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Quis est? Metellam videmus. eam salutamus. Caecilium videmus. eum salutamus. discupuli atrium intrant. eos salutavi. id audivisitisne?

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3 Quis est? Metellam videmus. eam salutamus.
Caecilium videmus. eum salutamus. discupuli atrium intrant. eos salutavi. id audivisitisne?

4 Can you put the following on this chart (he, she, it)
Plural Masc. Fem. Neut. Nom. Gen. Dat. Accus. Abl.

5 Can you unscramble (M, F, and N Plural Pronoun forms)
eis eis eorum eas eorum eis ea eis eis eae ea earum eis eos ei

6 Can you unscramble (M, F, and N Singular Pronoun forms)
eum id eo eo eam id eius ei ei is ea ei eius eius ea

7 Personal Pronouns (he, she, it)
Singular Masc. Fem. Neut. Nom. is ea id Gen. eius eius eius Dat. ei ei ei Accus. eum eam id Abl. eo ea eo

8 English Personal Pronouns
Singular Masc. Fem. Neut. Nom. he she it Gen. his hers its Dat. to/forhim to/forher to/forit Accus. him her it Abl. by/from/w/him by/from/w/her by/from/w/it

9 Trickier: pacem amamus, sed non semper eam retinemus.

10 ego / I tu / you is / he ea / she id / it mei / of me tui / of you
1st Per 2nd Per 3rd Masc 3rd Fem 3rd Neuter Nom Singular ego / I tu / you is / he ea / she id / it Genitive sing mei / of me tui / of you eius / his eius / her eius / its Dative sing mihi / to me tibi / to you ei / to him ei / to her ei / to it Accus sing me / me te / you eum / him eam / her Ablative sing me te eo ea Nom Plural nos / we vos / ya’ll ei / they eae / they ea / those things Genitive Pl nostrum vestrum eorum / their earum eorum Dative Pl nobis / to us vobis / to y’all eis / to them eis / to those things Accus Pl nos / us eos / them eas Ablative Pl nobis vobis eis

11 Practice with Personal Pronouns
The Romans conquered them. I gave a gift to him/her. Did you see it? It is. We entered his/her home. Friends walked with them. eum audiverunt. id vidi. Librum eorum/earum vides. Romani eos vicerunt. donum ei dedi. id videsne? id est. domum eius intravimus. Amici cum eis ambulaverunt. They heard him. I saw it. You see their book.

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