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The Meaning of RAMADAN Dr. Teresa Lesher, AWARE Center.

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Presentation on theme: "The Meaning of RAMADAN Dr. Teresa Lesher, AWARE Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Meaning of RAMADAN
Dr. Teresa Lesher, AWARE Center

2 Islam Compatible with Judeo-Christian monotheism
Acknowledges revealed books Old Testament New Testament Last Testament Reveres prophets and messengers throughout time

3 Divinely revealed faiths
justice kindness generosity modesty honesty compassion

4 Acts of Worship in Islam _________________________________________________________________________________________ Fasting in Ramadan

5 Declaration of Faith “I bear witness that: there is no God but the one
true God and Mohammed is His messenger.” The Muslim’s pledge to submit to God and follow His guidance.

6 Acts of Worship in Islam _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Declaration of Faith

7 Making the connection with God and keeping it strong.
Five Daily Prayers Before sunrise At noon Afternoon After sunset After dark Making the connection with God and keeping it strong.

8 Acts of Worship in Islam _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Declaration of Faith Five Daily Prayers

9 Alms Tax on Savings 2.5% On savings that have accumulated for one year
To be distributed to the poor Social security for the disadvantaged and weak. Promotes good will and brotherhood.

10 Acts of Worship in Islam _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Declaration of Faith Five Daily Prayers Alms Tax on Savings

11 Pilgrimage to Mecca Once in a lifetime Financial and physical ability
To answer God’s call to the first house of worship on earth Remembering our brotherhood, equality and the Judgment Day

12 Acts of Worship in Islam _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Declaration of Faith Five Daily Prayers Alms Tax on Savings Pilgrimage to Mecca

13 Ramadan The ninth lunar month 29 or 30 days
Lunar year: 11 days shorter than solar year Full cycle through all seasons in 30 years First Quranic revelation

14 Acts of Worship in Islam _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Declaration of Faith Five Daily Prayers Fasting in Ramadan Alms Tax on Savings Pilgrimage to Mecca

15 All bad speech and actions
Fasting (siyaam) “To refrain from” Food Drink Conjugal relations Smoking All bad speech and actions

16 As expiation for sins, purification of soul, rescue from calamity
An Ancient Practice Egyptians, Greeks, Romans Old and New Testaments As expiation for sins, purification of soul, rescue from calamity “Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so that you may learn piety.” (Quran 2:183)

17 Main Benefits of Fasting
Self-discipline and patience God consciousness and sincerity Compassion Gratitude Brotherhood Motivation Flexibility

18 Additional Benefits of Fasting
Lowers fats and cholesterol Lowers blood pressure Regulates sugar in the blood Breaks bad dietary habits Gives digestive system a rest Weight control Increased productivity

19 An act of worship An act of obedience An act of gratitude
The Muslim’s Fast An act of worship An act of obedience An act of gratitude

20 Who is Exempt from Fasting?
Pre-adolescent children Pregnant and menstruating women Temporarily or chronically ill Travelers ”God wills that you shall have ease, and does not will you to suffer hardship…” (Quran 2:185)

21 Ramadan Customs Extra prayers Reading the Quran
Strengthening family ties Reviving old friendships Charity and generosity Forgiveness Pilgrimage

22 Eid al-Fitr “Celebration of the Feast” Citing the moon
Congregational prayer after sunrise Exchanging visits Giving gifts Sharing meals

23 After Ramadan Hope and anticipation New habits, a new focus
Community spirit Appreciation and gratitude “God wills… that you complete the number of days and that you extol Him for His having guided you aright and that you render your thanks unto Him.” (2:185)

24 “…and it is better for you to fast, if you only knew.” (Quran, 2:184)

25 RAMADAN A month that, by depriving the body, enriches the soul.

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