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Draft guidance for MSFD 2018 reporting:

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1 Draft guidance for MSFD 2018 reporting:
Irene del Barrio (EEA) March 1, 2017 14th meeting of WG DIKE, Brussels Draft guidance for MSFD 2018 reporting: update of articles 8, 9 & 10

2 From 2012 to 2018: improvements Link to WFD, RSCs and CFP assessments
Revised GES Decision and MSFD Annex III Less information requested

3 From 2012 to 2018: key changes Art.9 (in schema ‘Art.9 GES determination’ and ‘Art.8.1ab assessments’): Dropped: ReferencePointType, Baseline, AssessmentMethod, DevelopmentStatus Added: Parameter, TVsource, ProportionTVunit, DeterminationDate Art.8.1ab (schema ‘Art.8.1ab assessments’): Dropped: all tables/fields related to the analysis of the essential features and characteristics, and all tables/fields related to the characterisation of pressures Added: a generic schema to collect the results of the assessment of the features (state and pressures) against the thresholds defined for the GES criteria. It includes 2 classes (the 1st to report at the parameter level and the 2nd to report integrated results, where the integration rule is requested). The class StatePressures (parameter level), is linked to indicators via the field ‘RelatedIndicators’. Ranking of pressures (linked to State assessments) dropped. Indicators schema will be used to collect the basic information on the essential characteristics and pressures Art.10 (in schema ‘Art.10Targets’ and ‘Art.8.1ab assessments’): Dropped: ReferencePointType, Baseline, AssessmentMethod, DevelopmentStatus, InterimGESTarget, CompatibilityExistingTargets Added: Parameter, TVsource, ProportionTVunit, RelatedToMeasure, UpdateDate, ProgressAssessment DC- Art 9 Related indicators seems to be part of Art 8

4 General approach Indicator-based:
Common indicator structure to be used for publication of indicators at the regional and national level (where all the methodologies and relevant information is explained, and links to the data used) In the reporting exercise (XML files to be uploaded to CDR), an indicator schema has been included to capture key fields (e.g. URL to indicator publication) Reporting units: The development of a common layer of Marine Reporting Units (MRUs) is proposed prior to the reporting, to integrate the coding in the reporting system However, agreements at the (sub)regional level are needed on assessment scales, where new subdivisions may have to be included in the MRUs layer DC – if we don’t have 2016 updates of CW for WFD, do we not have those from previous reporting? Perhaps a more likely gap is the territorial waters polygons which I understand were not reported before 2016. To be discussed: Coastal water bodies (as reported by WFD): have been proposed to be included in the MRUs, but not all MS may have reported under WFD by 2018, jeopardizing the development of the layer. Proposal: to include only ‘Coastal waters’ per RBD (approach to be explained in slide correspondant to the schema of assessments)

5 Reporting package: XML
5 schemas have been developed to cover the 3 articles: Schema name Reporting scale Contents Article MSFD9_GES 1 file per MS GES determination at the Feature level Article 9 MSFD8_1ab_Assessments Assessment results concerning the extent to which GES has been achieved for the different elements, including thresholds or target values Articles 8.1ab, 9 & 10 MSFD8_1c_ESA Socio-economic analysis of the uses of marine waters and the costs of degradation Article 8.1c Indicators Basic information on the indicators used by the MS (national or regional) for the assessments, including links to where published and to underlying datasets Article 8.1ab and Art.19.3 MSFD10_Targets Targets definition at the Feature level Art.10 All the schemas include metadata on the reporter, Marine Reporting Unit and Feature to which they apply. To be discussed: Reporting scale: 1 file/MS or 1 file/MS/region or subregion?? Art.10: assessment of progress on targets is to be reported under Art.8.1ab assessments schema. Better to include the relevant fields to report on that in Art.10 schema?? - Need to include use of indicators in Art 8.1c?

6 Reporting package: Indicators assessment
Regional and national indicators to be published online, according to the common indicator structure GD13 (Annex V of the draft reporting guidance: XSD) To be discussed: Is there a need of including a mapping in the reporting guidance between the Indicators schema to be used for reporting and the common indicator structure to be used for publication?? Publication of the indicators may not jeopardize the reporting: to decide ways to proceed for cases where publication is not achievable

7 Reporting package: Supporting data
Art.19.3 implementation: data sets resulting from art. 8 assessments and from art.11 monitoring programmes be made available in accordance with INSPIRE (IR on interoperability of SDSS): Data specifications (data models, code lists…) Spatial data services (discovery, view, download…) The Indicators schema includes the class “Datasets”, in which information to check the points above is requested.

8 Reporting package: Text-based reports
Overall topic Themes Objective of the MSFD - Good Environmental Status (Art. 9) Updated determination of GES, taking account of the 2017 GES Decision Pressures and impacts on the marine environment (Art. 8.1.b) Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment (MSFD Annex III, Table 2b) Anthropogenic pressures and their impacts (GES Decision Part I and Annex III Table 2a) Biological pressures: Introduction or spread of non-indigenous species (D2) Extraction of, or injury to, wild species (includes D3) Other biological disturbances Physical pressures: Physical disturbance to the seabed (D6) Physical loss of the seabed (D6) Hydrological changes (D7) Substances, litter and energy pressures: Nutrient and organic matter enrichment (D5) Contamination (in environment and seafood) (D8, D9) Litter (D10) Underwater noise and other forms of energy (D11) Climate change State of the marine environment (Art. 8.1.a) Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems (GES Decision Part II and Annex III Table 1) Marine species (D1): Birds Mammals Reptiles Fish Cephalopods Marine habitats: Pelagic habitats (D1) Benthic habitats (D1, D6) Marine ecosystems, including food webs (D1, D4) Uses of the marine environment (Art 8.1.c) Economic and social analysis of uses and human activities: Physical restructuring of [rivers,] coastline and seabed Extraction of non-living resources Production of energy Extraction of living resources Cultivation of living resources Transport Urban and industrial uses Tourism and leisure Security and defence Education and research Cost of degradation of the marine environment (loss of ecosystem services) Environmental targets to achieve GES (Art. 10) Progress in achievement of 2012 environmental targets Update of targets, links to Programme of Measures A proposed outline is included in the reporting guidance, structured according to the following overall topics: Objective of the MSFD - Good Environmental Status (Art. 9) Pressures and impacts on the marine environment (Art. 8.1.b) State of the marine environment (Art. 8.1.a) Uses of the marine environment (Art 8.1.c) Environmental targets to achieve GES (Art. 10)

9 Features and elements to be assessed
Features (Annex III tables): species groups, broad habitat types, pressures, activities…(a list of Ecosystem services has also been added…) Theme Sub-theme Feature Species Birds Grazing birds Wading birds Surface-feeding birds Pelagic-feeding birds Benthic-feeding birds Mammals Small toothed cetaceans Deep-diving toothed cetaceans Baleen whales Seals Reptiles Turtles Fish Coastal fish Pelagic shelf fish Demersal shelf fish Deep-sea fish Cephalopods Coastal/shelf cephalopods Deep-sea cephalopods Biological Input or spread of non-indigenous species Input of microbial pathogens Input of genetically modified species and translocation of native species Loss of, or change to, natural biological communities due to cultivation of animal or plant species Disturbance of species (e.g. where they breed, rest and feed) due to human presence Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities) Physical Physical disturbance to seabed (temporary or reversible) Physical loss (due to permanent change of seabed substrate or morphology and to extraction of seabed substrate) Changes to hydrological conditions Substances, litter and energy Input of nutrients – diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition Input of organic matter – diffuse sources and point sources Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) – diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events Input of litter (solid waste matter, including micro-sized litter) Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous) Input of other forms of energy (including electromagnetic fields, light and heat) Input of water – point sources (e.g. brine) Ecosystems, including food webs Physical and hydrological characteristics Topography and bathymetry Sea temperature Ice cover Salinity Current velocity Wave exposure Upwelling Mixing characteristics Residence time Turbidity Transparency Chemical characteristics Nutrient levels (DIN, TN, DIP, TP, TOC) Oxygen levels pH Trophic guilds Primary producers Secondary producers Filter-feeders Deposit-feeders Planktivores Sub-apex pelagic predators Sub-apex demersal predators Apex predators Habitats Benthic habitats Littoral rock and biogenic reef Littoral sediment Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef Infralittoral coarse sediment Infralittoral mixed sediment Infralittoral sand Infralittoral mud Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef Circalittoral coarse sediment Circalittoral mixed sediment Circalittoral sand Circalittoral mud Offshore circalittoral rock and biogenic reef Offshore circalittoral coarse sediment Offshore circalittoral mixed sediment Offshore circalittoral sand Offshore circalittoral mud Upper bathyal rock and biogenic reef Upper bathyal sediment Lower bathyal rock and biogenic reef Lower bathyal sediment Abyssal Pelagic habitats Variable salinity Coastal Shelf Oceanic/beyond shelf

10 Features and elements to be assessed
For certain features, the specific element covered should be provided (species, habitat, contaminant, marine litter category…), where the name and, where necessary, a code will be requested. In particular: Species (D1, 2 & 3): species name and LSID from WoRMS Habitats (D1 & 6): habitat name and EUNIS code (2017) [or HD code] Contaminants (D8 & 9): contaminant name and code as in WISE Data Dictionary Marine litter (D10): MarineLitterCategories_Enum (Annex IVe) To be discussed: - Do MS agree with the codes proposed to be used? Is there a need of including lists of species, habitats and contaminants to be assessed per region in the reporting guidance? Features list will include theme (e.g. Species) and sub-theme (e.g. Birds), as in previous rounds of reporting. DC - Contaminants normally use CAS codes

11 Art.9 GES determination Class Field Ex.1 Ex.2 Ex.3 Ex.4 MarineUnit MarineUnitID ANS-NL-MS-1 ANS-BE-MS-1 ABI-FR-MS-GDG DE_BAL Feature SeabedHabitatsAll, BirdsAll, FishAll, MammalsAll, WaterColumnHabitatsAll IntroHazSubstOther OxygenLevels ExtractSpeciesAll GEScomponent D1 8.2 5.3 3.1.1. Justification - GESdetermination Description Biological diversity is maintained. The quality and occurrence of habitats and the distribution and abundance of species are in line with prevailing physiographic, geographic and climate conditions. The effects of contaminants on selected biological processes and taxonomic groups are within agreed levels (relevant OSPAR EcoQO). Le bon état écologique est atteint lorsque: 1) soit les teneurs en nutriments ne présentent pas un niveau élevé (critère 5.1) et lorsqu’il n’y a pas d’impacts directs (critère 5.2) ou indirects (critère 5.3) liés à l’enrichissement excessif des eaux par les nutriments sur l’utilisation durable des biens et services écosystémiques 2) soit il n’y a pas… Ein guter Umweltzustand ist erreicht, wenn für alle kommerziell befischten Fischbestände, die in deutschen Ostseegebieten vorkommen, die fischereiliche Sterblichkeit (F) geringer ist als der entsprechende Referenzwert (FMSY). Mögliche Grundlage zur Beschreibung des guten Umweltzustands ist der ICES Advice Timescale 2020 DeterminationDate 2012 DC – should determination date be specified to month?? E.g

12 Art.8.1ab assessments To be discussed:
StatePressures: Parameter: Annex IVf TValue TVsource: Annex IVg ValueAchieved ValueUnit ProportionTV ProportionTVachieved ProportionUnit Trend TVAchieved TemporalCoverage Description RelatedTargets PressuresAffecting RelatedIndicator OverallStatus: ParametersUsed CriterionUsed ElementStatus ElementsUsed FeatureStatus FeatureStatusType IntegrationRule IntegrationRuleReference To be dropped To be discussed: - Parameters codelist: to be extended? - Units codelist: to be revised and checked against parameters - Does the OverallStatus class allow all kind of integrations?

13 Art.8.1ab assessments: Example D3
Class Field Example MarineUnit MarineUnitID ACS Feature Commercially-exploited fish and shellfish species Element Plaice (stock a) ElementCode 127143 ElementSource Regional GEScomponent D3C1 D3C2 D3C3 StatePressures Parameter: Annex IVf F SSB Age structure TValue 0.1 120000 0.6 TVsource: Annex IVg CFP ValueAchieved 0.095 80000 0.4 ValueUnit Rate Tn ProportionTV N.A. ProportionTVachieved ProportionUnit Trend Improving Unknown TVAchieved YES NO TemporalCoverage Description - RelatedTargets PressuresAffecting Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species RelatedIndicator ICES-ple-celt Class Field Example MarineUnit MarineUnitID ACS Feature Commercially-exploited fish and shellfish species Element Plaice (stock a) Lemon sole (stock x) Herring (stock i)  N.A. ElementCode 127143 158885 126417 ElementSource Regional GEScomponent D3 OverallStatus ParametersUsed N.A. CriterionUsed D3C1, D3C2, D3C3 D3C1, D3C2 ElementStatus NotGood Good ElementsUsed Plaice (stock a), Lemon sole (stock x), Herring (stock i) FeatureStatus 1 out of 3 FeatureStatusType N of stocks IntegrationRule conditional IntegrationRuleReference - DC – ICES refer to integration rule as 'Conditional' rather than OOAO, as it depends on which criteria is available etc

14 Art.8.1ab assessments: Example D8
Class Field MarineUnit MarineUnitID BAL Feature WFD priority substance Element Heptachlor Mercury Tributyltin-cation ElementCode CAS_ CAS_ CAS_ ElementSource EU GEScomponent D8C1 StatePressures Parameter: Annex IVf Concentration in biota Concentration in water TValue 6.7 × 10–3 0.07 20 1.5 × 10–3 TVsource: Annex IVg Directive_2013_39_EU ValueAchieved 3.2 × 10–3 0.11 18 1.1 × 10–3 ValueUnit ug/kg ww ug/L ProportionTV 95 ProportionTVachieved 100 70 90 ProportionUnit % Trend Stable TVAchieved YES NO TemporalCoverage 2015 Description - RelatedTargets PressuresAffecting Input of contaminants RelatedIndicator XXXnationalindicator HELCOM-Metals HELCOM-TBTimposex Class Field Example MarineUnit MarineUnitID BAL Feature WFD priority substance Contaminants (uPBTs) Element Heptachlor Mercury Tributyltin-cation N.A. ElementCode CAS_ CAS_ CAS_ ElementSource Regional GEScomponent D8C1 OverallStatus ParametersUsed Concentration in biota Concentration in water, Concentration in biota Concentration in water CriterionUsed ElementStatus Good NotGood ElementsUsed Heptachlor, Mercury, Tributyltin-cation FeatureStatus 1 out of 3 FeatureStatusType N of uPBTs IntegrationRule - OOAO IntegrationRuleReference HELCOM Assessment System DC – Use 'Contaminants' rather than the pressure category. Could we refer to WFD as source for some?

15 Art.8.1ab assessments: Example D5
Class Field Example MarineUnit MarineUnitID ANS_DK_SR_001 Feature Nutrients Chlorophyll-a Photic limit Element DIN Kjeldahl nitrogen TP Chl-a Secchi depth ElementCode EEA_ EEA_ CAS_ EEA_ EEA_ ElementSource Regional National GEScomponent D5C1 D5C2 D5C4 StatePressures Parameter: Annex IVf Concentration in water Transparency TValue x TVsource: Annex IVg RBMPs ValueAchieved y ValueUnit umol/L ug/L m ProportionTV 90 80 85 ProportionTVachieved 92 76 ProportionUnit % Trend Decreasing Stable TVAchieved YES NO TemporalCoverage Description - RelatedTargets PressuresAffecting Input of nutrients RelatedIndicator OSPAR-NutCon OSPAR-Chla XXXnationalindicator Class Field Example MarineUnit MarineUnitID ANS_DK_SR_001 Feature Input of nutrients Element  - ElementCode ElementSource GEScomponent OverallStatus ParametersUsed CriterionUsed ElementStatus ElementsUsed DIN, TKN, TP, Chl-a, Secchi FeatureStatus 20% FeatureStatusType Extent of area (subject to eutrophication) IntegrationRule IntegrationRuleReference DC – Feature – use Decision categories rather than the pressure

16 Schemas: Art.8.1c To be discussed:
Socioeconomic analysis: IndicatorsUsed Description CostDegradationApproach CostDegradationDescription CostDegradationResults To be discussed: Does the indicator-approach fit here? Are the fields enough or are others needed? Further discussion needed in WG POMESA Proposal for futher improvement. Having 2 sections: uses and activities: supported by indicator assessments for Production, Value added, Employment and Other (as per 2012) cost of degradation: supported by indicator assessments for costs to reduce pressures and costs for lost ecosystem services.

17 Schemas: Indicators IndicatorAssessment: IndicatorCode IndicatorTitle ParametersUsed RelatedTarget IndicatorSource URL Datasets: MD_UUID INSPIREtheme Regional indicators and CFP will be prefilled following this schema. To be dropped RelatedTarget: to be used for indicators linked to Targets To be changed by MD_URL

18 Schemas: Art.10 Similar to GES schema.
RelatedToMeasure: to make the link to the PoM ProgressAssessment: to report on Progress To be discussed: - Assessment on progress to be done under art.8.1ab schema, but possibility of bringing it to art.10 schema, including fields for Target goal, value achieved, units, whether achieved and the related indicator and activities

19 Prefilling 2012 or latest GES & Targets WHAT? Other assessments: RSCs,
CFP, WFD (for D5, D8) WHAT? - The schemas will be filled in with the information and will be put in the EEA ReportNet resource page, so that MS can make use of them. - The web-form will show the prefilled information, which MS can keep, delete or complement. HOW?

20 Examples prefilling: regional indicators
Class Field Ex.1 Ex.2 MarineUnit MarineUnitID OSPAR region I Feature Birds Input of contaminants Element - TBT ElementCode CAS_ GEScomponent D1C2 D8C2 IndicatorAssessment IndicatorCode OSPAR-BirdsAbundance OSPAR-Imposex IndicatorTitle Marine bird abundance Trends in the levels of imposex in marine gastropods ParametersUsed Relative abundance N of individuals (affected); Imposex rate RelatedTarget IndicatorSource RSC (OSPAR) URL Datasets UUID xyz INSPIREtheme Species distribution Oceanographic geographical features

21 Examples prefilling: CFP assessments
Class Field Example MarineUnit MarineUnitID Subarea VIII (Bay of Biscay) Feature Commercially-exploited fish and shellfish species Element Engraulis encrasicolus, 8114 ElementCode 126426 GEScomponent D3 ElementSource Regional IndicatorAssessment IndicatorCode ICES-ane-bisc-2016 D3C2 IndicatorTitle Assessment of anchovy in Bay of Biscay StatePressures Parameter: Annex IVf SSB ParametersUsed Catches; Recruitment; Harvest rate; SSB TValue 33000 RelatedTarget - TVsource: Annex IVg CFP IndicatorSource ICES ValueAchieved 109147 URL ValueUnit tonnes Datasets ProportionTV N.A. UUID xyz ProportionTVachieved INSPIREtheme Species distribution ProportionUnit Trend Improving TVAchieved YES TemporalCoverage 2016 Description RelatedTargets PressuresAffecting Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species RelatedIndicator

22 Examples prefilling: WFD assessments
Class Field Example MarineUnit MarineUnitID EUSurfaceWaterBodyCode Feature Pelagic habitats Element Nitrogen conditions Phytoplankton Benthic invertebrates - ElementCode QE QE1-1 QE1-3 ElementSource EU GEScomponent D5C1 D5C2 D5C8 D5 StatePressures Parameter: Annex IVf N.A. OverallStatus ParametersUsed TValue CriterionUsed D5C1, D5C2, D5C8 TVsource: Annex IVg ElementStatus ValueAchieved ElementsUsed ValueUnit FeatureStatus 100% ProportionTV FeatureStatusType Extent of area (subject to eutrophication) ProportionTVachieved IntegrationRule OOAO ProportionUnit IntegrationRuleReference WFD Trend TVAchieved YES NO TemporalCoverage Description RelatedTargets PressuresAffecting Input of nutrients RelatedIndicator WFD2016 Class Field Example MarineUnit MarineUnitID MS-RBD-CW Feature Pelagic habitats Element - ElementCode ElementSource GEScomponent D5 OverallStatus ParametersUsed N.A. CriterionUsed D5C1, D5C2, D5C8 ElementStatus ElementsUsed FeatureStatus 20% FeatureStatusType Extent of area (subject to eutrophication) IntegrationRule OOAO and aggregation of water bodies at the RBD level IntegrationRuleReference But if results are aggregated at the RBD level

23 Update of the guidance: towards a version 2
Some amendments have already been identified to be included in the next version of the guidance: Edition and writing errors will be corrected Annex I will include a mapping of old to new Annex III features Features enumeration will be updated, including themes and subthemes: shortnames will be added (as much as posible, 2012 to be reused) GEScomponent enumeration will include those 2010 Criteria/Indicators that are not covered by the revised Decision XSDs and XML examples have been developed and will be included in the next version if the schemas are agreed QC specifications will be included once the schemas have been agreed A version 2 of the guidance will be developed with these amendments, together with the feedback from WG DIKE (1-2 March) and WG GES (10 March): to be presented in DIKE-GES-POMESA meeting (27 April).

24 Development of the reporting system: calendar
Discussion in WG DIKE (1-2 March) and WG GES (10 March) Phase Due-date Draft guidance document and schemas Mar-17 Agreed guidance document and schemas Apr-17 Codelists and vocabularies (enumerations) Sep-17 QC specifications MRUs layer Web-form drafted Oct-17 QC specifications implemented in CDR Nov-18 Prefilling (2012 submissions, RSC, CFP & WFD information) Dec-17 Routines for data harvesting in place (CDR to test database) Jan-17 QC specifications implemented in test database Start test-phase Feb-18 End test-phase Apr-18 Correction of errors/modification of the data-model and QA/QC May-18 Final schemas, web-form and guidance document Jun-18 Resources page in ReportNet ready Reportnet operational for reporting Reporting start-date Jul-18 Agreement to take place in joint WG DIKE-GES-POMESA (27 April) Discussion in WG DIKE (29 Sep) TEST-PHASE

25 To be agreed by WG DIKE Structure and contents of the schemas
Codelists Prefilling with: Information submitted in 2012 or later by Member States under articles 9 & 10 Information from regional indicators to be published by different Regional Sea Conventions in 2017 Information from 2016 WFD assessments for D5 and D8 CFP assessments (information available at ICES) Forthcoming meetings: April 2017: DIKE-GES-POMESA meeting (schemas and guidance to be agreed) May 2017 (tbc): TG DATA (art.19.3 implementation) September 2017: DIKE meeting (MRUs, QC specifications & enumerations) DC – for D3, we need to bring in GFCM and ICATT assessments to cover Med and Black Sea (if not covered by CFP) – need to clarify process, especially as the data may need to be extracted manually from documents. Reporting units: 27 April UNEP-MAP workshop (plus possible involvement of ActionMed project – but not yet discussed with them).

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