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Greek Creation: Creation of Man

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1 Greek Creation: Creation of Man
Instructor: Joanna Piris

2 Crime and Punishment Prometheus tricks Zeus and men get best part of sacrifice Zeus keeps fire from men Prometheus steals fire for men Zeus punishes men with creation of first woman (Pandora)

3 Punishment of Prometheus
Black-figure cup , Prometheus chained to column, BC

4 Woman: The beautiful evil
The Creation of Pandora Hephaestus: god of the forge Athena: goddess of wisdom, battle Aphrodite: goddess of love Hermes: messenger god PANDO′RA (Pandôra), i. e. the giver of all, or endowed with every thing, is the name of the first woman on earth. When Prometheus had stolen the fire from heaven, Zeus in revenge caused Hephaestus to make a woman out of earth, who by her charms and beauty should bring misery upon the human race (Hes. Theog.571, &c.; Stob. Serin. 1). Aphrodite adorned her with beauty, Hermes gave her boldness and cunning, and the gods called her Pandora, as each of the Olympians had given her some power by which she was to work the ruin of man. Hermes took her to Epimetheus, who forgot the advice of his brother Prometheus, not to accept any gift from Zeus, and from that moment all miseries came down upon men (Hes. Op. et Dies, 50, &c.). According to some mythographers, Epimetheus became by her the father of Pyrrha and Deucalion (Hygin. Fab. 142; Apollod. i. 7. § 2 ; Procl. ad Hes. Op. p. 30, ed. Heinsius; Ov. Met. i. 350); others make Pandora a daughter of Pyrrha and Deucalion (Eustath. ad Hom. p. 23). Later writers speak of a vessel of Pandora, containing all the blessings of the gods, which would have been preserved for the human race, had not Pandora opened the vessel, so that the winged blessings escaped irrecoverably. The birth of Pandora was represented on the pedestal of the statue of Athena, in the Parthenon at Athens (Paus. i. 24. § 7). In the Orphic poems Pandora occurs as an infernal awful divinity, and is associated with Hecate and the Erinnyes (Orph. Argon. 974). Pandora also occurs as a surname of Gaea (Earth), as the giver of all. (Schol. ad Aristoph. Av. 970; Philostr. Vit. Apoll. vi. 39; Hesych. s.v.) The creation of Pandora; interior of a cup, 470/ 460 B.C.

5 Woman: The beautiful evil
Pandora: “all gifts” Epimetheus: Prometheus’ dumb brother Punishment #2: MARRIAGE “Beautiful evil” “A sheer trick, from which humans can not escape” “a great affliction”

6 Creation of Pandora Beautiful but sly and bad mannered; a drain on the resources of men Pandora releases pain and evil into world Only hope remains (double meaning?) Greek Misogyny on part of Hesiod

7 Hesiod’s Ages of Man in Works and Days
Man is in a perpetual state of decline Golden Age Silver Age Bronze Age Race of Heroes Iron Age

8 Golden Age Behavior toward men and gods is pure therefore no need for laws Handsome in appearance since no cares Food provided by the earth Did not sail, build walls or armies Died in sleep and spirits roamed land as protectors

9 Silver Age Behavior is juvenile although they grew and aged
100 years with moms Didn’t respect others or gods 4 seasons therefore had to build houses Had to grow food When they died their spirits went to underworld

10 Bronze Age Behavior is cruel and bloodthirsty for battle
Loved Ares and hearts heard Died young Shades descended into underworld Left no lasting good names

11 Heroic Age Noble and virtuous Islands of the blessed
No grief only honor and glory

12 Iron Age Behavior is criminal with no shame
Work and labor ever present Divide earth into property Build ships for sailing Mine earth for riches Battle in war Will end when Zeus destroys iron race on account of evil ways

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