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Of Mice and Men 1937.

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1 Of Mice and Men 1937

2 Background Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck
About George Milton and Lennie Small Two displaced migrant ranch workers who move from place to place in California in search of new job opportunities During the Great Depression in the United States Focused on California’s laboring class Steinbeck used many of his own experiences as a bindle-stiff and a ranch hand for his book Steinbeck tackles many hard topics in the book that he was passionate about— He challenged society John Steinbeck Born in Salinas, California—1902 Stanford University Won a Nobel Prize in 1962 Died in 1968

3 Characters George: small, quick, clever and feisty; Lennie’s caretaker and friend. He becomes easily frustrated by Lennie, but he cares about him. George is one of the few people who understand Lennie. Lennie: large, clumsy, and incredibly strong; George’s friend. Lennie is like a child and mentally frail. He loves soft things and small animals. He is innocent and depends on George for direction and security. George and Lennie both have a dream to own their own ranch with rabbits and other animals and make a living. Candy: old ranch handyman. He lost his hand in an accident and worries about his age and future. Curley: the boss’s son. Mean, selfish, short, and always ready to pick a fight. Curley’s Wife: The only female character. Ranch men don’t like her. She is lonely. Crooks: colored stable-hand. Proud, bitter, and funny. Slim: skilled mule driver. “Prince” of the ranch. The Others loo to him for guidance.

4 Setting Salinas, California During the Great Depression
George and Lennie are bindle-stiffs They find work as Ranch -hands in Salinas They are leaving Soledad

5 Setting Bunk-house

6 “To a Mouse” The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men Gang aft agley.
(The best laid schemes of mice and men Often go awry.) Robert Burns

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