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What is the Scratch Program at Cardinal Forest Elementary School?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Scratch Program at Cardinal Forest Elementary School?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science Education Jessica Gorman and Crystal Noel Computer Systems (2008-2009)

2 What is the Scratch Program at Cardinal Forest Elementary School?
45 min class weekly Origins of the Program Gates Allard What do we do? curriculum developing process lesson agenda

3 What is Scratch? Scratch Developed by MIT Why Scratch? “kid friendly”
Drag and drop text Multimedia/ visually focused

4 Developing a Curriculum
Topics Integration of SOL topics Science History Math Coordinate system Problem solving Pseudo code Splitting a problem into steps Beginning comp sci skills loops Methods (when “green flag” clicked, go to v glide)

5 Timeline October - November: - Basic scratch skills
December - January: -Teacher designed programs - Identify students interested in independent design February-May: - more freedom in project design in class projects -Student Projects

6 Shapes Project

7 Winter Wonderland Project

8 Fish Game Project 8

9 Benefits of a Computer Science Education?
Research focus Benefits of a comp sci a young age? Type of child who benefits the most Procedure Distribute survey throughout year Personality Learning ability

10 (Expected) Results Possible benefits Problem solving Teamwork
Following directions Abstract thinking

11 Observations A: student w/ behavioral issues B: quiet student
one of brightest 2nd graders issues in the classroom never had problem in Scratch understood had to be respectful if wanted to learn B: quiet student barely talked to other students/ teachers very intelligent once asked to help his neighbor now, loves making his rounds to help the others 11

12 Designing Computer Programs in Elementary School
Research Focus: Value in Program Design -problem solving skills -troubleshooting -independence -creativity

13 Project Design Make your own rubric activities Project Choices PacMan
Super Mario Dodgeball Story


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