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Mr. Willard AP Government

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1 Mr. Willard AP Government
Public Opinion Mr. Willard AP Government

2 Public Opinion “The Great American Melting Pot”- Immigrants have increased the diversity of our political views Illegal immigrants outnumber legal immigrants

3 Minorities Right now minorities are growing at a faster rate than whites By 2050 whites will only account for 52% of population (69% right now)

4 Political socialization
Process through which a person acquires their particular political orientation- knowledge of politics Happens at a young age and becomes more firm as you age. Indoctrinate them at a young age

5 Process of Political Socialization
The Family Monopoly over time 60% of students whose parents share the same political beliefs end up sharing those beliefs Exception- 1960’s

6 The Mass Media “The New Parent”
Many children spend more time in front of the TV than at school TV replaces parents as main source of info People are less likely to read newspapers & watch nightly news

7 Mass Media continued… Average person that watches late night news is 58 years old Price is Right effect- pay attention to the type of commercials that are played

8 School Government can use schools to promote national unity, loyalty, and support for basic values Hero effect- History books are written to show Americans in a heroic light

9 School continued Indoctrinate them at a young age (Nazis)
George Bush Sr. argues for Pledge of Allegiance before school Government classes promote positive features of gov.

10 More About Schools Help the students to grow up to be supportive citizens Education helps to increase the likelihood that people will vote, be more knowledgeable about politics and public policy, and tolerant of others views.

11 How polls are conducted
Developed by George Gallup for his mother There is no way to ask everyone their opinion Sample is taken people who represent the whole

12 Polls Random sampling- equal probability that a person will be called
Sampling error- level of confidence in a poll, the more people interviewed the more reliable it is. ( error -+3)

13 Role of Polls is Government
Allows politicians to make midterm adjustments to public policy based on public preferences Do they always listen? Bush does not, Constitutional delegates didn’t, Seward’s Folly!

14 Problems with Polls Politicians follow instead of lead
Use polls to word proposals to gain more support Band Wagon Effect- get on the bus because everyone else is

15 Problems with polls continued
Too many media polls Exit polls are done on every 10th voter and are tabulated at the end. A decision is made before the West Coast is done voting. (Time Zone Fallout Effect)

16 Last Problem You can word it to get the results that you want!
What do they really tell us? People are not politically well informed!!!

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