authors z or s + consonant lo sport the sport gli sport the sports other consonants il libro the book i libri the books feminine a vowel l’amica the friend le amiche the friends a consonant la casa the house le case the houses © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

19 Give One-Get One Write down in your notes one rule how to identify a which determinate article to use with Masculine Singular/Plural or Feminine Singular/Plural nouns. Be ready to discuss it with someone else. With your notes, talk to four other people in class and write their rule in your notes. You have eight minutes.

20 Provalo! (Give it a try!) Directions: Write the correct determinate article for the following words. 1. Studente 2. Televisione 3. Hamburger 4. Bambino 5. Università 6. Palla 7. Professoressa 8. Zaino 9. Donna 10. Stazione 11. Ristorante 12. Automobile

21 Masculine Plural Gli zaini (The Backpacks)
Starts with “Z” and ends in “I”

22 I bambini (The Children)
Masculine Plural I bambini (The Children) Ends in an “I”

23 Masculine Plural Gli studenti (The Students)
Starts with “S + Consonant” and ends in “I”

24 Feminine Plural Le palle (The Balls)

25 Feminine Plural Le studentesse (Female Student)
If word ends in –esse it is feminine.

26 If word ends in -ioni it is feminine and plural.
Feminine Plural Le televisoni (TV) If word ends in -ioni it is feminine and plural.

27 Feminine Singular L’università (The University)
It is singular because of the article. Only in the singular you drop the vowel and add apostrophe.

28 Feminine Plural Le università (The Universities)
It is plural because of the article. Strangely enough, in the plural you do not drop the vowel and add an apostrophe.

29 Masculine Plural Gli hamburger (The Hamburgers)
“L’” becomes “Gli” in the plural

30 Feminine Singular or Plural
La foto or Le foto (Is an abbreviation for fotografia meaning Photograph) Abbreviated words do not change in the plural

31 • The definite article (the) indicates a specific person or thing.
singular plural before . . . masculine a vowel l’autore the author gli autori the authors z or s + consonant lo sport the sport gli sport the sports other consonants il libro the book i libri the books feminine a vowel l’amica the friend le amiche the friends a consonant la casa the house le case the houses © and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.

32 Cloze Activity Add the proper determinate article. Airii mangia mela.
Alyssa beve acqua. Vincent legge libro. Antonio mangia hamburger. Nicole mangia pizza. Once complete, check your answers with your partner.

33 Provalo! (Give it a try!) Directions: Write the correct determinate article for the following words. 1. Studenti 2. Televisioni 3. Hamburger 4. Bambini 5. Università 6. Palle 7. Professoresse 8. Zaini 9. Donne 10. Stazioni 11. Ristoranti 12. Automobili

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