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Building Partnerships

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1 Building Partnerships
Presented by: T.J. Eyer-CTAE Division Administrator Renee Harris-Health Sciences Specialist 10/16/08 RENEE will introduce the session. TJ-please start an list of participants.

2 Partnerships That Work Building Partnerships requires a shared vision, a statement of purpose, and goals that both educators and partners understand and value. RENEE

3 Partnerships Conundrum for Education- Increased focus on testing
Increased requirements for graduation and postsecondary entry Increased focus on academic courses Limited knowledge about industry and employment options TJ- How to do CTE courses within all these new and increased requirements. Rigor, relevance and relationships. Discuss how contextual learning really helps students apply their learning to the real world.

4 Partnerships Conundrum for Industry Increased need for employees
Competition with other high demand industry sectors Overburdened employees Multiple demands for support from schools and colleges Growing aged population New employees lacking appropriate skills TJ

5 Partnership Building Create a common language
Develop a strategic plan together Align education needs with 21st C skills Learn each other’s culture Establish clear, actionable expectations Build a sustainable relationship Get the right players to the table RENEE- Explain the model we used for health sciences.

6 Within Your Discipline
Standards-Based curriculum Standards provide guidance for all schools to use when determining what to teach and what to measure Standards provide a common language, goals, and reference point for school boards, secondary and post-secondary faculty, employers, students and parents Standards provide an opportunity for all students to succeed Standards bring us closer to implementing technical skills assessments RENEE- Explain the process of development with secondary, post-secondary and industry partners.

7 The Learning Continuum
Include middle school faculty in curriculum design; develop presentations to middle school students/faculty to help inform them of high school programs Include college and university faculty to ensure expectations align with practice Be sure to include academic teachers for their input for incorporating math, sciences and language arts RENEE- invite middle school CTE teachers to the advisory board meeting at your school. Invite middle school students to a career fair at the high school.

8 Parent Groups Parents and Guardians
“We cannot educate children without reaching their parents. Therefore, every teacher has to recognize that when students walk into their class, their families walk in with them.” -Dorothy Rich, author of MegaSkills TJ- Lack of knowledge-post programs- quick overview of MOA

9 Parent Groups Key research Findings
When parents are involved, students achieve more, regardless of socio-economic status, ethnic/racial background, or the parents’ education levels Senior high school students whose parents remain involved make better transitions, maintain the quality of their work, and develop realistic plans for their future TJ- Get parent groups into CTE classrooms for PAC meetings, socials, and instruct on programs.

10 How Good Are Your Partnerships?
Administrative Support A. Superintendent B. Principal C. School Board D. Counselors E. Academic teachers TJ- Explain what has been done to educate the administrators. If administrators still have questions- use Perkins justifications for why prograsm changes are needed. Let them know you have industry “buy-in”., content standards, coursework, ideas for work-based learning.

11 2. Shared Planning Time Incorporate content standards through grade level Discuss interdisciplinary lessons Team Teaching RENEE- discuss 8 hours per month to begin this. What to talk about; where to start.

12 3. Career Development Scheduled meeting with a career counselor
Parent presentations Industry presentations through videos or in person Field trips to visit business/industry TJ- Feb. 15th- website will be activated and the counselor RFP will follow

13 4. Professional Development
Attending MACTE Conference! Professional membership in a CTE organization Release time to learn new technologies within your discipline Cluster Team jointly participates in professional development activities TJ- Point out their participation in MACTE; other professional organizations, development of a state-level master teacher group per program area.

14 5. Standards-Based Curriculum
Is your curriculum designed to include both your CTE foundations standards, appropriate academic standards and involves business and industry expectations? RENEE- Crosswalking other academic areas. How are you adding math, science and language arts to your curriculum.

15 6. Parent and Community Support 7. Educational Partnerships 8
6. Parent and Community Support 7. Educational Partnerships 8. Business and Industry Partnerships RENEE- Review what we discussed at the beginning of the session.

16 9. Multi-Measure Assessment
Assessment includes both- Cumulative (projects, research papers, portfolios, workplace learning or community service) On-demand (multiple choice, presentation, demonstration, scenario response) …and meets criteria for several disciplines RENEE- Emphasis on portfolios--- CTSO’s develop leadership-if no CTSO, how are you developing leadership, teamworkcommunity service projects?

17 10. Interdisciplinary Teams
Both CTE teachers and academic teachers work collaboratively to offer the curriculum in an interdisciplinary approach. Beverly Campbell is presenting this at her workshop today. Does this work in comprehensive high schools? TJ- Bev’s concurrent workshops; we have an interdisciplinary curriculum CD that is health based, but can be used as a model or choose units that pertain to subject matter you are teaching.

18 11. Flexible Schedules School allows for interdisciplinary team managed blocks of time Learning labs are encouraged Work-based learning is encouraged Collaboration is encouraged by the administration TJ-

19 All add up to 15 Critical Components
12. Integrated Curriculum 13. Creative and Innovative Teaching Strategies 14. Workplace Learning 15. Student Centered Learning RENEE 12. Content standards, 13. The Company Model, 14, (TJ) Lewistown consortium example; 15. Project Lead the Way examples from curricula. Renee will then explain how we are using the 15 critical components to do a self assessment of their individual school. Charts should already be posted and we will give everyone 5 minutes to score their school. TJ will record their number scores. Wrap up by looking at high scores and low scores and brainstorming.

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