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Just-In-Time Manufacturing

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1 Just-In-Time Manufacturing
By: M. Mahzari ترجمه : ” محدثه مجریان ”

2 فلسفه JIT چیست؟ S8 عوامل اصلی JIT را شرح دهید. S6 تکنیکهای مدیریت تولید را بیان نمایید. S16 فلسفه مدیریت کیفیت جامع را شرح دهید. S12 اصول مدیریت تئلید را بیان نمایید. S14 کانبان چیست S17 مدیریت تامین کننده را تعریف کنید s20 21 کنترل موجودی را تعریف کنید. S24 مزایای JIT را بیان نمایید s33 مسائل اجرایی s31 مدیریت منابع s27 28

3 تولید به هنگام ؟ تولید به هنگام چیست؟ چگونه به وجود می آید؟
اصول اصلی آن چیست؟ آیا به آسانی اجرا می شود؟ بهترین تعریف JIT کدام اصطلاح است؟ For those of you that have never heard of Just-In-Time Manufacturing, today we will be covering these four questions. What is JIT Manufacturing, Where did it come from, What are the main principles, is it easy to implement, and most important What phrase best describes JIT?

4 تولید به هنگام JIT – فلسفه بهبود پیوسته ای است که بر پیشگیری بیشتر از اصلاح تایید دارد, و تقاضاها و خواسته های شرکت تمرکز گسترده بر کیفیت دارد. JIT – رویکرد مدیریت عملیاتی جهت دستیابی به ساخت در سطح جهانی است. JIT – تولید بر مبنای تقاضاست. Just-In-Time Manufacturing or JIT, is a philosophy of continuous improvement that puts emphasis on prevention rather than correction, and demands a company wide focus on quality. It is also an operational management approach to achieve world class manufacturing. I would also like to emphasize that JIT is a philosophy, and that the philosophy bases production of demand.

5 تاریخچه تولید به هنگام در ژاپن پس از جنگ جهانی دوم پدیدار شد, به طوریکه یک نتیجه ای از سهم نزولی بازارشان در صنعت خودرو بود. کارخانه تویوتا موتور – محل تولد فلسفه JIT با نظر Taiichi Ohno . W. Edwards Deming 14 اصل مدیریتی JIT اکنون در صنعت آمریکا نیز رشد و پیشرفت نموده است. Jit philosophy evolved in Japan after World War II, as a result of their diminishing market share in the auto industry. Toyota Motor Company is the birthplace of the JIT philosophy under Taiichi Ohno. Taiichi’s JIT philosophy also encompasses many of W. Edwards Deming’s 14 points of Management concepts. Pause JIT is now on the rise in American Industries.

6 تعریف JIT عوامل اصلی JIT :
- موجودی را زمانی درخواست می کند که به آن نیاز داشته باشد. - بهبود کیفیت تا عیوب صفر بشود. - کاهش زمان انجام کار به وسیله کاهش زمان نصب, طول صف و اندازه های بخش ها - به انجام رساندن این موارد در حداقل هزینه ”

7 واژه های مترادف JIT IBM – ساخت جریان پیوسته
HP – سیستم های ساخت مکرر تولید بدون موجودی GE – مدیریت توسط بازرسی Boeing- تولید ناب Motorola- تولید در سیکل ( مدت زمان ) کوتاه Japanese- سیستم تویوتا

8 فلسفه تولید JIT هدف اصلی تولید JIT کاهش زمان های تاخیر تولید است.
این اصولا به وسیله کاهش شدید در WIP بدست می آید. نتیجه بدون اشکال, جریان پیوسته بسته های کوچک محصولات در فرآیند تولید می باشد. •• The result is a smooth, uninterrupted flow of small lots of products throughout production.

9 اصول تولید JIT مدیریت کیفیت جامع مدیریت تولید مدیریت تامین کننده
مدیریت موجودی مدیریت منابع انسانی These are the 5 main principles of Jit Management: Total Quality Management, Production Management, Supplier Management, Inventory Management , and Human Resource Management.

10 اصول تولید JIT مدیریت کیفیت جامع مدیریت تولید مدیریت تامین کننده
مدیریت موجودی مدیریت منابع انسانی These are the 5 main principles of Jit Management: Total Quality Management, Production Management, Supplier Management, Inventory Management , and Human Resource Management.

11 مدیریت کیفیت جامع Seek long-term commitment to quality efforts with continuous improvement جستجوی تعهد بلند مدت به تلاشهای کیفی با بهبود پیوسته Quality must be a higher priority than cost کیفیت باید اولویت بالاتری از هزینه داشته باشد حداقل کردن ضایعات There are countless points to emphasize when considering TQM, some of the stronger areas to concentrate on are as follows. Seeking long-term commitment to quality efforts will ensure that the your efforts will be maintained throughout the life of the company. Quality must be a higher priority than cost because in the market of today, quality is no longer an order winner, it is an order qualifier. Minimizing Waste in production consists of more than minimizing losses of time and resources. Waste can be defined in production terms as "everything not needed in production."

12 مدیریت کیفیت جامع Eliminate Quality Inspectors حذف بازرسی های کیفیت
Quality is everyone’s responsibility کیفیت مسئولیت هر فردی است. Do it right the first time انجام درست و به موقع آن Eliminate Quality Inspectors, Make Quality everyone’s responsibility, and doing the job right the first time delegates the responsibility of quality across all levels of the organization.

13 اصول تولید JIT مدیریت کیفیت جامع مدیریت تولید مدیریت تامین کننده
مدیریت موجودی مدیریت منابع انسانی These are the 5 main principles of Jit Management: Total Quality Management, Production Management, Supplier Management, Inventory Management , and Human Resource Management.

14 مدیریت تولید سیستم کششی . سیستم فشاری Pull System vs. Push System
کشش = ساختن با سفارش فشار = ساختن برای ذخیره موجودی Pull = Made to order Push = Made for inventory Flexability of the system انعطاف پذیری سیستم طراحی همراه با قابلیت اعتماد در فرآیند Design For Testability – In the process Poka-Yoke= Mistake-proofing بدون خطا Throughout entire process توان عملیاتی بالا در کل فرآیند The principle of Production Management is important to sustain quality in the process. JIT philosophy uses a Pull System as apposed to a Push System. Pull = Made to order, and Push = Made for inventory. This allows for demand to set the tone for production. It is also important for the system to be flexible. This means that production levels must have the ability to change from day to day, working with the aspect of made to order. From a production management standpoint designing for testability is essential in the process, to aid in the quest for ZERO DEFECTS. One tool used to aid in this quest is the Poka-Yoke device, also known as a mistake proofing device. This device will prevent mistakes from happening, or display obvious problems at a glance. It is also important to test throughout the entire process to ensure Zero defects.

15 مدیریت تولید کاهش اندازه های بخش = زمان های سیکل کوتاهتر
Reduced lot sizes= Shorter cycle times حذف قطعی یا شکست در فرآیند Eliminate disruptions in the process بخش های استاندارد شده / ساده Standardized Parts/ Simplicity Reduction of lot sizes will shorten the cycle times, and as a result this reduction will free up capital that was otherwise tied up in Inventory. JIT should eliminate any disruptions in the process, to maximize productivity, while eliminating any bottlenecks. Standardized parts should be used to increase simplicity in a process, and as a result defective products will be reduced and eventually eliminated.

16 مدیریت تولید تکنیک های ارتباطات Communication Techniques
تکمیل وظایف - کانبان مسئله – Andon یا آژیر / نور Completion of task-Kanban Problem- Andon or siren/light توقف فرآیند اگر بعضی اشتباه باشند = Jidoka Stopping the process if something goes wrong =Jidoka نگهداری پیشگیرانه Preventive Maintenance The JIT philosophy uses multiple communication techniques to aid in the production process, two of which are the use of a Kanban system and an Andon. Kanban is Japanese for the word Card. Kanban is used to control the flow of inventory throughout the process in a pull system utilizing a card to signal demand. An Andon is a light or signal in the process throughout the work stations that will alarm the workers that there is a problem in the process, and there is a collaborative effort to correct and prevent the problem from happening again. Stopping the process in this manner is referred to in Japanese as Jidoka, or a halt of the line. Preventive maintenance is necessary to eliminate any down time for machinery failure in a process.

17 کنترل تولید کانبان در هسته تولید JIT در تویوتا کانبان است, یک سیستم ساده شگفت انگیز برنامه ریزی و کنترل تولید است. کانبان, در ژاپنی, به معنای کارت یا مرزبان (marquee) است. کانبان ابزار برای علامت دادن به ایستگاه کاری بالادست است که ایستگاه کاری پایین دست آماده است تا ایستگاه کاری بالا بسته دیگری از محصول را تولید کند. Kanban is the means of signaling to the upstream workstation that the downstream workstation is ready for the upstream workstation to produce another batch of parts.

18 مدیریت تولید در تویوتا Toyota uses a Kanban pull system throughout the production process. تویوتا از سیستم کششی کانبان در میان فرآیند تولید استفاده می کند Each task in the process seems to take identical length and work content, so everyone is working at the same pace to reduce bottlenecks. هر یک از وظایف در فرآیندها با مدت زمان و نوع کار شناخته می شود, بنابراین تمامی افراد تلاش می کنند که گلوگاه ها را کاهش دهند. Throughout my research Toyota was the predominant example in each book. So I will continue to refer to Toyota in my examples. Toyota uses a Kanban pull system throughout the production process. Each task in the process seems to take identical length and work content, so everyone is working at the same pace to reduce bottlenecks.

19 اصول تولید JIT مدیریت کیفیت جامع مدیریت تولید مدیریت تامین کننده
مدیریت موجودی مدیریت منابع انسانی These are the 5 main principles of Jit Management: Total Quality Management, Production Management, Supplier Management, Inventory Management , and Human Resource Management.

20 مدیریت تامین کنندگان Establish Long Term Relationships with few suppliers. ایجاد ارتباط بلند مدت با تهیه کنندگان کم. تحویل بخش ها = 100درصد فاقد عیب Delivery of Parts = 100% Defect Free در کجا آنها نیاز دارند Where they are needed When they are needed چه زمانی آنها نیاز دارند The exact quantity کیفیت صحیح با هم کار کردن Work Together The main focus of supplier management is to establish long term relationships with few firms. By doing this, you can grow with your supplier. Jit considers inventory to be wasteful, so therefore it is eliminated. When inventory is eliminated, parts need to be delivered exactally when they are needed, where they are needed, in the exact quantity, and in addition need to be 100% DEFECT FREE. This is why it is important to work together as a team with your supplier

21 مدیریت تامین کنندگان Elimination inspection of parts حذف بازرسی بخش ها
سیستم های اطلاعاتی Information Systems Eliminating barriers to information حذف موانع اطلاعاتی Communicate problems to suppliers in a positive manner. مسائل ارتباطی با تهیه کنندگان با یک رفتار مثبت Establishing this relationship will also allow for the elimination of high levels of inventory being inspected for use in the production process. Communication is vital Supplier Management, therefore efficient Information systems will open new line of communication with these suppliers. Eliminating barriers to information will increase the efficiency. Communicate problems to your suppliers in a positive manner. Don’t assign the blame, work together to overcome the problem to prevent it from happening in the future.

22 Supplier Relations at Toyota
Toyota communicates their damand for parts 20 days in advance to their suppliers, with the right to change the forecast up to the 10th day. ارتباطات تویوتا , تقاضاهای 20 روزه بخش ها شان به تهیه کنندگانشان مطرح می شود, با اصلاح تغییرات پیش بینی 10 روزه. Toyota communicates their damand for parts 20 days in advance to their suppliers, with the right to change the forecast up to the 10th day.

23 اصول تولید JIT مدیریت کیفیت جامع مدیریت تولید مدیریت تامین کننده
مدیریت موجودی مدیریت منابع انسانی These are the 5 main principles of Jit Management: Total Quality Management, Production Management, Supplier Management, Inventory Management , and Human Resource Management.

24 مدیریت موجودی Eliminate Safety Stock = Zero Inventory
حذف ذخیره اطمینان = موجودی صفر Reduce WIP کاهش WIP JIT is not an inventory control system JIT یک سیستم کنترل موجودی نیست Reduction in inventory opens up space A main emphasis in JIT manufacturing is the goal of Zero Inventory, to achieve this goal you must Eliminate safety stock. A reduction in WIP will reduce the number of defects in the event of a problem. Jit is not an inventory control system, it is a philosophy for continuous improvement of quailty that puts emphasis on prevention rather than correction. Reduction of Inventory will also open up more space in your factory. . Next is an analogy of how reducing inventory will aid in overall performance.

25 Inventory hides problems in a process. مسائل پنهان موجودی در فرآیند
Water Level = Inventory سطح آب = موجودی Rocks = Problems in the system سخره ها = مسائل در سیستم Boat = Company Operations قایق = عملیات شرکت Inventory hides problems in a process, if you reduce it, then problems in the system become more clear. Look at the above pictures. In the first picture the boat in clearly above all rocks in the water, and no problems clearly exist. In the second picture the water level lower and the rocks have now become a problem for the boat. The water level represents inventory, the rocks represent problems in the system, and the boat represents the company’s operations. If inventory is reduced, problems in the system become more clear from the operations standpoint.

26 اصول تولید JIT مدیریت کیفیت جامع مدیریت تولید مدیریت تامین کننده
مدیریت موجودی مدیریت منابع انسانی These are the 5 main principles of Jit Management: Total Quality Management, Production Management, Supplier Management, Inventory Management , and Human Resource Management.

27 مدیریت منابع انسانی Company-wide Involvement شرکت – درگیری گسترده
Motivation for continuous improvement انگیزش برای بهبود پیوسته Problem Solving حل مسائل High Employee Interaction تقابل بالای کارکنان Build Pride In Workmanship ساخت بهترین در مهارت To be successful in a Jit manufacturing, or quality based process the need for Human resource management is essential. You need company wide involvement across all departments. Motivation is needed from a managerial standpoint to maintain continuous improvement. Problem solving skills are needed to maintain speed of the line in the event of of a halt. High employee interaction is essential for employees to work together to change the process for the better. Build Pride In Workmanship to increase the level of quality.

28 مدیریت منابع انسانی Self-Inspection of work بازرسی شخصی کار
Diversified Employees تنوع کارکنان Absenteeism غیبت از کار To eliminate boredom in process حذف خستگی در فرآیندها Management Support and Empowerment of workforce پشتیبانی مدیریت و توانمندسازی نیروی کار Self Inspection of work is needed to keep the process flowing smoothly. The moving around of employees to different work stations throughout the day is needed in the event of absenteeism, and a technique to break up the routine task of the process. Management support and empowerment of the work force is needed, so that employees are not afraid of stopping the process in the event of a problem.

29 مدیریت منابع انسانی در تویوتا
In 1986 from a labor force of 60,000 Toyota received 2.6 million improvement proposals, 96% of which were implemented by either management or the employees themselves. در 1986 از نیروی کار تایی تویوتا به 2.6 میلیون به بهبود پیشنهادات رسیده است, 96% کار به وسیله هر یک از مدیریت یا کارکنان خودشان اجرا می شود. In 1986 from a labor force of 60,000 Toyota received 2.6 million improvement proposals, 96% of which were implemented by either management or the employees themselves.

30 مثال WIP Here is an example of how JIT Manufacturing can reduce total defects, in the event of a problem in work station B. In a real world example, a simple reduction in product defects would save your company a significant amount of time and money. In a true JIT system, the product would have never left station B in a defective state, and if it did, a halt would be put of the process to prevent it from happening again.

31 مسائل اجرائی Worker resistance مقاومت کارگر
Lack of top management support فقدان حمایت مدیریت ارشد Lack of communication فقدان ارتباطات Lack of formal training فقدان آموزش رسمی It is crucial to Implement these JIT principles correctly. Worker co-operation is the most important aspect of JIT. Managers often overlook the importance of the support from the workforce, as well as looking over the amount of work and dedication needed to strive for continuous improvement. Overlooking these implementation Problems is a time bomb waiting to explode.

32 Continuous Improvement
پرسش مهم What phrase best describes the Just-In-Time philosophy? بهترین عبارت ( تعبیر ) برای فلسفه JIT چیست؟ Continuous Improvement بهبود پیوسته What phrase best describes the Just-In-Time philosophy? Continuous Improvement

33 مزایای JIT • Inventory levels are drastically reduced:
سطوح موجودی به طور موثر کاهش می یابد: سرمایه های کاری آزاد برای پروژه های دیگر فضای کمتر مورد نیاز است افزایش پاسخدهی به مشتری کم کردن زمان سیکل کلی تولید بهبود کیفیت محصول پایین آوردن هزینه های ضایعات و دوباره کاری نیروی مدیران مسائل و حذف ضایعات را تعیین می کند .... یا آن کار را نخواهد کرد.

34 خلاصه JIT- A philosophy of continuous improvement that puts emphasis on prevention rather than correction, and demands a company wide focus on quality. JIT – فلسفه بهبود پیوسته ای است که بر پیشگیری بیشتر از اصلاح تایید دارد, و تقاضاها و خواسته های شرکت تمرکز گسترده بر کیفیت دارد. In conclusion, I hope you now have a better understanding for JIT Manufacturing and it’s principles. Companies that are determined to stick to these principles will see results. Companies that believe the responsibility of quality falls in the hands of the quality department will not be around long enough to have a market share.

35 References Cammaranano, J. Lessons to be Learned: JIT. Atlanta, Georgia: Engineering and Management Press, 1997. Dear, A. Working toward JIT: Management Technology. London: Derek Doyle and Associates, 1988. Fisher, D. The JIT Self Test: Success Through Assesment and Implementation. Chicago, IL: Irwin Inc., 1995. Hernandez, A. JIT Quality: A Practical Approach. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993. Hutchins, D. Just-In-Time: Inventory Control. Brookfield, VT: Gower Publishing, 1988. O’Grady, P.J. Putting the JIT Philosophy Into Practice. New York, NY: Nichols Publishing, 1988. Reinfeld, N.V. Handbook of Production and Inventory Control. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1987. Schneiderjans, M.J. Advanced Topics In JIT Management: JIT Systems. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999. Taver, R.W. Manufacturing Solutions for Consistent Quality and Reliability: The 9 Step Problem Solving Process. New York, NY: AMACON, 1995. Wesner, J.W., Hiatt, J.M., and Trimble, D.C. Winning with Quality: Applying Quality Principles in Product Development. Reading, MASS: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1995.

36 Thanks For Your Listening

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