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Presentation on theme: "MALAYSIAN STUDIES (MPW 1133)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Chapter 1: Introduction to Malaysian Society
1.1- The Early History of Malaysia -Paleolithic - Mesolithic - Neolithic 1.2- The Malay Kingdom of Malacca -Parameswara - Malacca Law & Malacca Law of the Sea


4 Cont’d….. 1.3- Multiracial Society
- Malays ( Banjar, Boyan, Bugis, Jawa..etc) -Chinese ( Hokkein) -Indian ( Malayali, Punjabi, Tamil, Telegu..etc) -Indigenous ( Negrito, Senoi, Bisaya,Murut..etc) 1.4- Indigenous Population of Sabah and Sarawak - Kadazan - Bajau - Murut - Sulu, Brunei, Malay, Melanau, Iban, Penan

5 Cont’d…… 1.5- Aborigines - Racial Stocks (Negrito, Senoi & Melayu Asli) 1.6- Unity and National Integration - Concepts - Theory of Racial relations ( Segregation, Accommodation, Acculturation, Assimilation & Amalgamation) 1.7- The Strife Towards unity & National Integration - Strife( barriers) towards unity & national integration forces the govrmnt to take some efforts.

6 Cont’d….. 1.8- The Basis of Racial Unity in Malaysia -
1.9- Method to Achieve National Integration - Formal Education - Social activities - Co-curriculum activities, mass media.. etc… Equitable eco. growth Sharing power democratic Commitment to adjust one’s own attitude –of the other races. Readiness to accept culture & regional

7 Chapter 2: Political Process
2.1- Political Process 2.2- The Era of Emergency 2.3- The Struggle For Independence 2.4- Political Development After Second World War 2.5- Federation of Malaya 2.6- Negotiations for independence

8 Cont’d….. 2.7- Formation of Malaysia 2.8- Brunei’s Withdrawals 2.9- Malaysia Faced with External Opposition Singapore Separation From Malaysia The Supremacy of the Constitution

9 Chapter 3: Government & National Administrative
3.1- System of Government and National Administrative Structure 3.2- Democracy & General Election 3.3- State Legislative & Parliamentary

10 Chapter 4: Ideology & Malaysia’s Policy
4.1- Rukun Negara: The National Ideology 4.2- Ideology & Political System 4.3- Era of Science & Technology 4.4- Educations Reforms: Aims & Process 4.5- Malaysia & Regional Relations 4.6- Malaysia & World Affairs 4.7- Development & The Environment

11 Cont’d….. 4.8- Human Development 4.9- Wholesome Values In The Context of Globalization Integration of universal Knowledge To Fight Against Drug Abuse & Control The Spread of HIV/ AIDS Challenges To Adolescents in The Current of Development Development Plan & Vision Vision 2020

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