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Week 1 Agenda Course Outline Course Overview

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1 Week 1 Agenda Course Outline Course Overview
First, a little housekeeping Office Hours: Normally Thursday 14:30-16:00 in WMC 3327 (Next Week will be Wednesday...)

2 Professional Designation

3 Objectives of BUS466 To establish a general sense of literacy about the Internet, how it is applied to Business, and specifically about new media applications and opportunities. To explore new media applications and technologies, and discuss how they are or can be applied in a business environment To go in-depth to a particular sub-topic and research its application.

4 The Genesis Social Networking/Web 2.0/new media is somewhat revolutionary in terms of its rate of development Millenials ‘reverse-mentoring’ Boomers

5 Skills To understand key issues in the digital networked economy
to get in the habit of critically reading and understanding news in the area Facebook faces constant challenges about its privacy implications Why is Russian anti-doping allegations in the Olympics old news? Is the cloud the end of privacy? How about Bill C-51?

6 Skills To understand the fundamentals of networking, and Internetworking how the Internet works, and how applications can, and do function on the Internet how New Media technologies, such as RSS, blogs, wikis, mashups, MUVEs, and others work how these new technologies are being, or could be, used in business

7 Course Outline 15% Participation / Seminar Contributions
In the seminar (2/3) Online – Yammer discussions (1/3) 30% Technology Presentations 30% Final Examination 25% Term Project

8 Reference Materials Discussion questions are assigned periodically on the course web page Usually they focus on some posted reading, supplemented either by a library article downloadable for reading, or a reference to information or an article on a website The first one will be given next week…

9 Final The final exam reflects the material we cover in the sessions, especially the topics you select and present. I will add/modify topics after you have identified the issues you deem important to research and present. The final will be a series of questions on your topics, and on mine.

10 Final The wiki writeups from the technology presentations will have to be online by the end of Week 13, since they represent the topical outline for the final.

11 Technology Presentations
Every week group(s) will bring forward a relevant technology and present for discussion what the technology is, where it fits in relation to Internet applications, how businesses are using it, and why it is interesting. Wiki blogs social networking apps AI / AR / VR / MUVE

12 Gartner’s 2018 Hype Cycle

13 Gartner’s 2017 Hype Cycle

14 Gartner’s 2016 Hype Cycle

15 Gartner’s 2015 Hype Cycle

16 Technology Presentations
I will start the presentations in week 4 with a discussion of a Web 2.0 technology that has some interesting business opportunities Yammer

17 Technology Presentations
Your task in the next two weeks is to form a group of 4 (a group of 4 is typically comprised of between 3 and 5 persons) You are to meet and discuss new media business applications and technologies, find one of mutual interest In week 3, we will discuss your selections There is a course wiki being set up on which you can discuss ideas online and claim a week or topic.

18 Technology Presentations
Once approved (simply dealing with duplications, clarifying the issues, etc.), you should explore the technology general classification related alternatives The private course wiki has a page with schedule preferences. Then go look at who is using it, and what innovative business opportunities there are for this technology

19 Technology Presentations
First come, first served. We will discuss how to access and use it, and the first group to post their topic on a wiki page about group presentations owns that topic. The wiki is linked on the course web page.

20 The ‘Book’ A significant concept that has emerged in this course is the power of crowdsourcing. I used a book initially, but it got old fast. For a recommended reading list, there is a wiki created by past BUS466 participants with topics on it. We will refer to that wiki for recommended readings:

21 Topics:

22 Term Wiki Writeups
It is my hope that we can extend this to continue evolving a ‘body of knowledge’ We will discuss topics next week For this term, I hope we can find new topics to add to this project

23 Weekly Seminar Format 30 - 50 minutes
What’s new in technology this week? new applications legal issues significant, interesting events ~ 1 to 1.5 hours+ Technology presentations, discussions ~ up to 1 hour Seminar discussion text and readings material

24 Such As…

25 Such as…

26 General Topic Suggestions
Explore a web technology in depth Such as... Mashups what it is describe their origins, development, growth who is using it, and for what purpose give examples of applications of mashups describe an application of it in depth do a case study of an organization cleverly using them, and what they gain from them OR, build a mashup to show its potential for a club, business, or key application If you are curious, have a look at Yahoo Pipes, Kimono Labs, Zapier, Pipe2py, ClickScript, Superpipes

27 General Topic Suggestions
You could also look at a phenomenon, like the permanent loss of control of peoples’ privacy with new Web 2.0 applications For example, a group presented ‘freeconomics’ and discussed the notion of ‘free’ things on the web, and what the costs are, and what the business models are. Google doesn’t sell much, but they could buy General Motors if they felt like it.

28 General Topic Suggestions
I am open to suggestions Form a group, discuss the topic for your technology presentation We will spend some time next week discussing the technology presentation topics

29 General Topic Suggestions
Explore a general Web 2.0 / New Media technology in an overview format what is it where did it come from how old is it who is using it what are they gaining from it

30 General Topic Suggestions
Advocacy of a Social Media technology that could change something… Online cyberbullying, and the devastating consequences Facebook’s automatic facial tagging technology Couldn’t they work to fix this?

31 General Topic Suggestions
The ‘Dark Web’ and how it is closing in on mainstream business applications as a catalyst

32 Point of Reference When starting to think about a topic, go to the NEWMEDIABUSINESSBLOG.ORG site and have a look at recent topics. The wiki provides a nice multimedia format so you can get a pretty good idea of past presentation materials.

33 For next week To get you started, go to the BLOG wiki and check out some of the writeups. For next week, I will mention the three more general topics from: Uberification The Internet of Things Industrial Automation

34 BUS466 Drew Parker
WMC 3327 (turn right at the General Office, second left, last office on right before the chicane). (usually s me a voice message)

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