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Supervisory and control systems for national accounts purposes Viewpoint from the European Commission’s internal auditor Eurostat Seminar 8/9 December.

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Presentation on theme: "Supervisory and control systems for national accounts purposes Viewpoint from the European Commission’s internal auditor Eurostat Seminar 8/9 December."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervisory and control systems for national accounts purposes Viewpoint from the European Commission’s internal auditor Eurostat Seminar 8/9 December 2009 Benoit VERMEERSCH Head of Unit IAS.B5 27/11/2018

2 Supervisory and Control Systems
Presentation overview PART 1: Key concepts 1.1 Background 1.2 Internal Control & Supervision 1.3 Risk Management 1.4. How to build assurance – Role of different actors 1.5. Role of the IAS PART 2: Implementation 2.1 EU Budget financial management modes PART 3: Conclusion 27/11/2018

3 PART 1 1.1. Background 27/11/2018 3

4 Background April 2000: Reform of European Commission’s financial management Each Directorate General (DG) responsible for design and implementation of internal control system in the DG based on standardised Internal Control Standards Annual Activity Report (AAR) and “Assurance declaration” with Formal opinion on the functioning of the internal system Formulation of possible observations / reservations in the AAR PEER review to ensure consistency. Accountability of line managers Operational manager = financial responsible (Authorising officer) Internal Audit Capability (IAC) and IC coordinator in each DG Accounting Officer (annual accounts signed off) and local correspondant Internal Audit Service (IAS) and Audit Progress Committee (APC) 27/11/2018 4

5 1.2. Internal Control & Supervision
PART 1 1.2. Internal Control & Supervision 27/11/2018 5

6 Internal control & Supervision COSO Framework
Internal control is designed to assist organizations in achieving their objectives Three Objectives Rules and procedures enabling the risk management actions ,defined by top management, to be immediately applied e.g. Évaluation des Risques Activités de Contrôle Operations Finance Compliance Activité 2 Delegations of authorities Approval Common processes and systems Separation of functions Accounts reconciliations Activité 1 Monitoring Unité B Information & Communication Unité A Five Components Control Activities Risk assessment Entire organisation Control Environment 27/11/2018 6

7 Internal control & Supervision COSO Framework
Monitoring helps ensure “that internal control continues to operate effectively”. Identify and correct internal control problems Produce reliable information for use in decision-making, Prepare accurate and timely financial statements Be in a position to provide periodic assertions on the effectiveness of internal control 27/11/2018 7

8 Internal control & Supervision at the Commission: ICS
December 2000: Internal Control Standards (ICS) were defined by the Commission for the first time based on an internationally recognized COSO framework December 2002: The standards were complemented by minimum “Baseline Requirements” to facilitate the implementation of Standards October 2007: The standards were revised and renamed as “Internal Control Standards for Effective Management”: 16 revised ICS (instead of 24) complemented by 61 baseline requirements. 27/11/2018 8

9 Internal control & Supervision at the Commission
Definition of Internal Control in the Commission Internal Control is a process intended to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of the DG’s objectives in terms of: the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, the compliance with rules and procedures, the safeguarding of assets and information/ prevention and detection of fraud, the reliability of financial and management information It is all the measures management and staff can take to ensure that these objectives are met. 27/11/2018

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12 Internal control & Supervision at the Commission-ICS n°9: Supervision
Key Guidelines of Supervision in EC: Internal control activity to ensure effective implementation of activities while complying with applicable provisions. Covers both legality and regularity aspects and operational performance (i.e. achievement of Annual objectives). In deciding the supervisory controls, management needs to consider the level of risks and how the risk exposure changes over time. Source: BudgWeb Internal Control Standards for Effective Management 27/11/2018

13 PART 1 1.3. Risk management 27/11/2018 13 13

14 Risk management IIA Definition
The uncertainty of an event occurring that could have an impact on the achievement of objectives. Risk is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood. (IIA, Glossary, Issued 1 October 2008) EC Definition of Risk Risk is “any event or issue that could occur and adversely impact the achievement of the Commission’s political, strategic and operational objectives. Lost opportunities are also considered as risks.” Lost opportunities are risks related to the development and modernisation of the organisation and its activities (i.e. adaptation to new circumstances and expectations 27/11/2018 14

15 The common “risk typology”
Risk management: The common “risk typology” of the Commission 27/11/2018 15

16 Risk management: Critical risks referred in 2007 & 2008 Annual Management Plans
External Environment (28%) (22% last year) Planning, Processes & Systems (33%) (34% last year) People & Organisation (26%) (27% last year) Legality & Regularity (5%) (8% last year) Information & Communication (8%) (9% last year) 27/11/2018 Source: BUDG synthesis of 2007 & 2008 AMPs 16

17 PART 1 1.4. How to build assurance?
Internal control frameworks PART 1 1.4. How to build assurance? 27/11/2018 17 17

18 How to build assurance: within the DG
ASSURANCE DECLARATION: I, the undersigned, Director-General of XXX, Head of Service of XXX in my capacity as authorising officer by delegation Declare that the information contained in this report gives a true and fair view[1]. State that I have reasonable assurance that the resources assigned to the activities described in this report have been used for their intended purpose and in accordance with the principles of sound financial management, and that the control procedures put in place give the necessary guarantees concerning the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions. This reasonable assurance is based on my own judgement and on the information at my disposal, such as the results of the self-assessment, ex post controls, the work of the internal audit capability, the observations of the Internal Audit Service and the lessons learnt from the reports of the Court of Auditors for years prior to the year of this declaration. Confirm that I am not aware of anything not reported here which could harm the interests of the institution. However the following reservations should be noted: [where appropriate] Place …………….., date (signature) [1] True and fair in this context means a reliable, complete and correct view on the state of affairs in the service. 27/11/2018

19 How to build assurance: Actors involved
Monitoring tools (Guidance, instructions, check list) Management and Control Actors European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) – Investigators Internal Audit Actors Internal Audit Service (IAS) – at the Commission Level The Authorising Officer (Dir Gen) – Control staff – Ex Post Controllers Central Financial Service (CFS) in DG Budget The Accounting Officer, Deputy DG of DG Budget Audit Progress Committee (APC) “Audit Committee” Internal Audit Capabilities (IAC) – at the DG Level Other Audit/ Control Actors European Court of Auditors (ECA) – External Auditor 27/11/2018 19

20 How to build assurance: within the DG
Commissioner consulted on Annual Management Plan and informed about critical risks of the DG in that respect Director General ultimately responsible for DG objectives and risks, risk management strategy and effectiveness Commission IAS BUDG DG IAC Res. Dir Dir Dir CFS Internal auditor can evaluate effectiveness of risk management in the DG Guidance ICC supports risk management in the DG - guidance and facilitation At the pilot questions were raised about the nature of the responsibility of the Commissioners. Note: their responsibility is purely political. The DG reports at least twice yearly to the Commissioner (in reality to Cabinet) but the Commissioner should not be involved inn the day-to-day running of the DG Unit Unit Horizontal support (methodology, guidance, check lists, Risks and control typologies) Staff 27/11/2018 20 20

21 PART 1 1.5. Role of the IAS Internal control frameworks 27/11/2018 21

22 Controls by Management
Role of the IAS External Control Internal audit / other auditors IT Controls Controls by Management Operational steps and controls (separation of tasks, competency, autocontrol, …) Inherent risk Residual risk Taking into account the internal risk control organization 27/11/2018 22 22

23 Role of the IAS According to the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing: « the internal audit activity must evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of controls in responding to risks within the organisation’s governance, operations, and information systems regarding the: Reliability and integrity of financial and operational information Effectiveness and efficiency of operations Safeguarding of assets Compliance with laws, regulations and contracts » Source: The International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, IIA 27/11/2018

24 Role of the IAS The Internal Audit Service (IAS) of the European Commission Guided by the IIA standards (IAS certified in 2008) Set up strategic planning based on own risk analysis and coordinated Coordinated approach with European Court of Auditors and IACs Provide opinions on the quality of management and control systems recommendations Report to Audit Progress Committee the Commission (Overall Internal audit Report, Art Fin. Regulation), monitoring bi-annual reports on all recommendations (exception reports) has full and unlimited access to information Source: BudgWeb Management modes 27/11/2018

25 Role of the IAS Supervisory and Control Systems
Difference between Management Supervision and the work of the Internal Auditors 1) Supervisory controls are direct control exercised by management within the area of its responsibility Whereas Internal Auditors (IAS and IACs) are conducting controls independently from any management responsibilities also covering Management supervision 2) Supervisory controls should be a continuous management responsibility Audits conducted by the Internal Auditors are discrete by nature and can only focus over a certain period on those areas identified by the auditor based on its risk assessment Source: BudgWeb Internal Control Standards for Effective Management 27/11/2018

26 EU Financial Management modes
Internal control frameworks Part 2 Implementation EU Financial Management modes 27/11/2018 26 26

27 Supervisory and Control Systems
EC Supervision per Management Mode Source: BudgWeb Budget Management modes 27/11/2018

28 Supervisory and Control Systems
EC Supervision per Management Mode Centralised direct management Ensure supervision and control of the implementation of the tasks Centralised indirect management (art 56 Financial Regulation) May entrust tasks of public authority and budget implementation to Agencies created by the Commission (executive agencies) Bodies created by the European Communities community agencies, joint undertakings, others (European Investment Bank, European Investment Fund) National public-sector bodies or bodies governed by private law with a public service mission (so-called « national agencies ») Ensure supervision, evaluation and control of the implementation of the tasks entrusted (6 pillars considering the equivalence procurement, audit, accounting and internal control procedures) Source: BudgWeb Management modes 27/11/2018

29 Supervisory and Control Systems
EC Supervision per Management Mode Art. 56 FR : Requirements for Indirect Centralised Management Mode Entrusted entities must have: Transparent procurement and grant-award procedures which are non-discriminatory and exclude any conflict of interest An effective and efficient internal control system for the management of operations, which includes effective segregation of the duties of authorising officer and accounting officer or the equivalent functions An accounting system that enables the correct use of Community funds to be verified and the use of funds to be reflected in Community accounts An independent external audit Public access to information at the level provided for in Community Regulations Adequate annual ex post publication of beneficiaries of EU funds (Art. 30(3) FR Source: Article 56 FR; BudgWeb Management modes 27/11/2018

30 Supervisory and Control Systems
EC Supervision per Management Mode A few key controls in the EC Control architecture Ex-ante system assessment on implementing bodies Ex-ante control of transactions (Financial Circuits « 4 eyes principles ») Beneficiaries audit reports Ex-post control of transactions/system (audit or transactions based) Monitoring missions on projects management (Results Oriented Missions) Verification missions or on-the-spot controls Source: Article 56 FR; BudgWeb Management modes 27/11/2018

31 Internal control frameworks
PART 3 Conclusion 27/11/2018 31 31

32 Conclusion Supervision is part of the internal control system
Management is primarily responsible for supervision, not Internal Audit Supervision is everywhere : at Commission, at Member States, at implementing bodies levels,… Supervision is complex, comprises various actors and numerous activities. Clear responsibilities, subsequent supervision and control activities to be well established between all actors Source: Article 56 FR; BudgWeb Management modes 27/11/2018

33 THANK YOU VERY MUCH 27/11/2018

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