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Coherence Time Measurement in NTT Lab.

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1 Coherence Time Measurement in NTT Lab.
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2009 Coherence Time Measurement in NTT Lab. Date: Authors: W. Yamada, K. Nishimori and Y. Takatori (NTT) John Doe, Some Company

2 Purpose and content of this measurement
July 2009 Purpose and content of this measurement Doppler frequency is T.B.D. in the current channel model document [1]. We showed that Doppler frequency is small compared to the value which is suggested in TGn channel model [2] [3]. Coherence time / Doppler frequency is one of the key parameters to evaluate MU-MIMO. We conducted coherence time measurements in a typical office room to suggest typical coherence time / Doppler frequency in an office environment. W. Yamada, K. Nishimori and Y. Takatori (NTT)

3 Measurement equipment
July 2009 Measurement equipment Sleeve antenna (Omni-directional) Sleeve antenna (Omni-directional) Wireless Communication Analyzer (Base band real-time spectrum analyzer) 10MHz L.O. Signal Generator (CW) LNA Receiver site Transmitter site W. Yamada, K. Nishimori and Y. Takatori (NTT)

4 Measurement parameter
July 2009 Measurement parameter Frequency GHz Signal CW Transmit power dBm Number of FFT Frequency span Hz Antenna height (LOS) m (Tx), 0.85m (Rx) Antenna height (NLOS) m (Tx), 0.85m (Rx) W. Yamada, K. Nishimori and Y. Takatori (NTT)

5 Measurement place Coherence time is measured at 9 points (2m interval)
July 2009 Measurement place ドア ドア 円卓 ドア 円卓 P P P 円卓 P P 男子更衣室 第1会議室 第3会議室 -12m +4m ドア ドア Tx 紙置場 書庫/倉庫スペース ドア ドア Rx Rx 0 m 女子更衣室 ドア COPY 第2会議室 P +専用FAX P 円卓 円卓 円卓 たな たな COPY COPY FAX FAX しょが 冷・レンジ TV しょが しょが ドア ドア Window Coherence time is measured at 9 points (2m interval) 富士山側 W. Yamada, K. Nishimori and Y. Takatori (NTT)

6 Photo of measurement place
July 2009 Photo of measurement place Transmit antenna 2.7m (for LOS) 0.85m (for NLOS) Receive antenna Tx2(1.2m)-Rx1(0.75m) 0.85m Sometimes, people walk between the transmitter and receiver. Real-time Spectrum analyzer W. Yamada, K. Nishimori and Y. Takatori (NTT)

7 Method to obtain coherence time
July 2009 Method to obtain coherence time (1) FFT is employed for received data after A/D conversion. (2) Power spectrum is obtained using the data in Step (1). (3) Time auto-correlation function is obtained by IFFT for the power spectrum obtained in (2). (4) Coherence time Tc is calculated which the time auto-correlation function is 0.5. (5) Doppler frequency fd is calculated using the following relationship [3]. W. Yamada, K. Nishimori and Y. Takatori (NTT)

8 Measured coherence time
July 2009 Measured coherence time We confirmed that the coherence time becomes almost the same between LoS and NLoS scenarios. If we consider that the coherence time is 1.2 s, we can see that the Doppler frequency becomes 0.3 Hz in TGn channel model. Coherence time 0.062s (1.2km/h) at 4.85GHz in TGn model [3]. Coherence time 1.2s (0.3 Hz) in TGn model. W. Yamada, K. Nishimori and Y. Takatori (NTT)

9 Examples of Doppler spectrum in this measurement
July 2009 Examples of Doppler spectrum in this measurement Tx Height :2.7m Height :2.7m LoS Height :0.85m Tx Height :0.85m Height :0.85m NLoS Rx 0.9m 0.9m - - 12m 12m - - 4m 4m - - 2m 2m - - 0m 0m +2m +2m +4m +4m Receiving points Receiving points LoS NLoS W. Yamada, K. Nishimori and Y. Takatori (NTT)

10 Summary and Conclusion
July 2009 Summary and Conclusion (1) Results Coherence time becomes 1.2s at the CDF=10% for LoS and NLoS.  Coherence time is 20 times than the value (0.062s) which is shown in TGn model [3]. Doppler frequency is estimated by coherence time and its value is approximately 0.3 Hz. (2) Conclusion Doppler frequency should be changed to approximately 0.3 Hz, in order that the coherence time is 1.2 s. W. Yamada, K. Nishimori and Y. Takatori (NTT)

11 July 2009 References [1] Greg Breit et al., TGac Channel Model Addendum Document, IEEE /308r5, May , 2009. [2] W. Yamada, K. Nishimori, and Y. Takatori, Measured Doppler Frequency in Indoor Office Environment , IEEE /537r0, May 11, 2009. [3] Erceg, V. et al., TGn Channel Models, IEEE /940r4, May 10, 2004. W. Yamada, K. Nishimori and Y. Takatori (NTT)

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