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Enlargement process IPA programmes

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1 Enlargement process IPA programmes
20th meeting of the Management Group on Statistical Cooperation Luxembourg, April 2018 Torbioern Carlquist Eurostat, team leader Enlargement team

2 Enlargement process Political process – assessment of compliance and readiness Chapter 18 Statistics Questionnaire to potential candidate Opinion of Commission on a membership application Screening of the EU acquis Opening and/or closing Benchmark (condition) for a chapter Draft Common Position on the chapter – between the candidate country and EU Before accession, the acceding country has to be compliant with the EU acquis Reminder of main objectives STRONG RESULTS FOCUS

3 IPA 2014 MBP Service contract 5.3 MEUR, mainly for AL, BA, XK
Grants to ME, MK, RS, TR, total 2.5 MEUR to 4 countries Implementation finalised at the end of 2017 A few Pilot Projects in the service contract were extended until end 2017 Successful programme

4 IPA 2015 MBP Service contract 9.8 MEUR, mainly to AL,BA,XK (but also to ME,MK,RS,TR) Grants to ME, MK, RS, TR, total 6.0 MEUR to 4 countries Implementation since July 2017, but due to overlap with IPA 2014, most activities started in November Ends in October 2019 A first progress report of the service contract provided in Feb. 2018 New: to finance Peer Reviews from IPA programmes Kosovo, Serbia in 2017; Albania, Montenegro in 2018 New: one or two ad-hoc projects for AL,BA, XK – increased flexibility Traineeships – 4 rounds of 3.5 – 5 months each 2nd round 15/01/2018 – 15/06/2018 3rd round 3/09/2018 – 14/12/2018 is in preparation

5 IPA 2017 MBP Total amount is maximum 14 MEUR, of which max 6 MEUR for four grants New: Statistical Projects with increased focus on complete compliance at the end of the project, including transmission of statistical data to ESTAT Grant applications from 4 partner countries (ME,MK,RS,TR) due mid-March 2018 Service contract will be tendered during 2018 Implementation to start 2019 Q2 and last until 2021 Q3 (indicative only) Grant to IMF (with special focus on Montenegro), successor of the current Swiss-funded activities by IMF External sector statistics Government finance statistics

6 Thank you very much for your attention !

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