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Study of VBF H->tt->lep+had
Junichi Tanaka ICEPP, Univ. of TOKYO Discovery of Higgs and Supersymmetry to Pioneer Particle Physics in the 21th Century 24th Nov. 2005
Outline Introduction Study of 3rd jet by ME event generator
Study of fake BGs Summary Prospects : Discovery Potential of SM Higgs 24th Nov. 2005
SM Higgs Production & Decay @ LHC
Excluded by LEP Production Decay t+t- VBF LEPEWWG2005S 114.4 < mH < 219 C.L. VBF H->tt at low-mass region (mH = ~120GeV) Large production cross section and branching ratio: sxBR ~ 300fb 24th Nov. 2005
Vector Boson Fusion Process
Rapidity gap f h PRD59(1999)14037 hep-ph/ Characteristics High Pt jets in forward region Rapidity gap Right fig : h*3 = h of 3rd jet – average of h of 2 forward jets Signal … a dip in the center BG … a peak in the center -> jet activities depend on structure of color flow. (EW) Treatment of 3rd jet is important in this mode! 24th Nov. 2005
ATLAS ATLAS Scientific note: Eur.Phys.J.C32S2:19-54,2004 BG by Comphep VBF H->tt VBF H->tt is one of promising channels near the LEP limit. (left fig) Reconstruct M(tt) by using missing Et and observe a peak (right fig) on the right side of the Z mass peak. “VBF H->tt” is one of discovery channels at the low mass region. 24th Nov. 2005
Motivation Improvement and progress of our tools since the previous studies (Eur.Phys.J.C32S2,19,2004, the pervious slide) 1) Events with multi jets can be generated by the recent ME event generators. 3rd jet was evaluated by Parton Shower (PS) model in the previous studies. We evaluate 3rd jet by the ME event generator. 2) Environment of reconstruction and full simulation, which will be used in 2007, is available. Fake rate can be estimated from the full simulation, which is based on Geant4. Large QCD backgrounds, which have not been considered in the previous studies, are checked by using results of the full simulation. 24th Nov. 2005
Type of Simulation Full simulation Fast simulation
Based on Geant4 Initial layout Used for detail studies Development of reconstruction tools, for example, tracking, reconstruction of missing Et, Particle ID tools (e, m, tau, b, g). Fake rates, crack effect for missing Et and so on Take much time, typically, ~15mins/event with 3GHz CPU. Fast simulation Based on parameterized performance of full simulation results Used for the BG study, where we need high statistics. Most of today’s results are obtained by the fast simulation. 24th Nov. 2005
Study of 3rd jet by ME event generator
24th Nov. 2005
ME ALPGEN + PS Alpgen (M.L.Mangano) is one of the ME event generators.
Studies using ME event generators becomes popular. ME has an advantage for producing high Pt jets. To remove collinear and soft divergence, Pt and Rjj are required at parton level. Soft and collinear kinematical regions are covered by PS. We produced exclusive samples for Z+njets(n=2,3,4) with modified ALPGEN ver1 (small weight events can be produced). “Z+njets” is a dominant BG. MLM method is used to avoid double counting. The similar method is officially introduced from ver2. 24th Nov. 2005
To Avoid Double Counting
We use the following method (“our MLM method”) to avoid the double counting of events: (not CKKW method) Veto events having jets (Pt>20GeV) at the outside of cone (dR=0.4), whose center is defined by the direction of a ME-parton. ME-parton Rec-jet Good Bad See T.Sasaki’s talk later 24th Nov. 2005
Pt and h Distributions 3rd jets with high Pt increase.
Alpgen sample(ver1), after lepton cut, normalized to 1fb-1. Pt of 3rd jet eta of 3rd jet preliminary “Z2j” “Z2j”+”Z3j” “Z2j”+”Z3j”+”Z4j” with MLM method to avoid double counting preliminary log10Pt 25GeV 100GeV 3rd jets with high Pt increase. 3rd jets become more central. It has a large effect on Central Jet Veto. Pt and h of 3rd jet depend on the number of jets. Cannot ignore them. 24th Nov. 2005
CJV Survival Probability
Central Jet Veto (CJV) : Veto events having additional jets with a “given” Pt in the rapidity gap. preliminary No additional jet in the rapidity gap jet t t jet f Rapidity gap h (additional jets in the rapidity gap) Survival probability of “Z+2j” is higher than “Z+3j” and “Z+4j” due to smaller jet activity in the rapidity gap. ~40% of Z+njets (n=2,3,4) remains in total in case of Pt=20GeV. 24th Nov. 2005
M(tt) Distribution After all the selection criteria
L=30fb-1 After all the selection criteria A amount of remaining Z+2j is large due to large cross section and high CJV survival probability. Z+3j and Z+4j still remains. They are not negligible. Since resolution becomes worse as the number of jets increases, their tails can contribute to BGs. Z+2j Z+3j Z+4j preliminary Signal region 24th Nov. 2005
Study of fake BGs 24th Nov. 2005
Origin of Fake Lepton Since cross section (x-sec) of events with QCD jets is much larger than that of the signal (x-sec~300fb), we suffer from these events, which have fake leptons from jets. W j j j -> W t j j : x-sec ~ >10nb j j j j -> e/m t j j : x-sec ~ >10mb Fake Tau 1 or 3 p+- with p0, which have most of energy of a jet Fake Electron Pair production of gamma (from p0) Dalitz decay p+- and p0 with E/p~1 B/D semileptonic decay Fake Muon pion punch through pion decay in flight 24th Nov. 2005
Tau Reconstruction and ID
Hadronic decay: 1prong ~50% and 3prongs ~15% We need to identify tau-jets from many QCD-jets. Charged tracks : 1 or 3 Photons from p0 Reconstruction : two ways at ATLAS 1) Cell based : start from cells, which is the similar as cone jet algo. 2) Track based : start from charged track(s) Properties of tau-jet : for identification 1 or 3 charged pion tracks Narrowness and Isolation 24th Nov. 2005
Tau Rec/ID Performance
Cell based method “Fake rate of 10-2” means we misidentify one QCD jet as a tau in 100 QCD jets. Depend on Pt and type of jet. Gluon fake rate is better than quark fake rate due to difference in narrowness. Light Quark Gluon fake rate preliminary 20<Pt<40GeV 40<Pt<60GeV 60<Pt<100GeV 100<Pt<140GeV efficiency This result is parameterized and then is used in fast simulation. At least we need ~50% eff. with these fake rates for the discovery with L=10fb-1. 24th Nov. 2005
e/m Fake Rates Fake rates of electron and muon from jets are obtained from QCD di-jet samples using the full simulation. See O.Jinnouchi’s talk later. Typical performance Jet -> e : ~10-3 Jet -> m : ~10-4 These results are taken into account in the fast simulation to evaluate BG contributions. 24th Nov. 2005
W+3jets & 4jets W j j j -> W t j j j j j j -> e t j j BG
Corresponds to L ~ 70fb-1 Corresponds to L ~ 10fb-1 W+3jets 4jets BG x-sec(fb) W+3jets 0.26 4jets 0.30 Z+njets 0.13 preliminary fake(e->jet) : 10-3 preliminary (Signal region: GeV) W j j j -> W t j j j j j j -> e t j j W+3j and 4jets remain with the same order of Z+njets. Improvement of tauID for both cases and decrease of fake electron for 4jets are critical to decrease these BGs. 24th Nov. 2005
M(tt) and Significance
Signal (m=120) very preliminary Z+nj(QCD) M(tt) and Significance Z/ttjj(EW) L=30fb-1 tt, WWjj A a kind of BGs is the same as our paper(page5). B +”W+3jets” C +”jjjj” 10 sBG=0.18fb sBG=0.43fb sBG=0.73fb 10 10 sSIG=0.45fb S/B S/B0.5 L=10fb-1 L=30fb-1 A 2.5 3.3 5.8 B 1.0 2.1 3.7 C 0.61 1.6 2.9 We assume that lepton(e,m) efficiency is 85%. Significance becomes worse by a factor of 2 due to the new backgrounds. We need to improve tauID/fake electron and to optimize cuts. Signal region: GeV 24th Nov. 2005
Summary VBF H->tt->lep+had is important for the SM Higgs discovery in the low mass region (mH~120GeV). We evaluated 3rd jet by the ME event generator. There are differences in Pt and h of 3rd jet by the number of jets. Central jet veto survival probability and tail of M(tt) depend on the number of jets. We should use ME generators for multi-jets studies as much as possible. We studied fake BGs. W+3jets and 4jets become large BGs for the lep+had channel. We need to improve our tauID and other PID performance. We must understand QCD BGs for any LHC physics since their x-sec is very large in the LHC. (maybe beyond our expectation…) 24th Nov. 2005
Discovery potential of SM Higgs
ATLAS-PHYS preliminary NB: not include our latest results. 10fb-1 ATLAS Today L=10fb-1: VBF tt(ll+lh) ~ 2.6 gg ~ 5.0 @ mH=120GeV 200 120GeV Two promising channels at mH=~120GeV! We are preparing for this discovery! 24th Nov. 2005
Backup 24th Nov. 2005
ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS)
E,P resolution (P ~ 100GeV) : m ~ 2% e, g ~ 1.5% Jets ~ 8% 40MHz beam crossing Readout channel = M channels Raw data = 320Mbyte/sec (1TB/hour) Inner tracking system : 2T solenoid magnet Liq. Ar EM calorimeter Muon spectrometer : air-core troidal magnet 24th Nov. 2005
Summary of SM Higgs Studies
Production Decay Mass region and purpose Gluon Fusion H -> gg GeV Mass H -> ZZ-> 4 l GeV Discovery, Mass, Spin, Coupling H -> WW GeV Discovery Vector Boson Fusion H -> tt Discovery, Mass, Coupling GeV Discovery, W coupling Discovery, Mass H -> bb Yb coupling ttH GeV Yt coupling GeV WH GeV ATLAS 24th Nov. 2005
Hadronic tau decay mode
Branching ratio of H->tt : BR(lep-lep) = ~12% BR(lep-had) = ~46% “Lep-had” mode plays an important role for the Higgs discovery. factor of ~4 Mtt Distributions of VBF H->tt MH=120GeV ATLAS (em only) ATLAS 24th Nov. 2005
Fake rates Pt(GeV) Jet -> e Jet -> m BJet->e BJet->m
very preliminary Pt(GeV) Jet -> e Jet -> m BJet->e BJet->m BJet->t 15-35 19+-8 < 3.2 25+-9 35-50 10+-7 < 5.1 50-80 80-130 < 4.2 < 5.2 200- < 2.4 in 10-4 24th Nov. 2005
Simulated data W(->ln)+3jets 4jets Alpgen ver1
Jet condition : Pt>15GeV, |eta|<5, Rjj>0.7 Max(J1,J2)>30GeV, M(J1,J2)>200GeV, deltaEta(J1,J2)>2 x-sec = 1.4nb … very large! 4jets Jet condition : Rjj>0.7 Forward region : Pt>30GeV, eta1xeta2<0, |eta1-eta2|>2.5 Mjj>350GeV, |eta|<5.0 Central region : Pt>20GeV, |eta|<2.7, Mjj>80GeV x-sec = 2mb … very large!!! 24th Nov. 2005
qqH -> qqtt -> qq lep had
tau->e FWJet1 FWJet2 tau->h (1prong+pi0) Missing Et We’ll look this type of event in the real data !!! 24th Nov. 2005
ME+PS Z2j sample Z3j sample Z4j sample z2j without MLM method
z2j with MLM method + z3j without MLM method Z4j sample + z3j with MLM method + z4j without MLM method 24th Nov. 2005
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