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ALA National Convention October 20, 2010

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1 ALA National Convention October 20, 2010
Social Media

2 VCS launches Social Media on April 9, 2010
One corporate account-with restrictions Twitter had slower, started cross-marketing and Twitter Quiz Advertising sale events, grand openings, special order features and good news stories



5 The Twitter Quiz, Twitpics and links to cool stories, promoting facebook, healthy recipes and Sale Events, perfect for mobile use.

6 May 14th design complete on Facebook Twitter poster for mass distribution

7 If you feed it, it will grow!

8 Aside from fans in America, we’re all over the world, including Peru, Russia, Malaysia, Ukraine, Iraq, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Thailand, and as could be expected, women have a significant lead on representation.

9 Populate Coupon Tab-mobile scanning
Time limited offers only available through Twitter and facebook Become a “Favorite” to other facebook pages with huge fan base Increase online catalog marketing Increase focus on marketing the health initiatives VCS has partnered with or originated Continue promoting VCS branding and our Sponsorship of VA’s National Veterans Rehabilitation Events

10 Scenes from

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