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Welcome to Room 3’s Year of Learning, Fun, and Exploration!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Room 3’s Year of Learning, Fun, and Exploration!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Room 3’s 2017 -2018 Year of Learning, Fun, and Exploration!
Back to School Night Welcome to Room 3’s Year of Learning, Fun, and Exploration!

2 A Little About Mrs. Parsley
I am married and have 2 kids and a dog. My son is in 3rd grade and my daughter is in 2nd grade. I am from the bay area. I graduated from UCSB and have my Masters in Technology (Education focus). This is my 6th year teaching.

3 Housekeeping -Volunteers -Conference sign-ups will be ed via Sign Up Genius -Back Table items

4 Mrs. Parsley’s Teaching Philosophy
* All students will be challenged! Differentiation across all curricular areas. * We will all work as a Room 3 team, supporting each other and being the best that we can be! * Learning is fun! * Learning needs to be concrete, hands on, and students need to do the output (talk, write, make/create). Our room will be a safe, inviting, and comfortable environment for everyone! My goal this year is to build a solid communication between home and school so together we can foster the best learning for our children. I hope for this year to be an enjoyable and successful year for everyone!

5 Building Community We have been working a lot the past few days on building our community here in Room 3. Group and partner activities Community Circle (appreciations) Group Problem Solving Activities Our Classroom Norms Who’s That Baby?

6 Responsibility/Discipline
Setting high expectations for mutual respect and polite manners Class Dojo Positive reinforcement Table points Class Squares Cheetah Champs Discipline Warning New Progressive Discipline (School Wide) Process

7 Curriculum Reading We will be using the Benchmark Curriculum recently purchased by FCUSD. Throughout the year we will be reading different chapter books and each student will be a part of different Literacy Circles. Each student will be responsible for book reports on different genres. Daily reading homework will reinforce the strategies we are learning in class. Independent, guided, small group, partner reading, book reports, Readers Workshop and one-on-one reading with the teacher will all be a regular part of our reading program. Expectation is for students to take an AR Quiz after each book they read. We have a “Star Chart” rewards/incentive program to support reading.

8 Writing Students will be expected to write a Friendly Letter, Personal Narrative, Informational piece and an Opinion/Persuasive Paper. There will be explicit writing instruction (via Benchmark) as well as writer’s workshop, and journal writing.

9 Math Scott Foresman Text / Pearson Realize Differentiated Math Groups
Manipulatives and real life situations to make math real and easily understood. Teaching our brains to work hard and figure out new and complex problems. Mountain Math Math extension packets (optional)

10 Science and Social Studies
The Roles of living Things Weather and Climate Physical Science – Motion, Forces… Earth Resources Adaptations Fossils Social Studies Map skills and geography Cultural diversity and awareness Government (3 Branches) Understanding Our Economy Citizenship Current Events – News Flash

11 Technology Websites See my website for a list of suggestions.
Students can access iReady and Pearson Realize via the School Website. Programs Google Docs Google Slides Google Classroom

12 In addition to the California Common Core Standards, we will also focus on…
Team Work – students will be given a problem solving challenge which they will have to work as a team to solve. They will also have to, as a team, present their solutions to the rest of the class. Public Speaking – We will be doing a lot of public speaking exercises in class. Room 3 students will learn how to prepare presentations and feel comfortable in presenting to an audience.

13 Field Trips We are in the process of coordinating the field trips for this year. We have not secured all the dates, times, and locations, but the following trips are in the planning (although not guaranteed): Folsom History Museum (March 2019) Zoo Mobile Maidu

14 King and Queen of the Jungle
Monday: Poster and pictures to share with the class Tuesday: Favorite Book Wednesday: Parent Letter Thursday: 20 Questions (Lunch?)

15 Generally, our days will look like:
Daily Schedule Generally, our days will look like: 8:25am - 9am: Welcome, Warm-Up 9am - 10:10am: Math 10:10am - 10:25am: Recess 10:25am - 11am: MTSS 11am - 12:15pm: Language Arts 12:15pm - 1pm: Lunch 1pm - 2pm: Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, Extra P.E. Minutes 2:37pm: Dismissal P.E. Monday and Wednesday Library: Wednesday Daily: End of Day: Homework Review/ Prep. and Read Aloud

16 Our Class Website

17 Homework We will have homework daily (Mon. – Thurs.) Everyday:
Read for minutes Math Projects Book Reports (incorporating multiple intelligences) (TBD)

18 Parent Volunteers Please fill out the volunteer sheet if you can help out at home or in the classroom. DRIVER CLEARANCE – please do so asap!!  The Room Parent’s duties include: Coordinating parties (Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and End of the Year). Other Volunteers are needed to help with: Copying, stapling, filing, etc. Specialty projects (art, science, etc.) Classroom Centers

19 Please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for coming!! Please feel free to contact me. Cell: School Phone: ext The best time to reach me is after school on Mon. – Thurs. You may , call, text, meet in person – just let me know.

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