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Session 4 Acceptance Mindfulness X.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 4 Acceptance Mindfulness X."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 4 Acceptance Mindfulness X

2 OUTLINE This Presentation Resistance Acceptance Misconceptions

3 1 Resistance

4 Daily life Pleasant things: mail friend compliment nice conversation
1. RESISTANCE Daily life Pleasant things: mail friend compliment nice conversation etc. Unpleasant things: traffic jam argument boring tasks etc.

5 Daily life Pleasant things: mail friend compliment nice conversation
1. RESISTANCE Daily life Pleasant things: mail friend compliment nice conversation etc. Unpleasant things: traffic jam argument boring tasks etc. embrace resist

6 Unpleasant things are inevitable cause feelings of resistance
trigger thoughts and actions to get rid of them

7 Conflict Now pain fear sadness Desired no pain no fear joy
1. RESISTANCE Conflict Now pain fear sadness Desired no pain no fear joy CONFLICT

8 Resolving the Conflict
1. RESISTANCE Resolving the Conflict reduce discrepancy

9 Resolving the Conflict
1. RESISTANCE Resolving the Conflict suppression distraction reframing positive thinking

10 2 Acceptance

11 2. ACCEPTANCE Exercise “I want to ask you to control your thoughts for two minutes. You are allowed to think of everything you want, except a white bear. Register every time you do think about a white bear. In other words, try to suppress every thought of a white bear.”

12 Rebound effects suppressing thoughts? -> more thoughts
2. ACCEPTANCE Rebound effects suppressing thoughts? -> more thoughts trying to control sleep? -> not falling asleep trying to control weight? -> gaining weight

13 Resolving the Conflict
2. ACCEPTANCE Resolving the Conflict suppression distraction reframing positive thinking

14 Acceptance opposite of avoidance
willingness to experience what is present present moment focus

15 2. ACCEPTANCE Acceptance accept

16 Acceptance Now pain fear Sadness etc. Desired no pain no fear joy etc.
no judgment acceptance Now pain fear Sadness etc. Desired no pain no fear joy etc.



19 Pleasant situations less difficult to deal with
2. ACCEPTANCE Pleasant situations less difficult to deal with but, attempting to hold on creates conflict attachment = more trapped in thinking


21 Mindfulness see and accept that nothing lasts forever
2. ACCEPTANCE Mindfulness see and accept that nothing lasts forever change makes life dynamic experience in stead of avoid change because pleasant moments pass, we need to experience them fully!

22 3 Misconceptions

23 Acceptance is not… indifference liking or agreeing with
3. MISCONCEPTIONS Acceptance is not… indifference liking or agreeing with passive resignation

24 Acceptance involves… willingness to experience
3. MISCONCEPTIONS Acceptance involves… willingness to experience tuning in to personal feelings letting go of control taking responsibility

25 3. MISCONCEPTIONS Example situation: wrongful accusation acceptance of: feelings of anger and frustration but one expresses discontent with the accusation

26 3. MISCONCEPTIONS Example situation: delayed train acceptance of: feelings of anger and frustration but one files a complaint with the railway organization

27 Thanks For your attention

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