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Presentation on theme: "Carbohydrates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbohydrates

2 I. Elements Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen (O)

3 II. Building Blocks (Monomers)
Monosaccharide Mono= 1 Saccharide= Sugar Ex. glucose

4 III. Functions A. Main source of energy B. Structure in some organisms

5 IV. Groups Monosaccharide (1 sugar molecule)
Disaccharide (2 sugar molecules) Polysaccharide (many sugar molecules)

6 A. Testing for a monosaccharide.
Indicator = Benedict’s Turns orange if present

7 B. Testing for the presence of a Polysaccharide.
Indicator = Iodine Turns dark blue/black if present

8 VI. Examples of Carbohydrate Molecules
Monosaccharide EX: Glucose (fruits) C6H12O6

9 B. Disaccharide What do you think the chemical formula is?
EX: Sucrose (table sugar) C12H22O11 -EX: Lactose (milk sugar)

10 Polysaccharides Ex: STARCH=stored energy in plants (potatoes)
Ex: GLYCOGEN=stored energy in animals (muscle & liver cells)

Ex. Cellulose - Most abundant organic compound- in plant cell walls. Used in manufacturing cardboard, paper, cotton…

12 Insect exoskeleton Ex. Chitin- 2nd most abundant organic compound. Found in cells walls of fungi and exoskeleton of insects

13 How it gets into our bodies
By the foods we eat, like: Bread Sweets Fruit (Apples, bananas, peppers, tomatoes) Vegetables Pasta Potatoes

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