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2 Go to

3 Log in on the Top right hand side

4 Once logged in, select student grade
Click on tab for student grade

5 Once in correct grade, look for assigned “Strand”
Strands are listed as a letter and a number… Example: Strand A.1 Counting review-up to 10 G Strands

6 Click on the strand to open up the practice

7 On the practice screen…
The problem is given, some answers are typed, some are multiple choice. If having trouble, student can always go back and review These show how many questions a student has answered. The Smart Score helps students to see how they are progressing in the lesson. It will increase when a problem is correct and decrease when a problem is incorrect. Click when problem is answered

8 When a problem is answered incorrectly…
Students are given a clear explanation behind the process of completing this type of problem before given the next problem.

9 When a lesson is complete…

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