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Introduction to Intervention Days

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1 Introduction to Intervention Days
English III

2 Agenda: What is I-day? What will we be doing on I-days?
Review of rubric Review of unit skills Kahoot

3 What is I-day? I-day is a day where teachers will STOP new instruction and focus on what we’ve already learned. It gives students a second chance to work on skills they may not have down yet or a chance to extend their understanding of those skills.

4 Why I-day? We understand students are busy outside school: jobs, taking care of family, sports, etc. Therefore, we have built in this extra time to the school day to help you succeed.

5 What will we do? If a whole class shows that they struggled with a certain skill, we will do whole-class re-teach and extra practice. Students who need extra practice with skills will get that. Students who have mastered skills will be challenged to extend their understanding of those skills. Sometimes, we will all be working on different things (AND THAT’S OKAY!)

6 What will we do? Everyone will get a grade report on I-days so you can see what you have scored on certain skills. Sometimes, you will need to prioritize: if you still need extra practice with several skills, you may have to choose one to focus on that I-day.

7 Questions?

8 Remember what the 4-point scale grades mean:
(M) NO EVIDENCE (0%): You did not turn it in OR you did not understand the skill at all. (1 or 1.5) NOT YET (50% or 60%): You at least tried the assignment. You might know definitions but still need lots of work on applying the concepts.

9 Remember what the 4-point scale grades mean:
(2) Approaching Expectations (75%): You completed the assignment and showed that you understand definitions and BASIC application. You still need extra practice. (2.5) Almost There (85%): You completed the assignment and showed that you understand definitions and application, but you made minor errors that show you need some extra practice on one or two small things.

10 Remember what the 4-point scale grades mean:
(3) Meets Expectations (92%): You completed the assignment and showed that you understand definitions and application with VERY minor errors. (In English, a 3 could probably be improved with further or more specific explanation.)

11 Remember what the 4-point scale grades mean:
(3.5 and 4) Exceeds Expectations (95% and 100%): You completed the assignment and you have shown that you understand the skill with DEPTH AND COMPLEXITY. These scores require showing INSIGHT or showing a PATTERN OF REPEATED UNDERSTANDING.

12 Review of Unit Skills During this mini-unit on identity, we have learned how to 1) Analyze an author’s visual and organizational structure 2) Analyze the author’s perspective, POV, purpose, and tone. Look at your grade print-out and circle anything you got a 2 or lower on. These are the skills you should be thinking about getting extra practice on. You can still do extra practice for a 2.5 too, but 2 and below should be your priority.

13 Kahoot Because we have not had an official assessment yet, we are going to do a whole-class extra practice today. We are going to play a game to review some of our unit skills. To log into kahoot, go to and enter the game PIN on the screen.

14 Exit Slip: Respond to the following questions on your own paper:
1) What questions do you still have about I day or standards-based grading? 2) Which of the skills we have covered so far do you feel you need help with most?

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