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Serbia or Greece, Recruitment Flyer

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1 Serbia or Greece, Recruitment Flyer
You are a revolutionary leader in Serbia or Greece. You need volunteers to fight. OR You are a leader of the Ottoman Empire. Make a flyer to recruit people to join your cause: Background: what happened before, and why it’s important --why the government deserves to be overthrown or kept --who is participating in the revolution (make them sound evil or awesome) Current Events: what’s happening, and why it’s important --leaders and battles Future: what will happen (good) if your side wins and (bad) if the other side wins

2 Serbia or Greece, Recruitment Flyer
A: MLA Works Cited (2+ great sources), detailed info and notable analysis (why it’s important), well- thought-out and appealing design B: Works Cited (2+ useful sources), useful info and analysis, helpful design C: Works Cited, info and analysis, design doesn’t detract from info

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