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Sleep and Dreams Why do we need sleep?.

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Presentation on theme: "Sleep and Dreams Why do we need sleep?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sleep and Dreams Why do we need sleep?

2 Sleep is vital to mental health
Sleep is an altered state of consciousness, characterized by certain brain patterns and inactivity Consciousness- is a state of awareness Sleep has been very difficult to study until recently EEG (Electroencephalograph) has been helpful, the electrical activity of the brain

3 What is Sleep and Why Do We Sleep?
Sleep is being unresponsive to the environment with limited movement Time where brain can rest and recover from stress Type of hibernation to save energy Clear mind of junk

4 Stages of Sleep Eyes roll from side to side, thirty minutes later
4th Stage of Sleep Deepest level of sleep, difficult to wake from 3rd Stage Deeper level of sleep 2nd Stage Eyes roll from side to side, thirty minutes later 1ST Stages Pulse Slows, Body Relaxes, Breathing is uneven, Last about 10 minutes

5 Deep Sleep is important to physical and psychological well being.
Ex. If you don’t reach deep sleep at night, when you take a nap you stay in Stage 4 during that time period

6 REM Sleep REM Sleep- a stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movement, a high level of brain activity, a deep relaxation of the muscles, and daydreaming REM Sleep aka active sleep. Daydreaming takes place during REM Sleep Last abt minutes after you go through Stage 4 of sleep Your brain is ALWAYS active when you sleep

7 How Much Sleep Do You Need?
The environment and 24 hour day control our sleep cycles Ex. Travelers experiencing jet lag from a flight, going from time zone to time zone

8 Sleep Disorders Insomnia Sleep Apnea
Some people only get 1-2 of sleep a night Insomnia- the failure to get enough sleep at night in order to feel rested the next day Anxiety & Depression Alcohol/Drug Use can cause insomnia Sleep Apnea- a sleep disorder in which a person has trouble breathing while asleep Characteristics:10-15 secs. Snoring, person is choking, no air to the lungs Effects older people Causes: enlarged tonsils, infections in ear/throat, obesity

9 Nightmares/ Night Terrors
Sleep Disorders Narcolepsy Nightmares/ Night Terrors Narcolepsy: a condition characterized by suddenly falling asleep or feeling very sleep during the day Sleep attacks during the day Difficulty working and prone to accidents Nightmares- unpleasant dreams REM Sleep, frighten sleeper Night Terrors-Sleep Disruptions that occur during Stage 4 that include panic, screaming, confusion Last 5-25 mins., no memory

10 Sleep Disorders Sleep Talking Sleepwalking
Sleepwalking: walking or carrying out behaviors while asleep Linked to stress, fatigue, may be inherited Inherited Not dangerous to wake sleepwalkers Sleep talking can occur during Stages 1-4(NREM)/ REM Might pause between sentences like during conversation It is harmless

11 Dreams Daily activities, take place in common places
Occur in realistic time Dream Interpretations Daydreams require low awareness and fantasizing, while awake Useful purposes such as reminding for events, creativity, control emotions

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