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CMPE 252A : Computer Networks

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1 CMPE 252A : Computer Networks
Chen Qian UCSC Baskin Engineering Lecture 18 Some slides from Brent Waters and Saiyu Qi

2 Scalable Data Access Control in RFID-Enabled Supply Chain
Saiyu Qi1,2, Yuanqing Zheng2, Mo Li2, Yunhao Liu3 , Jinli Qiu4 HKUST1 Nanyang Technological University2 Tsinghua University3 Xi’an Jiaotong University4 Hello everyone, I’d like to present this paper: Scalable Data Access Control in RFID-Enabled Supply Chain. As the visa of the original author is still being checked, He cannot come and give a talk. So he authorizes me to give this talk. In this paper, we propose a scalable data access control system to support secure sharing of product data in RFID-enabled supply chain.

3 Introduction of RFID technique
Basic components of RFID: RFID Tag: low cost limited storage ability support wireless communication RFID Reader: moderate-ability retrieve tag carried data via wireless channel Database: Connect with reader store detailed tag data tag identification/authentication First, let me introduce what is RFID technique. Generally, RFID technique consists of three components: The first is RFID tag, which is low cost, has limited storage ability and supports wireless communication The second is RFID reader, which has moderate ability and can retrieve tag carried data via wireless channel And the third is a database, which is connected with reader and stores detailed tag data. Usually, the database is used to connect the tag with its detailed tag data for identification or authentication purpose. RFID technique attracts increasing attention due to its good application prospect. It is widely used in item tracking and localization The global forecast of RFID hardware, middleware and IT market Source from DolceraWiki

4 RFID-enabled supply chain
1 shared among supply chain participants 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 A main application of RFID is supply chain, (action 1) where tags are attached to products (action 2)and supply chain participants are equipped with readers (action 3)By doing so, the participants can efficiently trace their products and create product data to record their states. (action 4)The product data can be then shared among participants, which facilitates information exchange and supports critical decisions in production operations. 8 7 9

5 Motivation The product data derived by RFID tags is usually sensitive
An instance: pedigree of drugs created for each tagged drug in a pharmaceutical supply chain be useful to verify if a drug is fake often contains counterfeit certificate , time of delivery and manufactures However, the product data derived by RFID tags is usually sensitive. For instance, the pharmaceutical supply chain tracks tagged drugs and establishes a pedigree for each drug. Such drug pedigrees are useful for retailers and consumers to check whether the drugs are from trustworthy participants. However, drug pedigrees may contain sensitive business matters and suffer malicious accesses, such as accesses from drug counterfeiters and competitive manufacturers suffer malicious accesses by drug counterfeiters and competitive manufacturers

6 The goal of this paper Secure sharing of RFID-derived product data
A scalable data access control system for RFID-Enabled Supply Chain an item-level data access control mechanism an item-level privilege revocation mechanism Advantages: Our goal is to support secure sharing of RFID-derived product data. To achieve this goal, we design A scalable data access control system for RFID-Enabled Supply Chain. It consists of two components:an item-level data access control mechanism and an item-level privilege revocation mechanism Our system has two advantages: first, it provides data access control in item-level. Second, it is scalable to large amount of tagged products data access control in item-level scalable to large amount of tagged products

7 idxi, <Enc(wit, Ki)>sig
System model product data is sensitive and may be compromised A participant only needs to contact the provider to retrieve the data of others idxi, <Enc(wit, Ki)>sig We aim to provide item-level access policy for product data defined by participants We consider a system model where supply chain participants rely on a service provider to efficiently share their product data Each tag carries a tag ID for identification (action 1,2,3)When a tagged product flows through the supply chain, a participant can identify the product and submits its product data indexed by the tag ID to the service provider. (action 4)On the other hand, a participant can use the tag ID to retrieve the product data of the product generated by other participants (action 5) The advantage is that the participant only needs to contact the service provider to do so, and does not to communicate with any other participants (action 6) Under this system model, We consider a malicious service provider (action 7) and aim to provide item-level access policy for product data defined by participants

8 Item-level data access control: a strawman method
To provide data access control in item-level, (action 1,2) a first attempt is to submit encrypted data to the service provider (action 3) and only distribute the secret key to authorized participants. (action 4) Such a solution however, requires each participant to distribute a key multiple times when a tagged product flows through the supply chain and is not scalable to support large-scale tagged products. (action 5) Also, a participant may not know all the other participants, and is not aware who should acquire the key Not scalable to support large-scale tagged products Some participants are unknown in advance

9 Item-level data access control: our idea
Consider a tagged product flowing through the supply chain… Submit policy enforced encryption: encryption associated with an access policy Policy definition: two types of attributes: role attribute (etc, USA, Retailer) and tag attribute (used as tag ID) logical expression over role attributes AND tag attribute e.g., (‘retailer’ AND (‘USA’ OR ‘France’) AND ‘TagAtt’) Instead, our system provides a new item-level data access control mechanism to avoid these drawbacks. (action 1) Consider a tagged product flows through the supply chain, (action 2) Our mechanism enables a participant to submit Policy enforced encryption to the service provider. This kind of encryption is associated with an access policy (action 3) We adopt two types of attributes to define a policy. Role attributes are used to describe certain characters of supply chain participants, while tag attributes are used to identify tags. An access policy is thus defined as a logical expression over role attributes AND the tag attribute

10 Item-level data access control: our idea
Decryption condition of policy enforced encryption: a credential with satisfiable role attributes and a credential with the tag attribute Distributed credential management: role attributes /credentials a key authority tag attributes/credentials------corresponding tags (only participants within the supply chain can acquire!) A participant can acquire: one credential with a set of role attributes to describe itself from the key authority credentials of tag attributes from tags (action 1) To decrypt the policy enforced encryption, an authorized participant must have a credential with satisfiable role attributes and a credential with the tag attribute (action 2) The credentials are managed in a distributed manner: role attributes /credentials are managed by a key authority. We use tags as a natural medium to distribute tag attributes and credentials within the supply chain, so that only participants within the supply chain can acquire them (action 3) As a result, a participant can acquire one credential with a set of role attributes to describe itself from the key authority and credentials of tag attributes from tags

11 Item-level data access control: an example
role attributes published by key authority tag attribute from tag credential issuing of role attributes within the supply chain but unsatisfiable role attributes outside the supply chain Let’s see an example. (action 1, 2)During the system initialization, each participant acquires a credential with a set of role attributes to describe itself from the key authority. (action 3, 4)When a tagged product flows through the supply chain, a participant can use role attributes and the tag attribute to define a proper access policy and submit a policy enforced encryption to the service provider. (action 5) As the tagged product flows, only the participants within the supply chain can acquire the credential of the tag attribute. (action 6,7) Finally, the access policy precludes the participant as it within the supply chain but owns unsatisfiable role attributes. It also precludes the participant as it outsides the supply chain Location: USA Location: France Location: USA Obligation: retailer Obligation: producer Obligation: retailer TagAtt TagAtt

12 Item-level data access control: advantage
Advantages: define an access policy with role attributes (acquired from the key authority) and tag attributes (acquired from tags)---do not need knowing other participants in advance participants acquire credentials from key authority and tags --- item-level key issuing is avoided Combing all the above key points, our mechanism enjoys two advantages: A participant can define its access policy using attributes, and does not need to know other participants A participant can acquire credentials from key authority and tags, and item-level key issuing is avoided.

13 Item-level data access control: implementation
Policy enforced encryption: Double encryption pattern: Ciphertext Policy-Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) [Bethencourt, et al., SP '07] and Updatable Encryption (UE) scheme Symmetric encrypt the ABE encryption ABE encrypt the data Precisely enforce our desired policy: ABE to enforce role attribute part Updatable encryption to enforce tag attribute part Product data ABE encryption Policy enforced encryption We implement policy enforced encryption by using double encryption pattern. Product data is first encrypted by the ABE encryption scheme and further encrypted by the updatable encryption scheme. On the other hand, we encode Credentials with role attributes as ABE private keys and Credentials with tag attributes as UE private keys (action 1)We will see that double encryption pattern precisely implement Policy enforced encryption Two types of credentials: Credentials with role attributes: ABE private keys Credentials with tag attributes: UE private keys

14 Ciphertext-Policy, Attribute-Based Encryption
John Bethencourt CMU Amit Sahai UCLA Brent Waters SRI International test

15 Remote File Storage: Interesting Challenges
Scalability Reliability … But we also want security -- OK, so one thing we do all time is store our files on remote servers. There are a number of reasons why we do so. -- We may want to provide scalable access to our files to others using additional resources available elsewhere. -- We may want more reliability in case of failures. In this case we may want to replicate our files in different data centers or with different organizations. -- But we want security. We may have requirements on who can access which files. The interesting thing is, there is a tension between security and the other properties. The more we replicate our files, the more we introduce potential points of compromise and the more trust we require. It’s this tension which makes this sort of problem interesting, and provides a context in which CP-ABE may be useful.

16 Remote File Storage: Server Mediated Access Control
Sarah: IT department, backup manager ? Good: Flexible access policies Bad: Data vulnerable to compromise Must trust security of server Access control list: Kevin, Dave, and anyone in IT department OK, so, moving on, let’s look out how people control access to remotely stored files. One general way you might handle this is to have a server decide for you. -- So in this case, when we upload a file, we also provide a policy specifying who should be permitted to access the file. -- Now when another user comes along and authenticates herself to the server somehow, the server can evaluate the policy -- along with metadata the server may have about the user in order to -- make a decision about whether allow access. -- So what are the pros and cons of this general class of approaches to access control?

17 Remote File Storage: Encrypting the Files
More secure, but loss of flexibility New key for each file: Must be online to distribute keys Many files with same key: Fine grained access control not possible OK, so what if someone is very concerned about the confidentiality of their files? Well, they can -- encrypt their file before storing it, using either symmetric or public key encryption. Now the server can freely give out copies of the encrypted file to anyone. Now the problem of -- controlling access to the file is a matter of -- distributing the key. -- But then things get more complicated as you encrypt more files. -- Do you use a new key for each file? In that case, it probably won’t be feasible to distribute the keys ahead of time, since you don’t know all the files you are going to store in the future. -- So you, or some other server, has to stay online to mediate access to the keys. Alternatively, you could use a few keys to encrypt many files. -- But then you lose the fine grained control we had over access policies.

18 Remote File Storage: We Want It All
Wishlist: Encrypted files for untrusted storage Setting up keys is offline No online, trusted party mediating access to files or keys Highly expressive, fine grained access policies Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption does this! User private keys given list of “attributes” Files can encrypted under “policy” over those attributes Can only decrypt if attributes satisfy policy

19 Remove File Storage: Access Control via CP-ABE
MSK OR IT dept. AND manager marketing PK SKSarah: “manager” “IT dept.” (point out that attributes of secret key are mathematically incorporated into the key itself) (after file is encrypted, say we put it on the server) (explain that now, the policy checking happens “inside the crypto”. that is, nobody explicitly evaluates the policies and makes an access decision. instead, if the policy is satisfied, decryption will just work, otherwise it won’t.) SKKevin: “manager” “sales”

20 Collusion Attacks: The Key Threat
? Important potential attack Users should not be able to combine keys Essential, almost defining property of ABE Main technical trick of our scheme: preventing collusion AND A B SKSarah: “A”, “C” SKKevin: “B”, “D”

21 Collusion Attacks: A Misguided Approach to CP-ABE
Collusion attacks rule out some trivial schemes … AND A B PKA PKB PKC PKD SKA SKB SKC SKD M = M1 + M2 SKSarah: “A”, “C” SKKevin: “B”, “D” C = (EA(M1), EB(M2)) CP-ABE has special design to be resilient to this attack

22 Item-level data access control: CP-ABE
ABE master key ABE private key: {USA, retailer} ABE private key: {France, manufacturer} USA To realize double encryption pattern, let’s first see CP-ABE. (action 1)The key authority with an ABE master key can generate private key with role attributes for participants (action 2)An ABE encryption can be associated with a logic expression over role attributes. (action 3,4)CP-ABE guarantees that only the private key with satisfiable role attributes can decrypt Logic expression over role attributes ENC(M, ‘USA’ OR ‘CHINA’)

23 Item-level data access control: CP-ABE alone is ill-suited
ABE master key ABE private key: {USA, retailer} ABE private key: {France, manufacturer} ABE private key: {TagAtt} ABE private key: {TagAtt} Now a question is why don’t we use ABE alone to implement the policy enforced encryption? Actually, a simply idea is to let the key authority to issue private keys with role attributes at the beginning. (action 1,2,3)Later, when a tagged product flows through the supply chain, the key authority further issue an private key with the tag attribute to all the participants within the supply chain. (action 4)However, ABE has a security property called collusion resistance which prevents joint usage of multiple private keys for decryption. It’s goal is to prevent a malicious user with several private keys to decrypt large-scale data. (action 5)Another drawback is that All participants within the supply chain must trust the key authority to manage their keys Collusion resistance: Prevent joint usage of multiple private keys for decryption Single point of failure: All participants within the supply chain must trust the key authority

24 Item-level data access control: Updatable Encryption
Updatable Encryption (UE): use UE-private key to further encrypt Generate UE private keys by themselves as tag attribute credentials Must within the supply chain can acquire the keys to decrypt encrypt with the UE-private key ABE encryption Policy enforced encryption Instead, we use double encryption pattern to overcome the drawbacks of CP-ABE. Participants further encrypt the ABE encryption with the UE private key to form the policy enforced encryption Also, Participants separately encode the credentials of tag attributes as UE private keys and store them into the corresponding tags By doing so, our Policy enforced encryption is precisely implemented and participants can manage the credentials of tag attributes be themselves

25 Item-level data access control: Updatable Encryption
Updatable Encryption (UE): (UE) re-key to transform an encryption under one UE- private key to an encryption under another UE-private key without decryption Proxy re-encryption [Blaze , et al., EUROCRYPT, 1998]: long private key (1024 bits) not specific for supply chain setting Updatable encryption: short private key (486 bits) to store in commercial tags (512 bits) two security models for revoked participants and service provider provable security under the two models Updatable encryption also provides a new type of key called re-key to transform an encryption under one private key to an encryption under another private key without decryption. This property is useful in our privilege revocation mechanism as I will introduce next. Our Updatable encryption is motivated from Proxy re-encryption which also provide re-keys. We use new mathematic structure to build our scheme so that the private key is short enough to be stored in tags. We also formalize two security models to describe the behaviors of revoked participants and service provider, and prove the security of our scheme in the two models

26 Item-level privilege revocation: basic tasks
Upstream participants cannot access the data of downstream ones Downstream participants still can access the data of upstream ones Our system also provides an item-level privilege revocation mechanism. We consider the dynamic property of supply chain where an upstream participant may leave the supply chain. In this case, a downstream participant needs to revoke its data access privilege. the revocation operation consists of two tasks: Upstream participants cannot access the data of downstream ones and Downstream participants still can access the data of upstream ones. The first task is simple. (action 1,2,3,4,5)The downstream participant only need to write new tag attribute credential into the tag. (action 6,7,8)By doing so, all the following downstream participants can use the new tag attribute credential to encrypt and decrypt their data. On the other hand, the old tag attribute credential cannot be used to access the data of downstream participants

27 Item-level privilege revocation: complete the second task
A strawman method: add a tag credential each revocation old tag credential old encryption high tag storage overhead new tag credential new encryption Our solution: re-encrypt old encryption with re-key re-key service provider old encryption To complete task 2, a simple solution is to store both the old/new tag attribute credentials into the tag, so that Downstream participants still can use the old credential to access the data of upstream ones. This solution requires to add a tag attribute credential into the tag in each revocation operation. As revocations may happen multiple times, this solution incurs high tag storage overhead. Instead, as we encode tag attribute credential as UE private key, The downstream participant who update the old tag attribute credential to a new one can generate a re-key between the two credentials. re-key can transform an encryption under one private key to an encryption under another private key without decryption. It then sends the re-key to the service provider and delegate it to update the policy enforced encryptions with the old tag attribute. After updating, these encryptions can be decrypted by the new tag attribute credential. By doing so, the tag only needs to store the newest tag credential regardless the number of revocation operations. only need to store the newest tag credential new tag credential new encryption

28 Evaluation: environment
PC configuration:16-core AMD Opteron Processor 6320 and 16GB RAM running on Ubuntu OS Two platforms: Single PC Cluster of three PCs with hadoop Product data is randomly generated following normal distribution We evaluate our system on two platforms, a single PC and a Cluster of three PCs with hadoop We randomly generate Product data following normal distribution

29 Evaluation: data submission, data retrieval, and updating
All the three operations for tagged products can be completed within 1 hour We consider three core operations of our system, namely Encrypt, decrypt and update policy enforced encryptions We evaluate the computation overhead of the three operations when a large amount of tagged products flow through the supply chain The experiments on both the platforms show that all the three operations can be completed within one hour for tagged products.

30 Summary Policy enforced encryption with role attributes and tag attribute Preclude participants outside supply chain and with unsatisfiable characters separately manage credentials of role attributes and tag attributes Enforce item-level access control without item-level key issuing Enable servicer provider to transform old encryptions to new encryptions by re-key without decryption Tag only needs to store the newest tag credential In this paper, we propose a scalable data access control system to support secure sharing of product data in RFID-enabled supply chain. Our system has several novel ideas. We implement Policy enforced encryption to encrypt product data. The policy of such an encryption is defined by role attributes and tag attribute. By doing so, the encryption Preclude participants outside supply chain and with unsatisfiable characters We separately manage credentials of role attributes and tag attributes through the key authority and tags By doing so, a participant can use attributes to define the access policy for its policy enforced encryptions and acquire corresponding credentials from the key authority and tags. And no key needs to be issued between participants We design updatable encryption scheme to Enable servicer provider to transform old encryptions to new encryptions by re-key without decryption. By doing so, a Tag only needs to store the newest tag credential regardless the number of revocations

31 End 11/27/2018

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