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HYPERTENSION IN ICU Common causes include: pain agitation

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Presentation on theme: "HYPERTENSION IN ICU Common causes include: pain agitation"— Presentation transcript:

1 HYPERTENSION IN ICU Common causes include: pain agitation
cold, shivering hypoxia, hypercarbia increased ICP transducer height etc. Urinary retension Positional discomfort Omission of pre_admission anti hypertensives (esp.B blockers) withdrawal

2 Hypertension in the ICU
Dr Danie Babypaul Worthing Anaesthetic Department

3 HYPERTENSION IN ICU Underlying hypertension Essential or primary
Secondary Phaechromocytoma Aortic stenosis Renal artery stenosis Cushing’s syndrome PIH

4 Pain Adequate analgesia Opioid analgesics Simple analgesics NSAIDS
Dexmeditomedine &tramadol – novel agents Local anaesthetic agents Volatiles Ketamine Supplemental – acupuncture,acupressure,massage,TENS

5 Sedation Primarily in ventilated patients
Benzodiazepines –midazolam,diazepam Anaesthetic agents- propofol,thiopentone Butyrophenones- haloperidol Phenothiazines- chlorpromazine Volatiles Opioids Dexmeditomedine

6 Cold , Shivering Passive –warm environment,warm blanket
Active ,external- warmed pads,blankets,Bair Hugger Active, core- humidified inspired gases warm intravenous fluids Body cavity lavage-gastric,pleural,peritoneal Extra corporeal methods-hemodialysis, Bypass

7 Other therapies Hypoxia- oxygen therapy(masks,cpap,bipap,ventilator)
Hypercarbia- bronchodilators,steroids,CPT,NIV,ventilator Maneuvers to reduce ICP- medications,ventilator Adjust transducer height Urinary retension-catheterize,definitive treatment Comfortable position for the patients Reintroduction of pre admission antihypertensives Psychological support- trust with staff Look for possible secondary causes-eg:renal artery stenosis

8 Antihypertensives &vasodilators
Mechanisms Diuretics – bendrofluothiazide, frusemide α antagonists-labetalol,phentolamine,phenoxybenzamine,prazosin, carvedilol,haloperidol,chlorpromazine β antagonists-propranolol,metoprolol,atenolol,esmolol CCB- nifedipine,nimodepine,verapamil,diltiazem,magnesium Direct vasodilators-SNP,GTN,isosorbide,hydralazine,diazoxide ACE inhibitors-captopril,enalapril,lisinopril Angiotensin receptor blockers- losartan,irbesartan,eprosartan Centrally acting-clonidine,methyl dopa,trimetaphan

9 α antagonists Act by alpha adrenergic blockade
Phentolamine-nonselective-1-10mg I.v. boluses,5-30mg/hr Phenoxybenzamine-nonselective-1mg/kg/day Labetolol-α1, α2,β mg I.v boluses,0.5-4mg/min infusion Prazosin- α1—2-10mg/day,8th hourly Carvedilol –oral preparation Side effects Can cause tachycardia, idiosyncratic hypotension

10 CCBs Acts by blocking voltage gated calcium channels
Nifedipine– 5-10mg po/sl Nimodepine- mostly used in SAH Amlodepine- 5-10mgpo b.d. Magnesium- physiological calcium antagonist 40-60mg/kg loading, 2-4 gm/hr infusion Side effects: hypotension, tachycardia,peripheral oedema

11 β blockers Widely used now,acts by β blockade,
inhibit release of renin from juxtaglomerular cells Prejunctional inhibition of nor epinephrine Atenolol mg iv boluses,25-100mg pob.d Metoprolol-same doses Esmolol-loading 0.5mg/kg,50-200mic/min Side effects : Bradycardia Bronchospasm Hyperkalemia,masking response to hypoglycemia

12 Dirct vasodilators Sodium Nitro Prusside
44% cyanide by weight- cyanide toxicity Nonselective vasodilator 50mg/250ml 5%D ml/hr Glyceryl trinitrate 30mg/100ml5%D ml/hr Hydralazine 10-20mg I.v. bolus, mg 6-8 hrly Diazoxide 50-100mg I.v. boluses, 15-30mg/min infusion

13 ACE inhibitors Captopril mg QDS ,in acute hypertension sl Enalapril-5-20mg QDS Enalaprilat – mg boluses(parenteral) Caution in renal impairment, hypotension Losartan – mg daily Caution in renal failure

14 Diuretics Salt &water excretion Inhibition of aldosterone
Direct vasodilatory effects Eg: frusemide, thiazides Caution in hypovolemia,renal dysfunction

15 Acute treatment In hypertensive encephalopathy Heart failure Eclampsia
Acute dissecting aortic aneurysm In c/c hypertension or a/c neurological events A precipitate reduction- worsens CPP-further deterioration Target CPP>70mm Hg

16 Hypertensive crisis Symptomatic
Increased drowsiness,seizures,papilloedema,retinopathy In presence of elevated systemic pressures Diastolic BP> mm Hg Mean BP> mm Hg Encephalopathy can occur at lower pressures

17 Principles of management
Adequate monitoring-invasive BP,ECG,CVP,CO,U/O Consider pain,hypovolemia,hypothermia,agitation Consider specific treatment-phaeo,thyroid crisis,dissection Slow iv infusion-GTN,SNP,others Aim to reduce to mildly hypertensive levels Longer term treatment –started at low doses

18 Drug doses GTN 0.5-20mg/hr SNP 0.5-1.5mic/kg/min0.5-8mic/kg/min
Labetolol mg iv over 1 min repeated every min to max 200mg Esmolol mic/min Hydralazine mg slow I.v. followed by mic/min

19 Thank you

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