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IHE Annual Conference – 28th November 2017 Professional Development in HE: HEA Fellowship and Global Communities of Practice Michael Parker Global.

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3 IHE Annual Conference – 28th November Professional Development in HE: HEA Fellowship and Global Communities of Practice Michael Parker Global Partnerships Manager Tel:

4 What is the Higher Education Academy?

5 Higher Education Academy (HEA)
The Higher Education Academy (HEA) is a global charitable trust which champions teaching excellence. We work with governments, ministries, universities and individual academics around the globe to support the professionalism of teaching in HE and enhance teaching and learning. We provide value to the HE sector by focusing on the contribution of teaching as part of the wider student learning experience. Mission Improving learning outcomes by raising the status and quality of teaching in higher education 27/11/2018

6 HEA Subscription The HEA’s Access subscription package has been specifically designed with the needs of small and specialist institutions in mind. 50% discount of direct Fellowship applications for individual members of staff Access to HEA facilitated networks, communities of practice and expert groups Access to resources and 10 years of quality-reviewed evidence on ‘what works’ in teaching Free webinars about latest research and policy Free access to the regular Virtual Reading Group Discounts on training, events, products and services Use of the HEA Access Partner logo on signage and marketing materials Access Partner Accredited Partner Strategic Partner 285 (and rising) Subscribers in the UK and internationally Including universities, FECs and independent providers. 27/11/2018

7 1. The Professional Standards Framework

8 Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning
A framework for higher education providers to: Align initial and continuing professional development provision for all staff involved in teaching and supporting learning in higher education Inform progression, promotion and reward criteria Comprises : Dimensions (Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and Professional Values) Descriptors (D1, 2, 3 and 4) equivalent to Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow and Principal Fellow 27/11/2018

9 Core Knowledge (K) Needed to carry out those activities appropriately
The Dimensions Areas of Activity (A) Undertaken by teachers and supporters of learning within higher education Core Knowledge (K) Needed to carry out those activities appropriately Professional Values (V) The manner in which teaching professionals should perform and carry out their learning and teaching activities 27/11/2018

10 Teach/support learning (A2)
The Areas of Activity Design & plan (A1) Environment Support Guidance (A4) Evaluate & Develop (A5) Teach/support learning (A2) Assess & feedback (A3)

11 Core Knowledge Use and value of learning technologies (K4)
Subject material (K1) Methods for Teaching, Learning & Assessment (K2) How students learn (K3) Use and value of learning technologies (K4) Evaluating effectiveness of teaching (K5) Quality assurance and enhancement implications (K6)

12 Professional Values Use evidence –informed approaches to teaching (V3)
Respect learners and diverse learning communities (V1) Equality of opportunity for learners (V2) Use evidence –informed approaches to teaching (V3) Acknowledge wider context of higher education and the implications for professional practice (V4)

13 HEA Fellowship: Professional Recognition

14 Current HEA Recognition Statistics
Over 260 subscriber HEIs - including UK and international HE providers Total Fellows : 96,200 Associate Fellow 19,802 Fellow 68,066 Senior Fellow 7,501 Principal Fellow 831 Processed this academic year8870 Grand Total 73,189

15 Growth rates Over 220 subscribing institutions - including UK and international HE providers More than 1500 Fellows based outside the UK

16 Associate Fellowship 3. If you can, teach and get a Higher Education Academy accreditation for it recognition Try and get some teaching in your department. If it isn’t offered to PhDs, ask your supervisor if you can shadow them for a few classes. Try and lead one or two tutorials, or give a lecture. You could also ask neighbouring universities if they’re looking for someone to teach. (This is a good thing to do towards the end of the PhD when you’re looking for work). Attend training seminars hosted by your university. Try and get HEA accreditation at associate fellow level if you get some teaching experience. Firstly, well done for taking that initial step. Shame the Guardian got the terminology wrong but hey… AFHEA is a good starting point, diping your toe in to get your confidence to gain Fellowship. I know some institutions are basing their key performance indicators on AFHEA, so check. If you know who to contact in your institution then it is worth giving my team a ring, as they will be able to point you in the right direction So hopefully, if you have gain AFHEA, you are aspiring to FHEA if you can meet all the criteria – that means being able to articulate your engagement with all the dimensions of the framework. Did I hear someone say what are they? Well, hopefully everyone has their origami… has anyone made it yet??

17 Aspiring to FHEA? Do you teach and support student learning?
Do you assess and give feedback to students ? Do you design and plan learning activities? Create environments in which students learn or are supported? And engage in CPD? Then go for it! Otherwise 2 are required for Associate Fellowship So I think many of you will have FHEA or aspiring to FHEA.

18 Aspiring to SFHEA Influencing colleagues in relation to learning and teaching Demonstrating : Successful co-ordination, support, supervision, management and/ or mentoring of others (whether individuals and/or teams) in relation to teaching and learning How do you evidence this? Has anyone made the origami yet? I need a demonstration

19 What sort of evidence are we looking for in SFHEA?
Individuals able to provide evidence of a sustained record of effectiveness in relation to teaching and learning, incorporating for example, the organisation, leadership and/or management of specific aspects of teaching and learning provision. From Promoting Teaching HEA package

20 Principal Fellow of the HEA
The difference between D3 and D4 criteria Strategic leadership The nature of the application Measures of success and effectiveness Advocate statements

21 Strategic Leadership ‘Relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them’ ‘Broad and persistent impact’ For example: Cross-institutional LTA strategy and policy work LTA initiatives with national/international impact Setting standards and guiding practice Cover, as time permits, aspects of operation of internal panels generally and the institution’s specifically, e.g. as below: Before Being acquainted with all the information – framework, panel info – operational guidelines (procedures, paperwork, timescales/deadlines, points of contact) and lessons learnt, applicant info, university L&T/academic and/or other strategies, HEA policies and applicant guidance During Key dates and timelines for the particular panel – including moderation and panel meeting dates Details of assessment leads, shadow, reporting/presenting, feedback Panel procedures on the day Procedures for raising conflicts of interest or other concerns (e.g. unauthorised LTA practice, plagiarism) After Personal learning and CPD record Feedback responsibilities Reassessment responsibilities Next time Contribution to group/institutional learning and institutional scheme development Affect on other roles such as departmental or institutional scheme mentor, line manager

22 Principal Fellow Senior Fellow Coordination
Institutional integrated approach to academic practice Mentoring Principal Fellow Senior Fellow Sustained Record Support Effective Strategic Leadership Organisational Policies for supporting and promoting others What’s in the overlapping area? Supervision Management

23 What did Fellows think and feel about their Fellowship?

24 It’s one of those things you do unwillingly
I began my application for HEA accreditation(sic) longer ago than I care to recall. It just seemed like too much effort, between the teaching and research activities, to complete, edit, reflect...and find two referees. But when I completed the process, to have others acknowledge my work, made this one of my most life enhancing experiences. HEA Application?! It’s one of those things you do unwillingly realise it was worth it and will others to do it! Going through the process of writing my HEA Fellowship application made me reflect on my journey, discipline my writing and realise how far I had come in understanding my teaching and learning. I've come through this process feeling it was a genuinely rewarding process - not a means to an end.

25 What SFHEA and PFHEAs have said:
…. my successful promotion, which was obviously personally rewarding … able to review my own working practices The status has opened doors for wider institutional impact … personal satisfaction and professional credibility Has increased my professional confidence

26 Global Communities of Practice

27 Global Communities of Practice
Bringing together expertise Knowledge exchange and development hubs bringing together people from across the sector both nationally and globally Develop and support practice, showcase and drive innovation and address sector challenges through collaboration Face-to-face and virtual spaces Complemented by webinars about latest research and policy and virtual reading groups Flexible Learning Employability Access, Retention, Attainment and Progression communities-of-practice 27/11/2018

28 How can the HEA help you and your institution?

29 Professional Recognition Programme
Up to 20 members of staff on a workshop 2 workshops Fellowship application reviews “The training was for the benefit of individuals as well as the whole organisation and lecturers understood and valued this. The content of the training was delivered in an informative and supportive way that enthused the lecturing staff. At the end of the session, lecturers felt motivated to take next steps and also confident about the process they needed to follow.” 27/11/2018

30 FrameWORKS & Curriculum Development
Global FrameWORKS for Student Success Embedding Employability Transforming Assessment in HE Internationalising HE Flexible Learning Student Engagement Through Partnership Access, Retention, Progression and Attainment Request the frameWORKS series                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          *This framework is based on the HEA publication, Defining and Developing your Approach to Employability (2013).It has also been informed by feedback from representatives of the 37 higher education institutions who participated in the HEA’s Employability Strategic Enhancement Programme (2014/15).                                                          This framework* has been designed by the HEA to offer a structure and process for defining and developing effective approaches to embedding employability in higher education. Employability is important to higher education providers as there is increasing pressure to meet the expectations of all stakeholders, including alumni, employers, government bodies, parents, professional organisations, staff and students.  This has driven the employability agenda and made it a priority in the 21st Century. Employability is an institution wide responsibility.  This framework has therefore been designed to engage and support a diverse range of audiences including FE and HE providers, employers, professional agencies and organisations, staff, students and employees.   Adaptable and flexible to meet your needs This framework, aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework, can be used in different ways and adapted to your particular context We provide a complementary toolkit to help you apply it into policy and/or practice.  We also provide consultancy to support you to embed this or any of our other frameworks across your institution, faculty, department, programme. Find out about the work we were commissioned to deliver in the Kingdom of Bahrain. 27/11/2018

31 Curriculum/Programatic Review
Curriculum Review Matrix Reflection on Learning, teaching and assessment strategies Commentary on the discipline, the research community & the labour market Institutional resources include facilities for teaching, organisational infrastructure and technology, quality and quantity of teaching staff, their experience and expertise, staff/student ratio and financial resources Pedagogic Approach 27/11/2018

32 Professional Learning Curve
All HE career stages Single day workshops to longitudinal programmes Open or in-house Single institution or consortia events 27/11/2018

33 Knowledge Hub Extensive range of resources to improve teaching and enhance learning 10 years of quality-reviewed evidence on ‘what works’ in teaching 27/11/2018

34 Any questions. Michael Parker Michael. Parker@heacademy. ac
Any questions? Michael Parker 27/11/2018

35 27/11/2018

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