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Building Project Informational Meeting

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1 Building Project Informational Meeting
Pleasant View Church Building Project Informational Meeting

2 Agenda Opening Remarks Objectives & Background
Status of the Building Project Catching the Vision Phases & Implementation Financing Fund Raising Initiative Next Steps

3 Objectives of Expansion
Provide expansion to Children’s area Enhance the Nursery & Toddler area Provide much needed Handicap Accessibility Enhance Entrance under Roof Expand Lobby and overflow area w/Cafe Relocate and Enhance Library Provide for Additional Parking Improve Social Hall utilization

4 A Little Humor… Speaking of the social hall… From a church sign -
“Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.”

5 Why Now? Aging Facility Growth in New Ministries KidZone Growth
Need Handicap Accessibility Growth in New Ministries Step by Step Shoe Ministry Hearts for Hunger Food Pantry Wildfire Ignite Small Groups KidZone Growth KidZone continues to expand and serve as a growth driver of the Pleasant View fellowship

6 Why Now? Favorable Zoning & Building Codes
North Hopewell Township has not adopted the restrictive building codes that other local townships have (e.g. York Twp., Windsor Twp.) Commercial Re-zoning Favorable Interest Rate Environment Borrowing Costs are lower Lower Commodity Price Environment Building materials may be priced lower as various commodity inputs have dramatically declined in price.

7 Status of Project Last major addition was over 30 years ago.
Recent Addition & Remodels include: Fellowship storage room update bathrooms Current initiative began over 3 years ago Formal plans reviewed & approved Structural Engineer & Commonwealth Stamped Preliminary Parking Lot Plans have been drafted

8 Status Continued We are working with NH Twp to rezone the property to commercial Adding roughly 80 to 90 parking spaces Bidding & Contractor Selection – completed

9 Bidding Process Business Team provided the plans to three groups in order to obtain quotes. Quotes were independently received & reviewed by the Draftsman & Engineer. Draftsman & Engineer attended BT meeting to present the quotes and their recommendation.

10 Summary of Quotes Miles Construction $945,000 $890,000 $883,500
Massaro (formerly Hogg Construction) $945,000 Miles Construction $890,000 Stewart & Tate $883,500

11 Project Phases 2016 – Parking Lot 2017 – Building
Finalize the design, re-zoning and water management plans Obtain firm estimates of parking lot construction Raise funds for Parking lot Complete the parking lot construction During construction we will lose parking spaces therefore building the parking lot first provides the necessary overflow parking 2017 – Building Raise funds for down payment Obtain financing Complete Front & Entrance Area

12 Phases Cont’d. 2018 Complete Rear addition
Final Paving, Line Painting & Landscaping Finalize furnishings

13 Catching the Vision… Daniel Miles


15 Exterior Renderings



18 Interior Renderings



21 Financing Estimated Costs Raising the Down Payment
Financing Considerations Potential Loan Amount Term of Loan Estimated Monthly Payment

22 Total Estimated Costs $1,306,250
Overage $131,250 (15%) Church Building $890,000 Parking Lot $285,000

23 Down Payment Minimum 20% Down Payment Required
$1,306,250 x 20% = $261,250 Benefits of raising higher down payment Lower Loan balance reduces borrowing costs & required monthly debt service. Gives an early indication of commitment to the project Provides funding to pay for the parking lot expansion It is critical that we raise a much higher down payment than the minimum

24 Loan Scenarios 20% Down Payment 40% Down Payment
Amount Borrowed $1,045,000 Loan Assumptions: 5% Rate, 10 Yr. Payoff Total Interest Paid $285,062 Monthly Payment $11,084 Down Payment $522,500 Amount Borrowed $783,750 Loan Assumptions: 5% Rate, 10 Yr. Payoff Total Interest Paid $213,796 Monthly Payment $8,613 20% Down Payment 40% Down Payment

25 Loan Scenarios Cont’d. Cost of Building Proposal $ 890,000
$ ,000 Overage - 15% $ ,250 Estimated Cost of Parking Lot $ ,000 $ 1,306,250 Down Amount Monthly Payment Interest Paid Payment Borrowed 10 Year 15 Year 20% Down Payment $ ,250 $ 1,045,000 $ 11,084 $ 8,264 $ 285,062 $ 442,482 30% Down Payment $ ,875 $ ,375 $ 9,698 $ 7,231 $ 249,429 $ 387,173 40% Down Payment $ ,500 $ ,750 $ 8,613 $ 6,198 $ 213,796 $ 331,863 50% Down Payment $ ,125 $ 6,927 $ 5,165 $ 178,163 $ 276,552

26 Monthly Cost per Giving Unit
2016 Budget $ 350,000.00 Enhanced Budget $ 52,500.00 Estimated Building Cost Per Month $ 11,084.00 # of Giving Units Current Budget per GU Monthly Enhanced Budget Est. Monthly Mortgage Per GU Monthly Additional Outlay Per GU 50 $ $ $ $ 60 $ $ $ $ 75 $ $ $ $ 85 $ $ $ $

27 Giving Required to Meet Budget & Estimated Building Costs
# of Giving Units Current Budget per GU Monthly Additional Outlay Per GU Estimated Total Monthly Contribution Per Giving Unit 50 $ $ $ 60 $ $ $ 75 $ $ $ 85 $ $ $

28 Fundraising Scrips Program Presented by Daniel & Lauren Miles


30 Online Giving Overview of Online Giving site Online Giving Button

31 Online Giving Cont’d. bin/Vanco_ver3.vps?appver3=Dc8dzPGn4- LCajFevTkh9CQP0MDp9Yo- GazBWovT_35B2J4E_149- IjIm39QwmA58rUd_Ez4b_Cd6OdZSgl5ZmsE5 sFcP5W_q6OpXQTy0tEAPrFf6m_AxAx8NV9kh o8ik0PpduXvnt8gXUeZjQYbnz1yDnNfrJdwMdJ 2_GQ7rLo=&ver=3

32 Prayerful Consideration
Next Steps Ongoing Support Raise Down Payment Prayerful Consideration

33 Next Steps will for Pleasant View? Prayerful Consideration
Pray for wisdom and direction Pray for unity of the body Is this building expansion God’s will for Pleasant View?

34 Q&A

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