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Investment Opportunities in Today’s Real Estate Market

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1 Investment Opportunities in Today’s Real Estate Market
<Your Company Name> You: I’d like to thank you for meeting with me today. I appreciate it. How much time do you see us spending together today? Private Lender: I don’t know. How long does this usually take? You: About 45 minutes. Does that work for you? Private Lender: Sure. You: As you know, I have some potential real estate investing opportunities that may be of interest to you. This presentation will explain the current opportunity in the real estate market, what we do and how we do it, and how that relates to you, the investor. I’m not really sure if our program will be right for you so I’ll be asking you questions throughout the presentation to find out. Does that sound good? Private Lender: Sounds good to me. Investment Opportunities in Today’s Real Estate Market

2 Today’s Real Estate Investing Market
It’s a Buyer’s Market! The State of the Mortgage Industry. Foreclosures at an All Time High. You: Great! First, I’d like to talk about the current real estate market. There are 3 things I want to mention. It’s a buyer’s market. This means that sellers are having a difficult time getting rid of their properties and allows buyers to be very picky. There are more motivated sellers now than ever, so this is an excellent time to buy property. The state of the mortgage industry is feeding into the problem that sellers are having with their property. Many of the loans that used to be available for homeowners have been discontinued and traditional homebuyers are having a tougher time getting loans to buy properties. And to top it all off, foreclosures are at an all time high. © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

3 Opportunity Awaits The Intelligent Investor
All of this combined culminates into an incredible time to buy. Most investors do the exact opposite. They wait to invest, watch others get in early, wait to invest, wait a little longer, and then finally invest when at the peak. In a down market, we do exactly what intelligent investors do buy when the time is right! Does that all make sense? Private Investor: Yes, it does. I hear so much about the terrible market conditions, but it doesn’t sound like it’s that bad for you. You: Not at all. It’s actually great for us. © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

4 © 2012 Private Money Blueprint
Our Business Model Locate Motivated Sellers Provide Solutions Through Speed and Ease of Transaction Use Cash from Investors to Buy Property at Deep Discounts Create Win-Win-Win Scenario between Seller, Investor, and <Your Company Name> You: I want to explain what our business model looks like so that you have a full understanding how you, the investor, come into play. Locate motivated sellers. As I just said, there are a ton of motivated sellers out there right now. We have several different marketing strategies that we use to find them. Provide solutions through speed and ease of transaction. Our primary service to someone that needs to sell is speed, to take care of a problem property, and the ease of working with a professional home buyer. Use cash from investors to buy property at deep discounts. Through our investors, we have the ability to make someone a cash offer and close very quickly. By providing this service, we get to buy property at a deep discount usually at about 65% of value. That means that we might pay $65,000 for a house that’s worth $100,000. Selling property through traditional means today can take many many months and there’s no guarantee it will sell at all. So if a seller is motivated and needs to sell quick, we are their solution. Create win-win-win scenario between seller, investor, and <your company name>. The seller is able to sell their home quick for cash. Our investor makes a good return on their investment. And <Your Company Name> pockets the profit from the deal. That’s pretty simple, right? Private Investor: Yep. © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

5 Why Borrow From People Like You
Cash is King Speed to Close a Deal It’s Like “Profit Sharing” You: Cash is king. Borrowing cash from private investors allows us to offer our services to sellers. We offer quick cash closings and can buy at a discount because of it. Speed to close a deal. As I’ve already said, speed is our main service. We can close a deal within a week if need be. It’s like “profit sharing.” We don’t mind paying an investor a good rate of return because we make all the profit created in the deal. We just look at it as if we are sharing some of the profit from the deal with our investors. © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

6 © 2012 Private Money Blueprint
Before We Get Started What would you like to cover today? We’re probably not a fit. “Let me think it over.” You: Before we get started, I’d like to touch on a couple things. Let’s say that the appointment is over and you’re saying to yourself, “That was a great meeting Really worth my time.” What would we have to cover for that to happen? Private Lender: Well, I guess I’d like to know a little more about your company, if the investment is really safe, and what return is being offered. You: Makes sense. Most people have similar questions. If I don’t answer these questions within the presentation, I’ll make sure to at the end. Are you OK with that? Private Lender: Sure. You: I also want you to know that I may figure out that we’re not a fit during the presentation. If I figure that out before you, are you OK if I tell you? Private Investor: Yes, of course. You: Our program is not for everyone but worst case scenario, we simply choose not to do business together right now. Doesn’t really matter to us. You know, you may figure out that we’re not a fit before me, if that’s the case, will you tell me? Private Investor: Yes. You: I really appreciate it! Sometimes people say things like, “Let me think it over” or “I’ll call you next week” when they really just aren’t interested. We can just figure out by the end of it if it’s a no not interested or if we should take the next step to get started. Does that sound fair? Private Investor: Yes it does. © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

7 © 2012 Private Money Blueprint
Investor Evaluation What experience do you have Investing? Are you happy with your current investment portfolio? How do you think our program could help with your investment goals? Whether or not our program is a fit, is it important that you invest right now? You: Can you start out by telling me a little bit about your investing experience? Private Investor: Sure, no problem. I’ve been able to save what I consider to be a good nest egg over the years but have always played it pretty safe. My Uncle Bob is a financial planner so he has managed most of my money over the years. My money is divided between the stock market, mutual funds, and CDs. I also keep around $30,000 in my savings account for emergencies. You: Makes sense. Well, are you happy with your current investment portfolio? Private Investor: Like I said, I’ve always played it pretty safe and invested in low risk low return investments. I’m looking to invest a small portion of my funds into something that can pay a higher return. You: How do you think our program could help with your investment goals? Private Investor: When I heard that you were offering a 10% return to your investors, it sparked my interest. I wanted to at least find out some more info about it. You: I understand. Whether or not our program is a fit, is it important that you invest right now? Private Investor: I’m not in a hurry to invest but once I find the right opportunity, I plan on taking it. You: OK © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

8 © 2012 Private Money Blueprint
Investor Evaluation Are you more interested in making a quick buck or building wealth? Is having a regular income from the investment important to you? What would the right investment provide for you? You: Are you more interested in making a quick buck or building wealth? Private Investor: I want to find the right investment and let it ride for awhile. You: Is having a regular income from the investment important to you? Private Investor: It’s not necessary, but it would be nice. You: OK, if you found the right investment, what would it provide you? Private Investor: Even though I know higher returns bring more risk, I want a sense of security. I guess receiving a regular income would be great too. © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

9 © 2012 Private Money Blueprint
Investor Evaluation How do you go about making decisions to invest? If you found the right opportunity, when would you want to get started? Who is involved in the decision making process when you invest? You: How do you typically go about making decisions to invest? Private Investor: I have always trusted my Uncles judgment with my investments. But it’s usually a gut feeling. It either feels good or it doesn’t. You: So, if you found the right opportunity, and you got that gut feeling It feels good, when would you want to get started? Private Investor: Now. I would want to go ahead and invest. You: OK. Who is involved in the decision making process when you invest? I know you mentioned that you are single but it sounds like your Uncle has been helping you over the years. Private Investor: Just me. You: You mentioned always trusting your Uncle’s judgment. I want you to know that this isn’t really a traditional investment. If you do end up passing it by your Uncle, he may not think it’s the best decision for you. Private Investor: I appreciate it but it’s my decision to invest my money how I see fit. You: I understand. So if you found the right opportunity, you would just make the decision to invest yourself? Private Investor: Yeah. © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

10 Investment Opportunity
Investing Range - $25K to $250K Time Frames: Short Term – 6 to 12 months Long Term – 1 to 5 years Annualized Rate of Return – 10% Payment Terms Regular Interest Payment Interest Accrued You: This is how our investment opportunities are structured. Someone can invest with us with as little as $25,000 on up to a couple hundred thousand. It’s typically set up for as short as 6 months to as long as 5 years. The investment offers a 10% annualized return. As far as payment terms, we can set you up for regular payments (monthly, quarterly, or annual), or we can just let the interest accrue. Private Investor: I can choose whatever is best for me? You: Doesn’t really matter to us, whatever fits your investment goals best. © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

11 © 2012 Private Money Blueprint
Example Deal 116 Cuthbert Drive Seller was behind on payments Private investor lent $60K to pay for purchase, minor repairs, and holding costs Sold property to another investor for $83K Interest earned by private investor was $2,800 You: This is a sample deal to show you exactly how our program works. This is a property we purchased from a seller who was behind on payments. We negotiated with the bank and ended up buying it for $43,900. We borrowed $60K from a private investor to pay for the purchase price, repairs, and holding costs associated with the deal. And before we even finished the repairs, we had another investor offer us $83K for the property as-is. The private investor made an easy $2,800 just by writing a check. And as you can see, we were able to create approximately $20K in profit for our company. It was a win-win-win scenario. Ultimately, all we do is buy low and sell high. It’s a pretty simple business model. Does all of that make sense? Private Investor: It makes sense to me. You: OK, good. Contract Price $83K Mortgage $60K Interest Earned - $2.8K Profit (approx.) $20K © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

12 © 2012 Private Money Blueprint
Common Questions How is the real estate market affecting your business? Why would people sell their house at such a deep discount? Would I be investing in a piece of property or <your company name>? Is the investment secured? What kind of paperwork do I get? You: Now, I’m going to answer some common questions that people have. How is the real estate market affecting your business? As I covered earlier, it’s actually a great time to buy. As long as each deal is structured so that we don’t have to sell a property, we will be in good shape. Anyone that counts on selling property right now, may put themselves in a compromising position. Why would people sell their house at such a deep discount? There are many reasons people sell their houses to people like us. A few examples would be job loss, divorce, bankruptcy, foreclosure, just to name a few. A lot of the time, money is not the most important thing to the motivated seller. Peace of mind is. Would I be investing in a piece of property or <your company name>? You would be investing in a particular property. Is the investment secured? Yes, you are secured the same way a bank secures itself when they lend money. What kind of paperwork do I get? You get a note and a mortgage just like a bank. The note spells out the terms of the investment and the mortgage secures your investment on a specific piece of property. © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

13 © 2012 Private Money Blueprint
Common Questions Can I invest from my IRA? I have equity in my home, could I use that to invest in your program? Most of my money is in the stock market but I don’t want to sell right now, how could I invest with you? What about taxes? How is this going to affect my taxable income? How can we pay returns this high? You: Can I invest from my IRA? You didn’t mention that you had an IRA but just so you know, sometimes you can invest IRA funds. Private Investor: That’s interesting. You: I have equity in my home, could I use that to invest in your program? Sounds like you have funds readily available to invest if you find the right opportunity. If someone wanted to though, they could get an equity line and invest that money into our program. They would just make the difference between what they pay in interest to borrow the money and what we pay. Most of my money is in the stock market but I don’t want to sell right now, how could I invest with you? Same scenario here. If someone wanted to, they could use their stock as collateral for a loan and invest that money with us. What about taxes? How is this going to affect my taxable income? Interest income is treated just like ordinary income. I would advise speaking with your accountant for further information. You only pay taxes on the interest income received in any year. If the investment accrued interest rather than having regular payments, you would not be taxed on those earnings until you actually received them. Does that all makes sense? Private Investor: Yes. And I think you’ve answered all of my questions. © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

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Next Steps Define Investment Details Amount Investing Time Frame Payment Terms Position Funds for Availability Receive Investor Paperwork Package Deliver Funds for Closing You: Not saying your interested, but here are the next steps that one would take if so. Private Investor: I want to get started with you. This makes sense to me. Can we go ahead and define the details? You: Sure! What range do you see yourself investing? And, what kind of time frame would be best for you? Private Investor: I would like to invest $50,000 and I how about if we start with a one year term. You: You mentioned that regular payments may be of interest to you. Do you want monthly, quarterly, or annual payments? Private Investor: I would prefer monthly. You: OK. Are the funds in a position where you can just write a check or is there a time frame associated with accessing them? Private Investor: I just cashed out one of my CDs recently so the money is actually just sitting in my checking account. You: We have a couple deals that we are preparing to close soon. Let me look into it and find out when the funds would need to be delivered by. We will have the paperwork drawn up for you and ready to go. Does that work for you? Private Investor: Works for me! You: Great! Well again, thanks for meeting with me today. I will be in touch soon. © 2012 Private Money Blueprint

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