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Franke Filtration training 101

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1 Franke Filtration training 101
Kyle Dudak

2 Little Butler Dispenser Faucets
Transitional DW9000 & LB9100 LB9200 DW5000 & LB5100 LB5200 DW11000 & LB11100 LB11200 Contemporary DW7000 & LB7100 LB7200 DW8000 & LB8100 LB8200 DW10000 & LB10100 LB10200 Traditional DW6100 & LB6100 LB6200 DW12000 & LB12100 LB12200

3 Little Butler Dispenser Faucets
Stainless Steel Contemporary DW13050 & LB131500 LB13250 Stainless Steel Contemporary 3-1 FFT3100 FFT3350

4 + = + + = Value Offering’s DW9000-100 15% Savings LB9200-100-HT
POU Filtration Kit + = DW 15% Savings DW9000 FRCNSTR100 POU Hot Water & Filtration Kit + + = LB HT 15% Savings LB9200 FRCNSTR100 HT-200

5 Little Butler Dispenser Faucets

6 Little Butler Dispenser Faucets
Important : Shut-off Valve install’s between existing Angle stop valve and supply hose to existing kitchen hose. Make sure the Pex and Poly Tubes are pushed completely into the Fitting.

7 Filter Canisters 3 New filter Canisters FRCNSTR
Benefits Features: Solid Stainless Steel 5 yr warranty Comes with a FRC06 List Price: $280 Better margin FRCNSTR-DUO-1 and DUO-2 Difference between the two: the DUO-1 comes with a FRC06 and FRC09. DUO-2 comes with a FRC07 and FRC09 Benefits and Features: Prefilter will prolong core filters life All in one filter system 10 yr warranty List Price: $395

8 Filter Canisters FRCNSTR100 Benefits and Features Comes with a FRC06
10 yr warranty Use if customer complains of metallic taste List Price: $225 Cheaper: our cost $47 vs $74 on the steel

9 Filter Cartridges 6 cartridges total (3 core filters and 3 pre-filters) Core Filters FRC06 Benefits Filters particles down to .5 Microns in size and lets the rest go through Improves taste through Chlorine reduction Micro organisms: Cysts Lead Insecticides and Herbicides Sediment(particles) Does not filter lime scale FRX02 Filters same contaminants as the FRC06. Differences: FRC06 has a 12mm head vs the 15mm on the FRX02. FRX02 will only work on the older canisters. Vis versa the FRC06 works on the new canisters but not the old.

10 Filter Cartridges FRC07 Benefits (Same as FRC06 with a few differences) Filters Chloramines Chloramines are a mixture of ammonia and chlorine. Depending on the water treatment plants process some use chlorine to kill organisms and others use chlorine with a dash of ammonia. Chloramine known to kill bacteria better than Chlorine on its own. Does not filter Lead All Core Filters are Antibacterial as they will remove bacteria but we are not allowed to state that per US regulations

11 Filter Cartridges Pre-Filters FRC09 FRC08 FRC10 Benefits:
Prolongs the life of the core filter by removing the sediment in the water FRC08 Removes Fluoride for those with a fluoride allergy or those weary of foreign chemicals in the water FRC10 Removes limescale. Will prolong the life of the faucet as well improve the taste of the water. Will also reduce limescale build up on the sink and dishes.

12 Filter Cartridge Chart
Core Filter FRX02 FRC06 FRC07 Capacity (Water usage before replacement: gallons) 600 1000 Replacement frequency 6 months Flow Rate (gallons per minute) 0.5 Filtration Rating: (% particulate filtration efficiency) Absolute (Defined as >99.99%) 0.9 micron Normal (As Defined as >99.9%) 0.5 to 0.8 micron Improved Tastes and Ordors (Chlorine) Yes Chloramines No Cysts (Cryptosporidium) Lead Trace Organic's (Insectiscides and Herbicides) Sediment Lime scale Filter Cartridge FRX02 & FRC06 Tested and Certified by NSF International against NSF/ANSI Standards 42 & 53 *Effectiveness of filter is dependent on amount of use and concentration of contaminents. For information on which filter is better suited for your water please contact your local water authority or have your water tested. Pre-Filter FRC08 FRC09 FRC10 Component reduction Fluoride Sediment (Dirt/Particles) Limescale (Calcium Carbonate) 3-6 months *Effectiveness of filter is dependent on amount of use and concentration of contaminants. For information on which filter is better suited for your water please contact your local water authority or have your water tested.

13 Why Do We Need a Filter Many homes have newer plumbing but much of the US water supply pipes are old and breaking down beneath the ground adding lead and particles to your water supply Cost and Waste of water bottles Avg American disposed of 167 water bottles per yr and only recycles 38 on avg. The recommended eight glasses of water a day, at U.S. tap rates equals about $.49 per year; that same amount of bottled water is about $1,400.

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