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Air-conditioning as part of a demand response strategy: A bigger picture Ozone Secretariat workshop on energy efficiency opportunities while phasing-down.

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Presentation on theme: "Air-conditioning as part of a demand response strategy: A bigger picture Ozone Secretariat workshop on energy efficiency opportunities while phasing-down."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air-conditioning as part of a demand response strategy: A bigger picture
Ozone Secretariat workshop on energy efficiency opportunities while phasing-down HFCs Vienna, 10 July 2018 Chris Dunstan Research Director Institute for Sustainable Futures University of Technology Sydney Photo: Energy Queensland

2 Key message: Globally, the greatest contribution that air conditioning can make to sustainable development and reducing energy costs is via smart control and demand response (DR). Target 2 degrees two things EE and RE A/C DR Prices & Tech RE EE IEA, World Energy Outlook, 2017

3 How A/C contributes to peak demand and costs
Each 2kWe A/C requires AUD$2,500 - $7,000 of additional electricity network and generation infrastructure (AUD$1 = 0.63€) “capacity that caters for less than 40 hours a year of electricity consumption (or less than 1 per cent of time) accounts for around 25 per cent of retail electricity bills” – almost exclusively when people turn on air-conditioners in summer. - Productivity Commission (Australia), Report into Electricity Network Regulation, 2012 A/C ~doubles home electricity peak load kW Sydney, (Productivity Commission, Report into Electricity Network Regulation, p.384) “The real cost of a 1 kW air-con is $300 per year while the … customer is only paying $12 per year“ - Energy Retailers Assoc. of Australia Each 2kWe A/C requires AU $2,500 - $7,000 of additional electricity network and generation infrastructure (Productivity Commission, Report into Electricity Network Regulation, Oct 2012, p. xxx ) Productivity Commission, Report into electricity network regulation, Oct 2012, p.335 Combine with 50% of the pop in the tropics by and e.g. India 45% AC peak demand Residential A/C accounts for ~30% of total electricity peak demand in Australia

4 A/C Demand Response example: Queensland fast facts
Area: 1.8 million sq km (~3x France) Population: 5 million Avg. summer max. temp: 28°C (Brisbane) Peak demand: 7,641 MW Rooftop solar: >2000 MW

5 A/C Demand Response example: Peak Smart
Operated by Energy Queensland (electricity distribution network business) Once off cash incentive up to AU$400 to household to purchase “Peak Smart” A/C or install load controller on existing A/C Energy Queensland can remotely switch A/C to economy mode in peak period Customers can opt out at anytime by removing controller (needs electrician) 58 MW of load reduction (Peak Smart) (Total DM: 850 MW = 11% of peak demand) 87,000 customers Load reduction: 0.7 kW per customer Cost of load reduction: $81/kW/yr (Assuming $400 and 7 year life) Short video::

6 Indicative cost of firm capacity to replace coal
>$6000 … but Demand Management is cheaper (and avoids network costs) Gas generation = cheap capacity… For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. - H. L. Mencken Based on:

7 The “Duck Curve”: - Rising evening demand (due to heating and cooling)
- Falling daytime demand (due to solar power) The “Duck Curve”:

8 Real time monitoring of my solar output and demand
DR Example: Solar pre-cooling Remote and/or automated control of A/C Real time monitoring of my solar output and demand

9 A/C DR Prices & Tech RE EE Conclusions 1. A/C Demand Response is crucial to cut costs & carbon emissions 5. Also requires energy efficient buildings and equipment 2. This needs smart, remote monitoring & control Air-conditioning is crucial AC contribution to costs Peak Smart Comparing capacity costs (incl. network) Duck curve Solar pre-cooling Local costs NOM 4. This needs engagement with power suppliers 3. This needs time-varying electricity prices

10 Thank you Chris Dunstan Institute for
Sustainable Futures

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