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Classifying Vertebrates: FIsh

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Presentation on theme: "Classifying Vertebrates: FIsh"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classifying Vertebrates: FIsh

2 “What do you know about fish?”
Welcome! Please enter quietly. Take out your science interactive notebooks. Create a new section in your table of contents titled “Fish” Write the title at the top of your next clean page. On the first line, answer this question: “What do you know about fish?”

3 Brain POP

4 Time to explore

5 Are you sure the animals we saw were actually fish?
What did you see? Are you sure the animals we saw were actually fish?

6 Type of vertebrate: Fish
Animals are classified into two groups: vertebrates and invertebrates. QUICK REVIEW: how do we know if an animal is a vertebrate? Vertebrates can be further classified into five smaller groups: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Fish are the largest group of vertebrates on earth.


8 Fish Skeletons Most fish have skeletons made of bone, they are called bony fish. Other fish have skeletons made of cartilage. These include sharks and rays. Cartilage: soft, flexible material found in our ears and bones.

9 How do fish breathe? Fish breathe through gills.
Gills are special organs that take in oxygen through the water. Whales and dolphins are not fish because they breathe with lungs.


11 Body cover Most fish have fins to help them move in the water. Many fish have scales that cover their body. Scales help protect their body.

12 Life of a fish Fish are cold-blooded animals. So they use the environment to help control their body temperature. Fish live in freshwater or saltwater habitats. Most fish lay lots of eggs, but some are born live.

13 Use your notes… to complete the fish card.
When you’re finished, glue it into your interactive notebook. If you have extra time: write a short story about a fish in its habitat. Be sure to include details such as how it lives and breathes, and what it looks like. Create an illustration when you are finished writing.


15 Ok scientists, classify this…


17 Ok scientists, classify this…

18 Extension: Ocean Habitats
USE R.A.C.E to answer the question: How are ocean habitats changing?

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