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Benefits of Exercise: Sleep

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1 Benefits of Exercise: Sleep
Lesson 1 8th Grade

2 What is Sleep Deprivation?
Sleep deprivation is lack of sleep What are problems that occur from sleep deprivation: INCREASE RISK FOR GETTING HURT Sleepiness can cause a lack of concentration and slow reaction time which can lead to dangerous and even fatal accidents VIDEO: Click on picture to view lack of sleep video. INCREASE RISK FOR GETTING SICK Long term sleep deprivation can decrease the body’s ability to fight infection STRESS RELATED PROBLEMS Even occasional sleep deprivation can make everyday life seem even more stressful and cause you to be less productive . 8th Grade 2

3 How can you avoid Sleep Deprivation?
Exercise 8th Grade

4 How much sleep do teens need each night?
Why do they need more than their parents? Teens need about 9 hours a night. They need more than parents or younger children because their body’s internal system (circadian rhythm) is off during puberty. Discuss how sleep can affect your stress levels. The Circadian rhythm regulates your sleeping and waking patterns. During puberty the rhythm is delayed so teens want to go to bed later and wake up later. 8th Grade 4

5 What are the 2 stages of sleep?
During which cycle of sleep do dreams occur? The 1st stage of sleep is called NREM in which the body recovers from the stress of the day’s activities. NON RAPID EYE MOVEMENT The 2nd stage of sleep is called REM in which dreams occur. RAPID EYE MOVEMENT 8th Grade

6 This is the end of the Sleep Lesson
STOP HERE 8th Grade

7 Benefits of Exercise: Depression
Lesson 2 8th Grade

8 sadness and depression?
What is the difference between sadness and depression? Everyone feels sad or down at times, however if it keeps you from carrying out everyday activities it is considered depression. video 8th Grade 8

9 List some of the symptoms of depression: Lack of energy
Withdraw from people Loss of appetite or overeating Too much or too little sleep Feeling of helplessness or hopelessness Video on teen depression 8th Grade 9

10 Face the problem Identify the problem Take action Exercise!!
What are some things you can do if You are experiencing depression? Face the problem Identify the problem Take action Exercise!! Orange video 8th Grade 10

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