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Lipids Primary function store LONG TERM energy Contain C, H, and O

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1 Lipids Primary function store LONG TERM energy Contain C, H, and O
Contain more C-H bonds than carbs  better energy source Subunits are… Glycerol (containing a hydroxyl group -OH) Fatty acids (containing a hydrocarbon chain) Combine to form a triglyceride

2 Types of Lipids Fats Phospholipids Sterols Waxes

3 Functions Long term energy storage Cell Membranes Cushion Organs Insulates Body

4 Monomer - Triglycerides
3 fatty acids attached to 1 glycerol Triglycerides are most common Triglycerides store twice as much energy as complex carbs Unsaturated  one or more double bonds Saturated with only single bonds Fatty acid (unsat.) Glycerol Fatty Acid (saturated)

5 Saturated vs. Unsaturated
- Most animal fats Solid at room temperature Limit amount in your diet Contributes to heart disease Plants, vegetables, & fish fats Liquid at room temperature Better choice in your diet.

6 Phospholipids Hydrophobic fatty acid tails Phosphate head is hydrophilic (orange area) Main component of cell membranes

7 Sterols 4 fused carbon rings with functional groups
Cholesterol: most common type in animals Functions include: membrane components and hormones (testosterone & estrogen)

8 Waxes Tightly packed long-chain fatty acids linked to long-chain alcohols or carbon rings All repel water Found on the outer covering of a leaf (cuticle)

9 Lipid Lab Class Set: Write answers on separate sheet of paper
Don’t Glob. You want a light layer of each test. What does translucent mean?

10 Flipbook: Lipid Section
Answer Questions first. Then cut and glue the structure for a lipid. So you are cutting from the carbohydrate page and then gluing it to the BACKSIDE of the carb page.

11 What is the monomer for a lipid. Draw its nomenclature.
Thursday Closure: What is the monomer for a lipid. Draw its nomenclature. How do we test for lipids? What do we use lipids for? Homework: Lipid Worksheet (#6 on weebly)

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