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Effective Teaching and Computer Based Examination In The University

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1 Effective Teaching and Computer Based Examination In The University
By MAKINDE O.E Dept. Of Computer Sciences/Sciences Education Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo.

2 Teaching is a process by which a teacher guides the learners in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitude. Teaching is series of activities which aim at motivating the learners by providing opportunities for various forms interactions, some or all of which will assist the leaner in actively acquiring specific information in order to elicit the desired response

3 Teaching involves two or more people in the process, it is essentially a system of interactions involving the teacher and the learners. Teaching involves process which teacher has to be learnt and nurtured over time. The processes involves in teaching are: Establishing the entry behavior of the learner Guiding the learning activities Evaluating learning outcome Feedback from the evaluation

4 During teaching and learning process interaction involve:
Questioning (Teacher to Pupil or Vice-verse) Demonstration by teacher or some Pupils Individual practical work Group Practical work

5 Principles Underlying the choice of Teaching methods
In selecting any suitable method of teaching, it must be understood whether the teaching is for teacher-centered or learner centered? What is teacher centered? This is a situation is which the teacher is the act of focus. He occupies a position as if he is the most important component of the teaching learning situation. He does everything for the learners, in fact, the leaners are passive member of the teaching learning situation. The teacher is the actor.


7 Learners Centered This is a situation whereby the learners are the main focus of the teaching and learning process, they are the actor while the teacher is passive. If teaching is done well in the way it suppose, then , our students will able to perform their God’s given roles; Ability to think, differentiate, and judge


9 Examination Evaluation in the university system is an important duty which must be handled carefully by all the stakeholders. Evaluation according to Wikipedia, is a systematic determination of a subjects governed by a set of standards. In another view, evaluation is the systematic assessment of the design, implementation or result of an initiative for the purpose of learning or decision-making. Ramezian (2012) defines evaluation as a process in which an educational and training procedure is compared with its predetermined goals to find out their fulfillment.

10 Measurement refers to the process by which the attribute or dimension of some physical objects are determined. In the course of measurement, assessment also comes in evaluation. Assessment is the process by which information is obtained relative for some known objectives or goals.

11 Any assessment model may include four basic components.
Measuring improvement overtime. Motivating students to study. Evaluating the teaching methods. Ranking the students capabilities in relation to the whole group evaluation.

12 Assessment is a broad continuous term that includes (i) test (ii) Assignment
(iii) Attendance and (iv) Group work. To measure, assess and evaluate, there is need for examination. Examination is the only strategy for effectives evaluation. Examination is an unavoidable part of educational act and its importance cannot be overemphasized examination is any assignment, written or oral or other written paper which is time table within the central examination period.

13 TYPES OF EXAMINATION The main types of examination are Essay Exams Multiple choice Open book and Assignment Problem or case based exams Oral exams

With the advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning, method of examination from paper-based has shifted to computer based-system examination which may also be termed as computer assisted testing, computerized assessment, Computer Based Testing (VBT), Computer Aided Assessment (CAA), Computer Based Assessment (CBA) Online Assessment, E-Assessment (EA) and Web-Based Assessment (Bull, 1999), Haslington (2000), Mekenna (2001), Elliot (2003), Winship (2003), and Jisc (2008).

15 Computer-based examination are the form of assessment in which the computer is an integral part of question paper’s delivery, response storage, marking of response or reporting of result from a test (Bull and Dansin (2010). Conole and Warbrigfor (2005), defined Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) as the use of computers for assessing students learning

16 TYPES OF CBT There are two types of CBT Linear Test: This involved a full-length examination in which the computer selects different questions for individuals without considering their performance level. Adaptive Test: The computers select the range of questions based on individuals’ performance level.

Computer based tests offer a few advantages over traditional paper-based tests. CBT provides opportunity to improve candidates productivity and time management when answering questions. CBT offers the standardization of test administration conditions. CBT helps candidates/students to set the same test condition for all participants, no matter what the tests population size. CBE also improves all aspects of test security by storing questions and responses in encrypted data based and enable testers to create form vast question pools. CBA offers different examination formats and the immediate presentation of different types of feedback, either to students or tester. CBT provides an effective increased convenience such as immediate scoring integrated information Test Administration framework.

18 Inadequate of ICT infrastructures Power supply
PROBLEMS OF COMPUTER BASED EXAMINATION Inadequate of ICT infrastructures Power supply Students/candidates adequate skill in ICT Software and hardware malfunction factors

19 RECOMMENDATIONS I recommend to the university to introduce back CBT into the university examination especially General Studies

20 Thank you for Listening

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