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Spectroscopic analysis of the powdery complex chitosan-iodine

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1 Spectroscopic analysis of the powdery complex chitosan-iodine
Saratov Fall Meeting 2017 Spectroscopic analysis of the powdery complex chitosan-iodine Belyakova О.А., Lugovitskaya T.N., Shipovskaya А.B.

2 Abstract Chitosan-iodine complex was prepared by modification of the polymer powder in the iodine-containing sorbate vapor and its structure was studied by Electron and Infrared spectroscopy. The centers of iodine retention within the chitosan matrix were determined.

3 Chitosan Iodine medium (Sorbate) J2 (crystal) J2 + KJ + H2O
J2 + KJ + H20 +C2H5OH

4 original chitosan powder Chitosan-iodine complex
aqueous solution of chitosan Original Chitosan Modified Chitosan Chitosan-iodine complex

5 Chitosan-iodine complex
UF-spectra of aqueous solutions of chitosan-iodine complex and the evaporative medium I3ˉ IO3ˉ Chitosan-iodine complex 4 3 5 2 1 λ, nm 1 – I2 + KI + H2O 2 – Chitosan + I2 + KI + H2O + C2H5OH 3 – Chitosan + I2 + H2O 4 – Chitosan H I2 + KI + H2O 5 – Chitosan H I2 + KI + H2O

6 Temperature resistance of the complex chitosan-iodine
The heat treatment time at 130oC: 1 – 0, 2 – 15, 3 – 30, 4 – 60, 5 – 120, 6 – 150 min Inset - the dependence of the optical density of the same solutions at 290 (7), 350 (8) and 500 nm (9) of the heat treatment duration.

7 IR spectra 2 1 Transmission 1 – IR spectrum of the starting chitosan
2 – IR spectrum chitosan-iodine complex cm-1

8 Estimated structure of the iodine-chitosan complex
Fragment of chitosan macromolecule

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