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The Pesticides Awareness Team Presents:

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Presentation on theme: "The Pesticides Awareness Team Presents:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pesticides Awareness Team Presents:
What are pesticides, and how do they effect the environment and people if improperly used?

2 What are Pesticides? Pesticides are substances intended for preventing, destroying and repelling insects, weeds, rodents and fungus. A pesticide is generally a chemical or biological agent that deters, incapacitates, kills or otherwise discourages pests.

3 Pesticides can get into our Water
50% of our nation’s population relies on groundwater for drinking water 95% of our nation’s population in rural/ agricultural areas uses groundwater

4 Pesticides & Health Exposure to pesticides can cause skin irritation, damage to the nervous system, tumors, genetic mutations, genetic disorders, cancer, birth defects, and more Acute exposure can be fatal and can cause death

5 Does Organic mean Chemical-Free?
Natural doesn’t always mean harmless!!! Whether or not an organic pesticide is safe enough to use in your yard/house and near water is determined exactly the same way as for any other pesticide.  

6 5 steps to Safe Pesticide Use  Read and understand pesticide labels before using the chemicals
1. Identify the problem: What is the bug, rodent, or weed that you wanting to get rid of?

7 2. Select the right product:
Choose a product that is designed to control the specific pest you are targeting.

8 3. Prepare the area: Keep children and pets at a distance during applications Keep off until the product dries, or as long as the product label suggests Have absorbent materials nearby in case the product is spilled.

9 Read and follow the label instructions:
Be sure to follow directions about Proper protective clothing Mixing solution Rinsing containers Appropriate dosage levels This is important when using pesticides as the safety and effectiveness of both depend on proper use. Always wash your hands after applying a pesticide.

10 5. Do not overuse or underuse:
Overuse can be hazardous Underuse can help pests build up an immunity to the pesticide making treatment ineffective.

11 Critical Thinking is Needed Help Protect Our Environment Against Pests and Pollution

12 The End

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